
Here you can find the patch notes of the mMajor updates of the game since the release in June 2014.

Neue Stimmen

Wir arbeiten weiter am Ton im Spiel. Die Besatzungen italienischer, tschechoslowakischer, polnischer und finnischer Fahrzeuge sprechen nun ihre Muttersprachen. Um die internationale Vielfalt zu genießen, aktivieren Sie die Option „Nationale Besatzung“ (Einstellungen → Andere). Außerdem erhalten nach dem Pz. IV Ankou SP alle anderen Panzer aus dem Animeuniversum von Girls und Panzer wie der VITiger Kuromorimine SP, IVHetzer Kame SP, VIIIS-2 Pravda SP und VIFirefly Saunders SP.

Wirtschaft und Balance

Großartiges Spielen muss belohnt werden. Ab Update 8.5 geben Panzerass-Überlegenheitsabzeichen, Krieger-Medaillen oder Kolobanov-Medaillen in Standard- und Wertungsgefechten mit Fahrzeugen der Stufen VI–X zusätzliche Kreditpunkte. Wir arbeiten weiter an der Kreditpunktewirtschaft, um Fahrzeugforschung und das Erwirtschaften von Kreditpunkten ausgeglichener zu machen. Erhebliche Balance-Änderungen wurden an Panzern der Stufen VI–VIII vorgenommen. Beim Anpassen der Eigenschaften haben wir die Rolle des Fahrzeugs im Gefecht bedacht. Mehr über die Balance- und Wirtschaftsänderungen gibt es auf der Webseite.

Mehr Farbe

Update 8.5 führt animierte Avatare ein! Sie bringen mehr Spaß ins Spiel und werden in der Garage und den Gefechtsergebnissen angezeigt sowie auf dem Gefechtsladebildschirm, den Bildschirmen für Belohnungen und Events … Im Grunde überall mit Ausnahme der Teamliste im Gefecht. Schon bald können Sie den ersten dieser Avatare, „Overkill“, in Paketen im Laden finden.

Legendäre Tarnung für den E 50 M

Besitzer dieses mittleren Panzers erhalten bald ein Angebot, um die furchterregende und faszinierende Tarnung „Monster“ zu kaufen.


Die seltenen Tarnungen „Oxidiertes Metall“, „Widerstandsfähig“ und „Digitaler Wald“ sowie die legendäre Tarnung „Rückenpanzer“ für den VIIITurtle Mk. I und die legendäre Tarnung „Grauer Wolf“ für das XObjekt 263sind jetzt im Tarnungsreiter verfügbar.
Die Tarnungen „Gespenstisches Netz“, „Kürbischaos“, „Kürbisinvasion“, „Schauriger Schwarm“ und „Spinnenfalle“ sind nicht mehr verfügbar.

Verbesserungen und behobene Fehler

  • Der IPz.Kpfw. II, VIIIT-54 lt. sowie der VIIIChimera mit der legendären Tarnung „Phantom“ wurden auf die neue visuelle Qualität aktualisiert.
  • Die Reihe an Sammelavataren für Wertungsgefechte wurde erweitert. Nun hat jede Liga 9 Stufen.
  • Plätze können jetzt im Laden statt in der Garage gekauft werden.
  • Die Strukturpunkte wurden nun in der Schnellübersicht hinzugefügt. Die minimalen und maximalen Werte auf der Skala entsprechen den niedrigsten und höchsten SP im Spiel: der niedrigste Wert von 270 SP für den IType 95 Ha-Go und der höchste Wert von 2850 SP für den XMaus.
  • Der Fehler, bei dem die über dem Panzer angezeigte aktive Zeit für Verbrauchsmaterial erfrischt wurde, wenn ein anderes Verbrauchsmaterial aktiviert/deaktiviert wurde, wurde behoben.
  • Bereiche, an denen Fahrzeuge stecken blieben, wurden behoben und einige Modelle von Fahrzeugen und Objekten wurden auf einigen Karten angepasst.
  • Diverse Bildschirme, Beschreibungen und Benachrichtigungen wurden verbessert.
  • Allgemeine Fehler- und Clientcrash-Behebungen.

Polnische schwere Panzer

Der neue Zweig aus fünf erforschbaren schweren Panzern der Stufen VI–X ist zur europäischen Nation gestoßen! Jeder ist gut bewaffnet, perfekt gepanzert und sehr gefährlich! Diese Polen haben ihr eigenes Verbrauchsmaterial, das neue taktische Möglichkeiten bietet. Neulinge und erfahrene Kommandanten werden gleichermaßen Spaß daran haben, die neuen Schweren ins Gefecht zu führen.



Wir arbeiten weiter an der Kreditpunktewirtschaft. Dieses Mal betreffen die Änderungen erforschbare Fahrzeuge der Stufen I–VI. Vorher konnte die nötige Anzahl an Gefechten, die zur Forschung und zum Sammeln der Kreditpunkte für den nächsten Panzer nötig war, stark vom Zweig abhängen. Um diese ungleiche Rentabilität etwas anzugleichen, werden ab Update 8.4 einige Panzer etwas mehr verdienen, während andere etwas weniger verdienen. Diese Änderungen betreffen keine Premiumfahrzeuge.

Festtagstarnungen und Neuankünfte

Halloween kommt! Wir gehen „wahrscheinlich“ nicht von Garage zu Garage und fragen nach Verbrauchsmaterial, aber es wäre doch schön, sich zu dieser lustigen Gelegenheit zu verkleiden. Die Tarnungen „Gespenstisches Netz“, „Kürbischaos“, „Kürbisinvasion“, „Schauriger Schwarm“ und „Spinnenfalle“ sind alle wieder verfügbar.     Mit Update 8.4 können Sie wieder die strenge Tarnung „Bollwerk“ für den strengen Jagdpanzer XT110E3 erhalten.    
Die Tarnungen „Schwarzer Drache“, „Dämonenseele“ und „Asphaltfunken“ können nicht mehr gekauft werden.
Hier sind die neuen legendären Tarnungen! Besitzer vom XT95E6 bekommen bald ein Angebot, die freche Tarnung „Piranha“ zu kaufen, während Kommandanten vom XAMX 30 B ein Angebot für die wunderschöne Tarnung „Korsika“ erhalten.

Verbesserungen und Fehlerbehebungen

  • Der XT57 Heavy Tank mit seiner legendären Tarnung „Unermüdlich“, der VIIIEMIL 1951 mit der legendären Tarnung „Wikinger“ und der IM2 Light Tank haben verbesserte Grafik erhalten.
  • Es ist nun möglich, für Tarnungen für die gewählten Fahrzeuge direkt im Lager eine Vorschau anzusehen.
  • Bei individuellen Angeboten gibt es nun die Möglichkeit, die enthaltenen Gegenstände anzusehen. Die Inhalte können durch einen Klick/Tippen auf das Paket geöffnet werden.
  • Diverse Bildschirme, Beschreibungen und Benachrichtigungen wurden verbessert.
  • Allgemeine Fehler- und Clientcrash-Behebungen.

Camos for Tier X Vehicles

The Pride Legendary camouflage for the XM-VI-Yoh will be available in the Camo section. The stars and stripes on the front armor and the eagle on the turret have witnessed hundreds of glorious battles.

Now each researchable Tier X vehicle has its own Legendary camo! The owners of four highly popular vehicles will soon be able to purchase them: the striking Overkill for the X FV4005, the wild Safari for the X FV4202, the strict Rotkopf for the X VK 72.01 (K) and the stormy Typhoon for the X WZ-121.

Improvements and Fixed Bugs


Ghost Factory Is Open!

Coal mounds, industrial vehicles, lanes among hills, and a huge abandoned factory complex at the center, which can be considered a map inside a map.


Fancy a Cuppa?

We’re continuing to work on in-game sounds, which is why we’re happy to present the much-anticipated British national voiceover! In addition, British English was added to the list of game client localizations. Here’s how you can check out this stylish crew accent:

  • Play in British and Australian (included in the U.K. tech tree) vehicles with the “National crew voice” option enabled (Settings → Other)
  • Play in any vehicles with English (U.K.) selected in the client (the new localization) and the “National crew voice” option disabled
Since there is so much text to translate, you may still notice American terms here and there in the British localization. But we’re working on this.

Balance and Economy

Inactive players will no longer receive XP or credits for battle. Also, we reconfigured the credit economy and counterbalanced homogenization, a hidden armor parameter.

This time, balance changes were made to Tier X vehicles. The adjustments seek to maintain the gameplay comfort of heavy tanks while preventing them from replacing other types of vehicles. They also aim to enhance the benefits of other types of vehicles. Learn more about these changes on the website.

Updated Interface

It’s time to give a new design to the in-game Store. Item cards are now larger, bundle contents are more informative, and discounts are easier to notice. The vertical orientation of tabs corresponds to the Garage’s screen design. Moreover, daily containers can be opened in one action.

The Avatars screen was not left untouched either. Now, it’s more similar to the Storage screen. All avatars are divided by category into separate tabs: Premium, Accumulative, Special, Other, and Temporary. Similarly to Storage, to remove the red marker on new avatars, you no longer need to select them. Now you simply need to go to the corresponding tab and view the new avatars.

Improvements and Fixed Bugs

  • The VI Strv 74VII LeoVIII Emil IIX Emil IIX Kranvagn (as well as the Nidhögg and Nord Legendary camos), and VIII WZ-120-1G FT were updated to the new graphics quality.
  • The Pike Legendary camouflage for the X Object 260 was added to the Camo menu.
  • An effect that shows the battle result (“Victory”, “Defeat”, “Draw”) and a corresponding note (“All tanks destroyed”, “Base captured”, etc.) was introduced.
  • The line of accumulative avatars for Rating Battles was extended. Now, each league has 6 levels.
  • Changes were made to the contents of the Basic Day’s Supply and Standard Day’s Supply containers. Instead of certificates for purchasing a Tier VI Premium tank, certificates for purchasing Premium tanks of other tiers will now drop from these containers more often.
  • Some parameters were changed for the Improved Engine Power Boost consumable. Now, it increases engine power by 40%, turn rate by 5%, and maximum forward speed by 5 km/h.
  • The “Tank Auto-Turn” option was added to the touch control settings. It is intended for newcomers who are accustomed to the fact that the camera prioritizes the direction of movement (like in other shooter games, for example). The option is disabled by default.
  • The bug where the replay of a battle launched incorrectly if the player hadn’t logged into the game was fixed.
  • Various screens, descriptions, and notifications were improved.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.


Changes in Armor Highlighting

We tried to eliminate situations when red zones are penetrated and grey ones aren’t. Now armor highlighting will be more precise for many tanks. For example, the probability of penetration will display better in situations when armor is at an angle to the aiming point, when there are two layers of armor, or if a shell can punch right through armor.

Remember that armor highlighting is a hint and not an ultimate rule. It simply shows the possibility of penetration. It doesn’t guarantee it. The result of a shot is still affected by multiple factors like +/-5% to dispersion, enemy maneuvers, and other factors. 


Updated Bonus Containers

We reworked the content system of bonus containers (daily, weekly, and three-day containers).

Newcomers will now get more resources like credits, Credit boosters, and Combat XP boosters from these containers to accelerate their game progress. For skilled commanders, there will be Gold and Cooldown boosters. The higher the vehicle tier, the more valuable the content.

Moreover, drop chances will be clearer for all containers in the game.  

New Battle Chat Features

If one player destroys a tank that was previously damaged more than 51% by another player, both of them will receive a new notification type. It will show not only the name of the fighter who destroyed the tank, but also the name of the player who assisted.


Balance Changes

In the new update, the parameters of many Tier VII vehicles were adjusted. The changes seek to ensure that tanks of this tier and of the same type have comparable performance and can better play their battle role. In addition, the characteristics of Tier VII–X Collector and Premium vehicles were improved. For example, the FV217 Badger tank destroyer is now faster and more accurate. 


Control Features

Partial support of popular gamepad models for Android is back. Also, all supported platforms now feature sensibility and inversion settings.

The following main control options are set as default:

  • Android/iOS: “Touch”
  • Windows 10: “Keyboard and Mouse” (displays as permanently disabled for mobile devices)

When connecting the gamepad, the “Gamepad” control type will be displayed in settings. You’ll need to choose it only once. For future instances, it will be enabled automatically.

The “Same Control Mode” will no longer be available for PC. However, it will be preserved for touch devices. This change will essentially decrease the queue time for PC players.

Camouflage Rotation and Update

We’re continuing our big Storage spring cleaning! If your Storage is overflowing with camos, there’s a solution: Some of them can now be exchanged for Splinters. Splinters can be exchanged for a Camo Container that will always be available in the Store. This Container features different types of camouflage including standard and animated, with free resupply, and for any vehicle tier. The contents will change from time to time.

There are new items in the Camo menu: the Daredevil Legendary camouflage for the VII Kunze Panzer, the Standard Bearer attachment for the X T-22 medium, and the Mighty Legendary camouflage and Spezialset attachment for the X Jagdpanzer E 100.

The owners of this menacing tank destroyer will get an individual offer featuring the Bulwark camo.

Improvements and Fixed Bugs

  • X Vickers Light 105IX Vickers Cruiser and VIII FV301were updated to the new visual quality.
  • Missions for new players were reworked.
  • The Mines map was removed from rotation for Tier VII–X Rating battles.
  • VIII Object 252U: Spare parts kits are now identified as spaced armor.
  • The bug where the sinking tank timer was displayed incorrectly in replays was fixed.
  • Issues with volume when loading the game and playing the sound of moving tracks were fixed.
  • Various screens, descriptions, and notifications were improved.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

Update 8.0

More Tanks

We recreated American experimental concepts presented in 1953. Four Tier VII–X heavy tanks are ready to be researched! The new Americans are eager to attack, and the high-tier tanks are capable of elegantly retreating since they’re equipped with emergency tracks.


More Realism

Check out massive graphics improvements! Each tank will have an individually tuned dynamic suspension. It won’t affect gameplay, but the laws of physics never looked so beautiful in action!

An even bigger change awaits! We’re going to update vehicles to a new graphics quality! What does this mean? Check out the new Yohs: all materials look and seem more realistic. Tanks can become covered in snow or mud. And they clean off after being rinsed down by water. We will gradually rework all tanks so that your gaming experience will become even more immersive.


More Comfort, More Style

Now, camos that you have a suitable certificate for are marked with an exclamation sign in the Camo menu of each tank.

The Instigator Legendary camouflage for the X TVP T 50/51 now available in the camo selection menu.

Balance Changes

VIII T-44IX T-54

  • Average penetration of an AP shell was changed from 175 mm to 180 mm for the 100 mm LB-1 gun

VIII T-44-100

  • Average penetration of an AP shell was changed from 175 mm to 180 mm
  • Engine power was changed from 520 to 560 hp


  • Frontal hull armor was changed from 127 mm to 147 mm

VIII T-54 first prototype

  • Engine power was changed from 520 to 560 hp

VIIICenturion Mk. I

  • Frontal turret armor was changed from 165 mm to 175 mm

VIII M26 Pershing

  • Reload time of the top gun was changed from 7.62 to 7.3 s
  • Turret side armor was changed from 76.2 to 86.3 mm


Changes to armor:

  • Frontal armor of the cabin was changed from 203.2 mm to 230 mm
  • Frontal armor of the upper glacis plate was changed from 203.2 mm to 220 mm
  • Armor of the lower glacis plate was changed from 133.35 mm to 71 mm
  • Upper part of the side armor was changed from 50.8 mm to 101.6 mm.
  • Lower part of the side armor was changed from 101.6 mm to 80.6 mm.

VII T25/2

  • Reload time of the top gun was changed from 5.7 s to 5.5 s

VI Churchill Gun Carrier

  • Armor of the upper glacis plate was changed from 38.1 mm to 50 mm
  • Cabin armor was changed from 130 mm to 150 mm


  • Side armor of the top turret was changed from 120 mm to 100 mm
  • Armor of the commander’s hatch and of the left side of the top turret was changed from 100 mm to 90 mm

Improvements and Fixed Bugs

  • VII Smasher. The bug where AP shells didn’t lose penetration over distances was fixed.
  • Now the Camo menu becomes available once the player gets a Tier IV tank.
  • The bug where auto-aim switched to a passing tank was fixed.
  • Android: The bug where the SD card was identified incorrectly for the Lenovo Yoga Tablet 10 3G was fixed.
  • Android: Cases of sound interference when using wireless headphones were fixed.
  • Various screens, descriptions, and notifications were improved.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

A Smooth Entrance into the Game

We reworked the tutorial! From now on, newly-minted commanders won’t be sent to the proving grounds. Instead, they’ll find themselves in 5-on-5 battles on the Mines map. The first battles will be accompanied by hints depending on the situation. For example, “Enable Aiming mode” in case of a miss or “Target gray parts” in case of a non-penetrating hit.

The first tank that a newcomer will take into battle will be one of these three famous combat vehicles: the Tiger, the T-34-85, or the Sherman. Moreover, the number of bots will gradually decrease.

Updated Mines

It now has its own special atmosphere! We added effects, actions, and indestructible structures outside the playable part of the map and improved terrain textures. Now, there are planes flying in the sky and warships fighting in the sea. Every new player’s first three battles will happen on Mines. But the map will remain available for battles of all tiers.

Mirage and Lost Temple are being reworked and will temporarily be unavailable in the game. They will return with improvements to visuals and gameplay. Both maps will be made available for more tiers, while Mirage will receive a version for Supremacy.

Colorblind Mode

Colorblind mode was added to graphics settings for those who see the world just a bit differently. It changes the colors of important elements in battle so that players with color blindness, such as deuteranomaly, protanopia, and deuteranopia, can better distinguish them.

This option may affect game performance on some mobile devices.

Order in Storage

It’s time for some spring cleaning! All resources are now carefully divided among four tabs: Certificates, Appearance, Boosters, and Other. What’s more, we got rid of excessive tapping. To remove the red dot for new items, you need only scroll down the screen. Red dots will also be removed from accumulative avatars, and they will only appear on the latest avatar in the chain.

News for the Jagdpanzer E 100

It finally happened! If the Jagdpanzer E 100 existed in reality, this is what it would look like. After your first battle in this powerful tank destroyer, you may receive a personal offer for the Mighty Legendary camouflage and Spezialset attachment. There are no bells or whistles—just historical insignia and vivid colors!

Controller Support

We returned partial support for popular controller models on iOS, Android, and Windows 10. Now, with the help of a controller, you can do more than just shoot, aim, and move. You can also enable/disable auto-aim, use the Lookout Area camera mode, and switch between shell types. Besides that, the sensitivity of both sticks was adjusted and Garage controls were added.

Balance Changes

This time, just a small number of changes was made to vehicle characteristics. The VIIKonštrukta T-34/100 received improved armor under the turret. Previously, it could be easily penetrated by HE shells. Ammunition capacity increased from 65 to 70 shells and 45 to 48 shells for the VCrusader and IXT54E1, respectively.

Improvements and Fixed Bugs

  • Container infoscreens were reworked. Their content is now more informative. You can even preview vehicles and camos.
  • Android: Occasionally, after viewing battle results, the user will see a dialog box offering the user a chance to evaluate the technical quality of the battle and indicate existing problems (lag, low FPS, etc.). Also, to solve potential connection quality issues, the game will send a one-time request for data regarding device geolocation.
  • The sounds of switching shells during battle and tanks exploding in Aiming mode were adjusted.
  • Various screens, descriptions, and notifications were improved.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

It’s Getting Hot in Here

You’ll get to try out new consumables for Tier VII–X tank destroyers from the Grille 15 branch! The Reticle Calibration consumable will reduce gun dispersion and aiming time by 40 percent within 20 seconds. At the same time, the Spall Liner provision will help you reduce damage from High-Explosive shells by 20 percent.

New Avatars for Victories

Win Silver, Gold, Platinum, or Diamond League rating battles during WoT Blitz seasons.

Color Accent

The camo selection menu welcomes two newcomers: the daring Urban Jungle and the even more daring Unexpectable camouflage.

The Grandma’s Gift, Starlight Night, Evergreen, Oxidized Metal, Digital Forest, Fire Sentinel, and Steppe Snowstorm camos will no longer be available for purchase.

Balance Changes

Tier V

VM4 Sherman

For the top gun:

  • Dispersion at 100 m was decreased from 0.412 to 0.384 m
  • Aiming time was decreased from 5 to 4.5 s


  • Maximum forward speed was increased from 38 to 42 km/h
  • Average penetration of an AP shell was increased from 105 to 110 mm

VM4A2E4 Sherman

  • Engine power was increased from 420 to 490 h.p.
  • Dispersion at 100 m was decreased from 0.412 to 0.384 m

VT1 Heavy Tank

  • Vehicle durability of the top configuration was increased from 680 to 700 HP
  • Engine power of the Wright G200 M781C9GC1 top engine was decreased from 945 to 800 h.p.
  • Engine power of the Wright G2X M781C9GC1 pre-top engine was decreased from 825 to 750 h.p.

VSherman V

  • Hull traverse speed was increased from 50.06 to 52.15 deg/s
  • Dispersion at 100 m was decreased from 0.412 to 0.384 m

VChurchill I

QF Mk. X stock gun:

  • Dispersion at 100 m was increased from 0.345 to 0.384 m

75 mm Vickers HV gun:

  • Dispersion at 100 m was increased from 0.345 to 0.384 m
  • Aiming time was increased from 4.1 to 4.4 s


  • Maximum forward speed was increased from 42 to 50 km/h

The QF 6-pdr Gun Mk.V top gun will receive a magazine autoreloading system with the following characteristics updated:

  • Magazine capacity: 2 shells
  • Shell reload time: 1 s
  • Magazine reload time: 7.19 s
  • Aiming time was decreased from 4.8 to 3.8 s
  • Dispersion after firing was decreased

VPz.Kpfw. IV hydrostat.VPz.Kpfw. III/IV, and VPanzer IV Ankou Special

  • Aiming time was decreased from 4.7 to 3.9 s

VPz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. G

  • Aiming time of the 7,5 cm Kw.K. 40 L/48 top gun was decreased from 5 to 4.1 s


  • Hull traverse speed was increased from 31.29 to 37.55 deg/s
  • Dispersion at 100 m was decreased from 0.393 to 0.384 m

VPz.Sfl. IVc

  • Aiming time was decreased from 4.1 to 3.9 s

VStuG III Ausf. G

  • Maximum forward speed was increased from 48 to 50 km/h
  • Reload time of the 7,5 cm Pak 42 L/70 gun decreased from 6.52 to 6.23 s


  • Maximum forward speed was increased from 40 to 45 km/h

VType 3 Chi-Nu

  • Vehicle durability of the top configuration was increased from 640 to 700 HP and of the stock configuration from 610 to 650 HP

For the stock suspension:

  • Hull traverse speed was increased from 31.29 to 33.38 deg/s

For the top suspension:

  • Hull traverse speed was increased from 35.46 to 37.55 deg/s

VType 3 Chi-Nu Kai

  • Engine power was increased from 240 to 330 h.p.


  • Aiming time of the 85 mm D-5S-85BM top gun was decreased from 5.7 to 4.5 s


  • Vehicle durability of the top configuration was increased from 680 to 730 HP and of the stock configuration from 630 to 680 HP

85 mm F-30 top gun:

  • Aiming time was decreased from 6.4 to 5.5 s
  • Dispersion at 100 m was decreased from 0.431 to 0.412 m

Tier VI

VIType 4 Chi-To

  • Engine power of the Mitsubishi AL Type 4 Kuurei V-12 engine was increased from 400 h.p. to 470 h.p.

For the stock suspension:

  • Hull traverse speed was decreased from 32.33 to 27.12 deg/s

For the top suspension:

  • Hull traverse speed was decreased from 36.5 to 31.29 deg/s

VITiger Kuromorimine SP

  • 65 mm of armor were added to the hull area behind the gun mantlet
  • Reload time was decreased from 8.15 to 7.67 s
  • Average penetration of an AP shell was increased from 145 to 150 mm and of an APCR shell from 195 to 200 mm

VIAC IV Sentinel

  • Reload time was decreased from 5.94 to 5.85 s

VICromwell B

  • Aiming time was decreased from 4.9 to 4.5 s

VIChurchill VII

For the stock suspension:

  • Hull traverse speed was increased from 18.77 to 20.86 deg/s
  • Dispersion on the move and on hull traverse was increased

For the top suspension:

  • Hull traverse speed was increased from 20.86 to 23.99 deg/s
  • Dispersion on the move and on hull traverse was increased

For the OQF 77 mm Gun Mk. II top gun:

  • Dispersion at 100 m was increased from 0.336 to 0.345 m
  • Dispersion on turret traverse was increased

VIChurchill Mk. VI, and  VIChurchill Gun Carrier

  • Engine power was increased from 350 to 385 h.p.

VIY5 Firefly

  • Hull traverse speed was increased from 45.89 to 46.93 deg/s

VIT-34-85 Victory

  • Average penetration of an AP shell was increased from 126 to 128 mm


  • Aiming time was decreased from 7.7 to 6.5 s

VIM4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo

  • Hull traverse speed was increased from 33.38 to 36.5 deg/s
  • Reload time was decreased from 7.05 to 6.71 s
  • Dispersion at 100 m was decreased from 0.412 to 0.384 m


  • Engine power of the Wright G200 M781C9GC1 top engine was decreased from 945 to 800 h.p.
  • Engine power of the Wright G2X M781C9GC1 stock engine was decreased from 825 to 750 h.p.

VIVK 30.01 (D)

  • Reload time of the 7,5 cm Kw.K. 42 L/70 gun was decreased from 6.19 to 5.85 s

VIVK 30.01 (P)

For the stock suspension:

  • Hull traverse speed was increased from 29.2 to 31.29 deg/s

For the top suspension:

  • Hull traverse speed was increased from 31.29 to 33.38 deg/s

VIVK 30.01 (P), VITiger 131, VIITiger I, VIIPanther I, VIVK 36.01 (H), VIIVK 30.02 (D), VIVK 30.01 (P), VIIIPanther II, VIIIVK 45.02 (P) Ausf. AVIITiger (P), and VIIIIndien-Panzer

For the 8,8 cm Kw.K. 36 L/56 gun:

  • Average penetration of an AP shell was increased from 145 to 150 mm and of an APCR shell from 195 to 200 mm


  • Maximum forward speed was increased from 45 to 50 km/h

VITiger 131

  • 100 mm of armor were added to the hull area behind the gun mantlet
  • Reload time was decreased from 8.15 to 7.67 s


  • Reload time was decreased from 8.15 to 8.05 s

Other Changes


  • Hull traverse speed was increased from 52.15 to 57.36 deg/s
  • Dispersion on turret traverse was decreased

VIIPanther/M10 and  VIIVK 45.03

  • Engine power was increased from 700 to 800 h.p.


For the stock suspension:

  • Hull traverse speed was decreased from 21.9 to 19.82 deg/s

For the top suspension:

  • Hull traverse speed was decreased from 27.12 to 23.99 deg/s
  • Engine power was increased from 400 to 470 h.p.

VIM18 Hellcat

  • Ammo capacity for the 90 mm AT Gun M3 top gun was increased from 30 to 36 shells

Improvements and Fixed Bugs

  • Areas where vehicles became stuck were fixed and some models of buildings and objects were adjusted for some maps.
  • Various screens, descriptions, and notifications were improved.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

Meet the Czechoslovakians!

Joining the lineup of the European nation is a branch with five researchable Tier VI–X medium tanks! They are all dynamic fighters with powerful weapons. Three tanks feature quick autoloaders, while two boast classic cannons with high penetration and impressive single-shot damage. At Tier X, the fast and maneuverable TVP T 50/51 awaits with a four-shell magazine-based gun capable of dealing 1,240 HP of damage!


For Newbies and Skilled Players

Here’s an opportunity for all players to enlarge their tank collection! From now on, after completing the tutorial, each new commander will take part in Steel Raid. This event includes a special mission that will help players better understand the game mechanics while rewarding success with the IVT6E1 Grizzly and other resources. Experienced players can exchange Mastery Badges for VILoza’s M4-A2 Sherman during the Assemble event.

Updating Sound!

We’ve started the process of replacing the game’s sound engine with a better one, which will enable us to gradually perform a complete sound renewal. At first, the new engine will only be available for some devices. Later on, it will be introduced for all platforms. In the future, all the old files will be replaced, the game sounds will become richer, and national voiceovers and much more will be introduced.

Balance Changes

IXVickers Cruiser


  • Central part of the frontal hull was changed from 127 mm to 90 mm
  • Both gun mantlets were changed from 127 mm to 90 mm

IXBat.-Châtillon 25 t AP

100 mm SA 47 gun:

  • Shell reload time in the magazine was changed from 3 s to 2.8 s


122 mm D2-5T gun:

  • Average penetration of an AP shell was changed from 175 to 160 mm


122 mm D2-5T gun:

  • Reload time was changed from 20.12 s to 17.45 s
  • Aiming time was changed from 7.3 s to 6.9 s


122 mm D2-5T gun:

  • Reload time was changed from 16.3 s to 15.34 s


  • Dispersion on turret traverse was decreased.

122 mm 37-122JT gun:

  • Dispersion at 100 m was changed from 0.46 to 0.441 m

XMaus, XE 100XVK 90.01 (P)

Flaws in the turret armor were fixed, eliminating abnormal armor penetrations

Improvements and Fixed Bugs

  • Support for iPad 3 is ending as its technical characteristics can no longer provide a comfortable gaming experience, even at low settings. In the future, this device will stop receiving updates.
  • The bug where the provisions panel was displayed instead of the modifications/abilities panel after the battle start countdown in Mad Games and Uprising was fixed.
  • The bug where the player’s position and minimap markers weren’t displayed for the platoon mate after the player respawns in Uprising was fixed.
  • The bug where the name of the tank was displayed in white despite its type on the Rating: Favorite Tanks screen was fixed. Premium tanks are now displayed in gold and Collector tanks in blue.
  • The areas where vehicles would become stuck were fixed and some models of buildings and objects were adjusted for some maps.
  • Various screens, descriptions, and notifications were improved.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

For Observant Tankers

A new Free Camera function was introduced to replays. This function makes it easier to study maps or view battle situations in detail. And taking cool screenshots and videos became a breeze!

The Free Camera function is available for PC/Mac users. It can be enabled either by pressing the “C” key or clicking the corresponding icon in the lower-left corner of the replay interface.

For Legendary Victories

Legendary warpaints, such as Blade for the VK 90.01(P), Intrepid for the T25 Pilot Number 1, Shark for the T54E2, Fiery Serpent for the WZ-111 model 5A, and both Nidhögg and Nord for the Kranvagn, are now available in the camo selection menu.

Cost: 1,450 for Tier VIII vehicles and 2,550 for Tier X vehicles.

Balance Changes


  • Maximum forward speed was increased from 14 to 20 km/h.
  • Maximum reverse speed was increased from 7 to 12 km/h.
  • Engine power was increased from 600 to 750 hp.

Enhanced hull armor:

  • From 76.2 to 135 mm for the upper panel of the upper glacis plate.
  • From 86 to 100 mm for the lower panel of the upper glacis plate.
  • From 86 to 135 mm for the driver’s and radio gunner’s hatches.
  • From 63.5 to 65 mm for the side hatches and the rear part of the sides.

Enhanced turret armor:

  • From 114.3 to 140 mm for the front.
  • From 63.5 to 140 mm for the gunner’s and loader’s hatches.
  • From 86 to 100 mm for the sides.
  • From 86 to 140 mm for the cannon hatch.

VIJagdpanzer IV

For the 8,8 cm Pak L/56 gun:

  • The average penetration of an AP shell was increased from 160 to 175 mm.
  • The average penetration of an APCR shell was increased from 210 to 225 mm.
  • Gun reload time was increased from 4.8 to 5.3 s.

VIIJagdpanther и VINashorn

For the 8,8 cm Pak L/56 gun:

  • The average penetration of an AP shell was increased from 160 to 175 mm.
  • The average penetration of an APCR shell was increased from 210 to 225 mm.


Enhanced armor:

  • To 120 mm for the commander’s cupola.
  • To 75 mm for the hull’s front and 80 mm for some plates of the hull’s front.


For the 75 mm SA50 gun:

  • Dispersion on turret traverse was decreased.
  • Magazine reload time was reduced from 13 to 11 s.

For the 90 mm F3 gun:

  • Dispersion at 100 m was decreased from 0.38 to 0.36.
  • Dispersion on turret traverse was decreased.
  • Magazine reload time was reduced from 18 to 16 s.

Improvements and Fixed Bugs

  • The game is no longer supported on devices with Android 4.2 and 4.3. To continue playing, please update your device to version 4.4 or higher.
  • The bug where a blown-off turret caused damage while moving/pushing it was fixed.
  • The bug where the game expanded to full-screen mode during battle training was fixed.
  • Various screens, descriptions, and notifications were improved.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

ATGMs for Fun Modes

Missiles will be removed for the guns of the  IXT92E1and XXM551 Sheridan. Instead of ATGMs, they’ll be able to use HEAT shells with the same penetration and damage. However, fans of missiles will still have an opportunity to fire them as such players will receive the ATGM-equipped Sheridan Missile Collector tank as a gift. This tank can play in Uprising, Gravity Force, Burning Games, and other fun modes.

Holiday Camos

Ideal for a cold winter, warm camos like the cozy Grandma’s Gift, dreamy Starlight Night, and scented Evergreen are making their return to the camo selection menu. Dress up and have fun!

Cost: 65 to 750, depending on the vehicle Tier.

The Sinister Traces, Galaxy, Vertigo, Shattered Flames, and Flux camos will no longer be available for purchase.

Balance Changes

Many Tier VI tanks became more effective: the  VIIIT-2020 is stronger,  the XBat.-Châtillon 25 t reloads shells in its magazine faster, and the  IXKpfPz 70 penetrates more frequently and inflicts more damage. Some changes affected high-tier Swedish and British tanks.


Improvements and Fixed Bugs

  • For portable and mobile devices, joystick inversion to move backwards was added. This option is disabled by default and available via the Controls tab in Settings.
  • Nintendo: the bug with incorrect reading of controls type when running the game with a disabled joy-con was fixed.
  • Nintendo: the bug with incorrect link navigation on info screens was fixed.
  • iOS: the bug when an email address wasn’t linked to the game account when using the “Sign in with Apple” function was fixed.
  • The bug when sound didn’t work upon switching camouflage season slots was fixed.
  • The bug when Pyroleum Boosters were still displayed in the booster panel was fixed.
  • Various screens, descriptions, and notifications were improved.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

Shot Result Status

“Enemy is hit!” But where? Which tank part did you damage? From now on, everything will be clearer! Upon a ricochet or non-penetrating hit, as well as upon damaging or destroying a module, you’ll see a corresponding icon and text on the screen. The text color also indicates the extent of the damage: red means the module was knocked out of action, orange shows the module was critically damaged, and white refers to minor damage to the module, as well as non-penetrating hits. If you damaged several modules to different extents with a single shot, the results of the heaviest damage will be shown.

This setting is enabled by default, but you can disable it completely or select icons without text at any time. The shot result status is available for all modes except Realistic Battles.

Clan Missions

Honors have become tangible! Earned Honors will now allow you to receive credits, Free XP, unique camouflage, Premium Account, boosters, and even gold. But be aware that a lone wolf won’t get these trophies as the new type of missions is only available to clan players. The contribution of each player is critically important! Join a clan, complete Personal and Clan Missions, earn Honors, and receive a reward every week.


New Avatars for Victories

The Skirmish! and Space Corps accumulative avatars for victories in Skirmish and Gravity Force battles were introduced. These modes appear in the game from time to time. Follow the news to learn when they’re available and earn a brand new avatar! Below are all the avatars and their required number of victories in the corresponding mode.

Skirmish! avatar (Skirmish)

20 victories
50 victories
100 victories
150 victories
200 victories
300 victories
450 victories
600 victories
750 victories
1,000 victories

Space Corps avatar (Gravity Force)

20 victories
50 victories
100 victories
150 victories
200 victories
300 victories
450 victories
600 victories
750 victories
1,000 victories

Balance Changes

This time, changes were made to the characteristics of tank destroyers. Many Tier VI–VIII TDs received increased penetration and damage. The VIAT 8, VIIJagdpantherVIIIT28, and other vehicles became more dangerous. In addition, the research cost of several modules was changed.


Improvements and Fixed Bugs


  • A Promotional Content setting that allows you to enable/disable receiving in-game offers was added.
  • The Invert Horizontal Camera Movement and the Invert Vertical Camera Movement options were introduced for the camera and gyroscope settings.
  • It is now possible to aim with a gyroscope in Arcade Mode (this option is disabled by default). In addition, settings for Gyroscope Sensitivity in Arcade Mode and Gyroscope Sensitivity in Sniper Mode were introduced.
  • A navigation panel and the possibility to manage buttons were added to the Equipment and News screens.
  • Cases of incorrect cursor movement were fixed.


  • The icons of rating leagues were updated.
  • The bug where the IXObject 704 was penetrated upon firing at the gun was fixed.
  • The bug where, upon purchasing the VIILeo, VIStrv 74, VIIIEmil I, IXEmil II, the starting ammunition of these tanks didn’t include HE shells was fixed.
  • The bug where a Tier V tank could enter Encounter battles if only Supremacy was selected was fixed.
  • The bug where there was no duration timer in replays was fixed.
  • Cases where the “Unable to fire: tank is submerged” message was displayed incorrectly in battle were fixed.
  • Android: Cases where a tank was unavailable to enter a battle after downloading all resources were fixed.
  • Various screens, descriptions, and notifications were improved.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

Swedish Tanks

The Tech Tree of the European Nation has grown a new, strong branch consisting of Tier VI–X tanks! The Swedes have brought national food for their provisions. Among consumables for higher-tier tanks, you will find Improved Engine Power Boost and Reticle Calibration. On top of that, two Legendary camouflages are available for the Tier X Kranvagn at once!


You Shall Pass!

We fixed crossing capacity and got rid of bugs. Low-silhouette tanks will no longer drown under the bridges in the center of the Canal map. It is now easier to destroy logs on Copperfield. From now on, vehicles won’t get stuck on the crest of the waterfall on Yukon, or near the water tower on Alpenstadt. On top of that, the issue where shells didn’t pass through the slit in the door of the hangar has been fixed.

Brutality is the Color of the Season

Such severe warpaints as Fire Sentinel, Hardy, and Oxidized Metal are back in the camo selection menu. The costs vary from 65 to  750, depending on the vehicle tier.

The Jade Shards, Golden Carp, and Effective Concealment warpaints are no longer available for purchase.

Balance Improvements

Enhanced Gun Mantlet Armor

XChieftain Mk.6

  • The thickness of the armor plate behind the gun and at the “cheeks” has been increased from 215 to 230 mm.

XSuper Conqueror

  • The gun mantlet armor has been enhanced from 280 to 310 mm.
  • The thickness of the turret’s frontal armor behind the mantlet has been increased from 127 to 250 mm.

XObject 140

  • The gun mantlet armor has been enhanced from 240 to 250 mm.


  • The gun mantlet armor has been enhanced from 214 to 250 mm.

XE 100

  • The 12,8 cm Kw.K. 44 L/55 gun’s mantlet armor has been enhanced from 250 to 270 mm.
  • The 15 cm Kw.K. L/38 gun’s mantlet armor has been enhanced from 250 to 270 mm.


  • The gun mantlet armor has been enhanced from 120 to 150 mm.

Changes to Maneuverability


  • Maximum forward speed has been changed from 54 to 48 km/h.
  • The hull traverse speed of the VVSS T48A suspension has been increased from 40 to 42 deg/s.
  • The Wright Continental R-975C4 engine’s power has been increased from 450 to 520 hp.


  • Maximum forward speed has been increased from 40 to 45 km/h.


  • The 2x Leyland E164 engine’s power has been increased from 260 to 325 hp.

IIIM5 Stuart

  • The hull traverse speed of the VVSS T16E3 suspension has been changed from 44 to 35 deg/s.
  • The hull traverse speed of the VVSS T36E8 suspension has been changed from 49 to 40 deg/s.


  • The engine power has been increased from 178 to 225 hp.

IRenault R35

  • The engine power has been increased from 112 to 155 hp.
  • The hull traverse speed has been increased from 37.55 to 39 deg/s.

Improvements and Fixed Bugs

For Nintendo

  • The camera sensitivity default settings have been changed from 95% to 120% in arcade mode and from 65% to 100% in sniper mode. Also, the gyroscope sensitivity has been decreased.
  • The navigation panel has been added for the Consumables and Provisions screens.
  • The Minus button now displays/hides the list of players.
  • The bug where the Plus button didn’t open the Store screen when switching from the Avatars screen has been fixed.


  • macOS: now, the minimum supported version is 10.11.
  • macOS: the Full-Screen Antialiasing setting has been disabled for all computers without a discrete graphics card.
  • iOS: the High option is now available for the Flora Quality setting for devices with Apple А12 processors and higher.
  • Upon spending and returning in-game currency at the same time, a total final figure is now displayed instead of two ratios—”Will be returned” and “Will be deducted”.
  • Android: the bug where the rating icon wasn’t displayed in the Garage has been fixed.
  • On the Provisions and Consumables screens, if consumables are not applied, the most effective one is selected by default.
  • Destroying the VIIIS-2 now counts towards The Lion of Sinai medal.
  • The Allies HP restored ribbon was added for some modes.
  • During the pre-battle countdown, the boosters panel is now also displayed when team lists are hidden (previously, it was only displayed when the lists were shown).
  • The cases of incorrect reload indication during the pre-battle countdown have been fixed.
  • The bug where some logos didn’t load on the tournament page has been fixed.
  • The bug where the Watching Ads button didn’t disappear from the battle results screen after watching an ad has been fixed.
  • The bug where the vehicle panel position wasn’t saved upon going to another menu and upon returning to the Garage later has been fixed.
  • Various screens, descriptions, and notifications have been improved.
  • General bugs and client crashes have been fixed.

Fire At Will!

A-shaped? Crosshair? Or maybe just a simple point is enough? Select the best reticle for you in Settings and reduce your enemies to nothing but a memory!

Balance Improvements

We’ve been continuing to work on changes aimed at making gameplay at lower tiers more comfortable. We weakened the armor for some vehicles and improved penetration for others.

We also increased the ammunition capacity for some vehicles so that they have enough shells for prolonged, heated battles:

Selected Improvements


  • The number of hit points was increased from 2,100 to 2,150.


  • The number of hit points was decreased from 1,980/2,100 to 1,930/2,050.

VIIType 5 Chi-Ri

  • The maximum speed was increased from 42 to 48 km/h.
  • The dispersion on vehicle movement and hull traverse of the stock and top suspension was changed from 0.18 to 0.15 and from 0.15 to 0.13, respectively.

7.5 cm Tank Gun Type 5 Model 1 gun in the stock turret

  • The dispersion at 100 m was changed from 0.37 m to 0.36 m.

7.5 cm Tank Gun Type 5 gun in the top turret

  • The dispersion at 100 m was changed from 0.38 m to 0.37 m.

7.5 cm Tank Gun Type 5 Model 1 gun in the top turret

  • The dispersion at 100 m was changed from 0.37 m to 0.35 m.

VIType 4 Chi-To

  • The maximum speed was increased from 45 to 50 km/h.
  • The dispersion on vehicle movement and hull traverse of the stock and top suspension was changed from 0.18 to 0.15 and from 0.15 to 0.13, respectively.

7.5 cm Tank Gun Type 5 gun in the stock turret

  • The dispersion at 100 m was changed from 0.4 m to 0.38 m.

7.5 cm Tank Gun Type 5 Model 1 gun in the stock turret

  • The dispersion at 100 m was changed from 0.38 m to 0.36 m.

7.5 cm Tank Gun Type 5 gun in the top turret

  • The dispersion at 100 m was changed from 0.4 m to 0.37 m.

7.5 cm Tank Gun Type 5 Model 1 gun in the top turret

  • The dispersion at 100 m was changed from 0.38 m to 0.35 m.

VType 3 Chi-Nu Kai

  • The maximum speed was increased from 38 to 45 km/h.

VType 3 Chi-Nu

  • The maximum speed was increased from 38 to 45 km/h.
  • The dispersion on vehicle movement and hull traverse of the stock and top suspension was changed from 0.19 to 0.18 and from 0.18 to 0.15, respectively.

Improvements and Fixed Bugs

  • Increased the size of vehicle icons and viewing angles on the minimap.
  • Changed the team rosters to now automatically hide 4 seconds after opening (on all platforms except for PC).
  • macOS: the minimum supported version is 10.10. This update is supported on the following models (at least 2 GB of RAM is required):

To the North!

Welcome to Yukon! The surroundings feature snowy rocks, smoke drifting from a nearby sawmill chimney, quiet houses, and trees stretching up to the mountain tops.

This location is available for Tier IV–X vehicles in regular and rating battles.

Let’s Add More Color!

  • The Valiant Legendary camouflage for the Vickers Light 105 was added for 2,550.
  • The Scarface Legendary camouflage for the SU-130PM tank destroyer is now available in the Appearance tab for 1,450.
  • The Flux and Shattered Flames Rare camouflages were added. The cost varies from 65 to 750 depending on the vehicle tier.



More Avatars for Victories

  • Accumulative avatars for victories in Realistic battles and Mad Games were added.
  • The series of accumulative avatars for Uprising was extended, and the number of victories required to receive them was decreased.

These modes appear in the game from time to time. Follow the news to learn when they’re available and earn a brand new avatar! Below are all the avatars and their required number of victories in the corresponding mode.

Mad Games (Mad Games)

20 victories
50 victories
100 victories
150 victories
200 victories
300 victories
450 victories
600 victories
750 victories
1,000 victories

Will of Steel (Realistic battles)

20 victories
50 victories
100 victories
150 victories
200 victories
300 victories
450 victories
600 victories
750 victories
1,000 victories

Midnight Predator (Uprising)

10 victories
25 victories
50 victories
75 victories
100 victories
150 victories
200 victories
300 victories
400 victories
600 victories

Time to Get a Better Gun

The Upgrades indicator for vehicles with unresearched modules was reworked:

  • The icon of the cheapest unresearched module is now displayed in the Garage with a progress bar instead of the XP amount.
  • Blue shows Combat XP while yellow shows Free XP.
  • When the player has enough Free XP, or a mix of Free XP and Combat XP, to research the module, the bar glows yellow.
  • When a module can be researched using only Combat XP, the bar glows blue.
  • When there’s enough XP to research a more expensive module, the icon will be replaced with that module.

A Few Words About Rebalancing

  • The power-to-weight ratio of the SP I C, T71, M41 Bulldog, and AMX 13 75 was increased.
  • The IS-6, IS-6 Fearless, KV-4, and M48 Patton became stronger.
  • The Grille 15’s rate of fire was increased and the Foch 155 with a cyclically firing gun became more accurate.
  • The HP, reload time, and average damage of Tier I–IV vehicles were changed in order to narrow the gap in characteristics between Tier IV and Tier V vehicles, making the branch research process more pleasant and consistent.


Improvements and Fixed Bugs

  • Starting from August 1, flags in the Garage will be decorated with the logos of the winning clans of Spring Season.
  • Shell hit marks are now displayed on destroyed tanks and blown-off turrets.
  • HEAT shell hit marks were made bigger.
  • The opportunity to view the corresponding tank and its characteristics was added for certificates and parts of certificates for vehicles. You can earn parts of such certificates (and collect the IS-6 Fearless!) in rating battles, for instance.
  • The game’s display was optimized for Android devices with an arch on the display. Now the app is fullscreen.
  • Cases where the amount of credits was displayed incorrectly on the gold-to-credit conversion screen were fixed.
  • The vertical configuration of some vehicles was changed so that it would fit on the Upgrades screen and in the Tech Tree.
  • Cases where the victory points earned in battle were displayed incorrectly in the player’s brief profile were fixed.
  • The design of some screens has been updated, while descriptions and notifications have been improved.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

Realism and beauty

Just take a look! Several remarkable graphics improvements make the atmosphere of battles more intense, including improved effects for object destruction, flames, smoke, dust, dynamic shadows, gun recoil, shell hit marks, and tank track traces. And don’t worry. None of these new features affects gameplay or causes dramatic changes to the game’s appearance. If your device can’t pull off any of these effects, you can simply turn them off in the settings.


The British Tech Tree has grown

Three new Tier VIII–X light tanks are available for research! The impetuous FV301, Vickers Cruiser, and Vickers Light 105 just can’t wait to get in your Garage.


Map changes

We’ve made some map improvements! Some bugs and spots where vehicles could get stuck were eliminated while the models of buildings and objects were adjusted. On top of that, we’ve removed unplanned positions on the maps Himmelsdorf, Castilla, Mayan Ruins, Naval Frontier, Winter Malinovka, Copperfield, New Bay, Dynasty’s Pearl, Faust, Hellas, and Normandy.

You’ve got the power!

There’s no reason to hold back! It is now in your power to blow off the turrets of tank destroyers that were unlucky enough to have one! And you can do it in style! Just the way we like it. Making their epic departure from the battlefield are the Helsing, FV215b (183), FV4004 Conway, Charioteer, FV4005, Challenger, T30, T67, and T28 Defender.

Balance Improvements

XBat.-Châtillon 25 t

  • Dispersion on the move/hull traverse was decreased from 0.12 to 0.1.
  • Engine power was increased from 720 to 745 hp.


• View range was decreased from 270 to 260 m.

XXM551 Sheridan

• Engine power was decreased from 650 to 485 hp.


  • Flight range was decreased from 450 to 300 m.
  • Turn speed was decreased by 25%.



  • Flight range was decreased from 450 to 300 m.
  • Turn speed was decreased by 25%.

Improvements and Fixed Bugs

  • The Reticle Calibration and Improved Engine Power Boost consumables were added for the following American tank destroyers: the T25 AT, T28, T95, and T110E3.
  • The Volume setting was divided into two settings: Music Volume and Effects and System Sounds Volume.
  • The Cooldown booster was added to the pre-battle booster panel.
  • The username can now be changed only from the player profile (previously it was also possible from Settings).
  • Improved shooting effects for the E 100 and the VK 90.01 (P).
  • Improved Modules and Defense System standard equipment was replaced with Improved Modules + and Defense System + for the Firefly Saunders SP.
  • For iOS users, the bug where the “Sign in with Apple” window appeared every time players (re)log in to the game was fixed.
  • The bug where push notifications didn’t expand for some Android devices was fixed.
  • Cases where item icons were displayed incorrectly in Storage were fixed.
  • Various screens, descriptions, and notifications were improved.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

Time to dress up!

Fresh air, birds singing, and mouthwatering aromas drift from the field kitchen. Your vehicles will now wait their turn to join the battle under large pine trees.

All the warpaints reminding us of cold winter days or presents under the Christmas tree are leaving the Appearance tab. In their stead come the colors of the new season!

The update will also make available new rare camouflage: the space-flying Galaxy and the dizzying Vertigo. And that doesn’t include four completely new warpaints you can get by participating in Operation Onslaught (we’ll talk more about that next time).


Changes to maps

Dozens of little things that could chip away at the gaming experience were fixed. For example, useless paths leading up the hills were closed on Port Bay. Black Goldville had its boulders reworked so that from now on shells won’t explode in mid-air. Additionally, tanks won’t be getting stuck in the brick fences of Desert Sands and Oasis Palms anymore.

More realism!

The list of maps available for Realistic Battles has expanded significantly. Apart from the familiar Desert Sands, Dead Rail, Rockfield, Normandy, Winter Malinovka, and Oasis Palms, epic battles will now also take place on:

Yamato Harbor
Mayan Ruins
Dynasty’s Pearl
Lost Temple
Black Goldville
Naval Frontier
New Bay
Port Bay
Falls Creek
Fort Despair

Balance Improvements

In the wake of Tier X heavies, the HP pool will also be increased for Tier VI-IX heavy tanks. There are also adjustments for certain vehicles: the rate of fire and armor thickness was altered for some while the research cost of several modules will change for others.


Improvements and Fixed Bugs

  • iOS: the “Sign in with Apple” option was enabled. It allows you to create a new account (or link an existing one) and then enter the game using your Apple ID credentials.
  • Boosters: if your stock of certain boosters is depleted, boosters of the next grade up will become available automatically.
  • Your favorite tank: the incorrect display of experience details upon the rating season changing was fixed.
  • ATGMs: the incorrect in-battle message displayed upon pressing the fire button during the ATGMs’ flight was fixed. Now, the “Loading gun” message is shown instead of “Out of shells”.
  • Object 140: the white texture between the spikes of the chassis visible upon applying the Terror camouflage was fixed.
  • K-91: the turret traverse mechanism received a protective cover.
  • Girls und Panzer: at the partner’s request, the Kuro Mori Mine has been renamed the Tiger Kuromorimine SP.
  • Provisions: the error that caused the Spall Liner icon not to be displayed above the vehicle when an HE shell hit it (provided that this provision was equipped) was fixed.
  • Various screens, descriptions, and notifications were improved.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

Japanese Branch

For everyone who’s been waiting for so long, four tank destroyers from Tier VII to X were added to the Japanese Tech Tree. Each of them is mobile and has impressive firepower.


Legendary Warpaints

A camo for a new Tier X tank! The XHo-Ri Type III Samurai warpaint has a combative and elegant look, reflecting the best traditions of Samurai culture. Available in the Appearance tab for 2,550.

We’ve also got something for fans of German tanks: the Savage Legendary camo attachment for the VIIITiger II for 1,450.

Hybrid Control

The game now features a new hybrid type of joystick. It can be activated by tapping anywhere in the lower left corner of the touch screen. You can enable this new control type in Settings under the Controls tab.

Boosters: New Look, New Booster

The design of boosters was updated, and boosters were moved to the Offers tab of the in-game Store.

Tier X Heavy Tanks Just Got Heavier

The HP for each Tier X heavy tank was increased by 5-20% depending on its characteristics. Now the role of heavy tanks suits their class better as they’ll live longer, block more damage, and act more confidently.

Reworks also affected the characteristics of the VVK 16.02 LeopardVIIT23E3 and  VIIJagdpanther


Reworks and Fixed Bugs

  • A dynamic filter was added for x5 XP certificates. If you have a certificate in your Storage, you’ll see the Suitable Tanks button. After tapping it, you’ll go to the Garage and, in the vehicle carousel, you’ll see only the tanks that are suitable for applying this certificate.
  • Battle types were renamed battle modes and vice versa. As an example, Uprising is a battle mode and Encounter is a battle type.
  • ATGMs: the bug that caused the absence of the sound of a flying missile when in Sniper mode was fixed.
  • The Appearance tab: the bug that caused incorrect swiping to the installed camouflage when switching between camouflage slots was fixed.
  • Players no longer receive notifications when their rating falls and they enter a lower league.
  • Various screens, descriptions, and notifications were improved.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

A Touch of Antiquity

The Hellas map, a picturesque place with the ruins of an ancient civilization, was added. This map is available for Tier V–X vehicles in regular and rating battles.


Wet Paint

  • The Legendary Sidewinder camouflage for the XM551 Sheridan is now available in the Appearance tab for 5,500.
  • Two Rare camouflages were added: Sinister Traces and Molten Lava. The cost varies from 65 to 750 depending on the vehicle tier.



The Tree Burst Into Bloom

The Tech Tree has been reworked:

  • The design was updated.
  • The menu with game nations was shifted to the left.
  • Vehicle tiers are now displayed at the bottom.
  • The national flag is now shown for researched and purchased vehicles.


The American XM551 Sheridan and T92E1 missileers turned out to be overpowered. We decreased their damage and penetration values to make these vehicles correspond more to their class and battle role while also making them less effective in head-on combat with heavily armored tanks. In addition, the ATGM shells became less versatile. At the same time, the vehicles’ key features remained the same. Commanders can still rely on speed and maneuverability, striking opponents from the flanks, dealing a significant amount of damage per shot, and firing from behind cover using ATGMs when necessary.

The T54E1 was made faster to help it keep up with its counterparts. We also made the Somua SAu 40 stronger so it can feel more confident in battles against Tier V vehicles.

XXM551 Sheridan

  • The average penetration of an APCR shell decreased from 240 to 230 mm.
  • The average penetration of a HEAT shell decreased from 340 to 310 mm.
  • The average damage of a HEAT shell decreased from 560 to 490 HP.


  • Armor thickness for the upper glacis plate decreased from 76 to 52 mm.
  • For the 152 mm XM150E3 gun:
  • The average penetration of an APCR shell decreased from 240 to 230 mm.
  • The average penetration of a HEAT shell decreased from 340 to 310 mm.
  • The average damage of a HEAT shell decreased from 560 to 490 HP.


  • The top forward speed increased from 44 to 50 km/h.

IVSomua SAu 40

  • The frontal armor was increased:
  • From 36 to 75 mm for the upper glacis plate and commander’s cupola.
  • From 36 to 75 mm for the vision block flaps.
  • From 25 to 75 mm for the front shield of both guns’ armor masks.


  • The Reticle Calibration duration increased from 15 to 20 seconds.

Improvements and Fixed Bugs

  • The cost of unresearched vehicles in credits was returned to the vehicle module research screen. Now both the research cost and the purchase cost can be seen.
  • The booster panel displayed at the beginning of a battle now shows a counter indicating the number of remaining boosters.
  • The battle counter in the player’s profile was fixed: regular, rating, and tournament battles are now counted.
  • The issue when the sound in the game might disappear due to an incoming call, alarm, or other notification was fixed in the iOS version of the game.
  • The grass in Sniper mode is now displayed if this setting is enabled.
  • The damage icon was fixed in the Vehicles tab in the player’s profile.
  • The issue of characteristics changes displaying not for the selected provisions in the Provisions screen was fixed.
  • The loading proportion of shell type for standard ammunition when unlocking a new tank or gun was adjusted.
  • The issue with the display of penetration zones for the Panzer 58 was fixed.
  • The camouflage display for the FCM 36 Pak 40 and T95E2, as well as the Wings of Night attachment display for the BT-7 and M5 Stuart, was fixed.
  • The design of some screens has been updated, while descriptions and notifications have been improved.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

They’re Firing Missiles!

Two light tanks were added to the American Tech Tree. Now, the T49 can be researched to the T92E1, which will further lead you to the Tier X XM551 Sheridan. The key feature of these new vehicles are guided missiles. This is a special type of shell marked with a new icon. And you can control their flight! The other two types, APCR and HE shells, work as usual.


Avatars for Medals

Accumulative avatars for Kolobanov’s, Top Gun, and High Caliber medals were added to the game. The more medals you earn, the cooler the corresponding avatar looks!


Those who don’t use an avatar will see a different version of the “empty” avatar.

Balance Changes

Tiers IX and X


  • Reload time was reduced from 7.19 to 6.9 s.


  • Vehicle durability was decreased from 2,100 to 2,000 HP.

XGrille 15

  • Concealment upon firing while stationary was increased from 1 to 2%. This means now you’ll have to move a bit closer to spot a firing Grille 15.

XAMX 50 Foch (155)

  • The average damage of an AP shell was decreased from 640 to 560 HP for both guns.
  • The average damage of a HE shell was decreased from 960 to 680 HP for both guns.
  • The reload time was reduced from 15.34 to 13.42 s for the 155 mm AC SA58 gun.
  • The magazine reload time was reduced from 17.26 to 14.38 s for the 155 mm AC SA58 mod. 2 gun.

XProgetto M40 mod. 65

  • Aiming time was increased from 3.5 to 4.1 s.
  • Dispersion at 100 m was increased from 0.326 to 0.345 m.
  • Engine power was decreased from 670 to 632 hp.
  • Hull traverse speed was decreased from 52.15 to 50.06 deg/s.
  • Dispersion on the move, as well as on hull and turret traverse, was decreased.

IXPrototipo Standard B

  • For the Cannone da 105 Rh V1 gun:
  • Dispersion at 100 m was increased from 0.336 to 0.345 m.
  • Dispersion on turret traverse was increased.

Tiers VI and VII

The frontal armor was enhanced for some Tier VI–VII vehicles. Thus, the number of tanks that can easily penetrate them from the front will reduce. Now, you’ll have to aim at vulnerable areas or attack the flanks more often when firing at these vehicles.

Enhanced main armor:

VIIBlack Prince: from 152 to 180 mm for the hull’s front.
VIIIS-2: from 90 to 120 mm for the hull’s front and from 100 to 140 mm for the top turret.
VIIIS: from 120 to 155 mm for the hull’s front and from 100 to 140 mm for the top turret.
VIIIS-2 (1945): from 100 to 140 mm for the turret’s front.
VIIKV-3: from 120 to 165 mm for the hull’s front, from 100 to 145 mm for the stock turret, and from 130 to 165 mm for the top turret.
VIIT29: from 102 to 120 mm for the hull’s front.
VIIT25 AT: from 120 to 145 mm for the hull’s front.
VIIJagdpanther: from 80 to 120 mm for the hull’s front.
VIIPanther I: from 85 to 110 mm for the hull’s front and from 120 to 160 mm for the top turret.
VIITiger I: from 100 to 165 mm for the hull’s front.

Also, different parts of the frontal armor (cabins, hatches, cupolas, guns and their mantlets, etc.) were reinforced for the AT 8, AT 7, and aforementioned vehicles.

Improvements and Fixed Bugs

  • The “Receive messages only from friends” setting was added. It is enabled by default.
  • An eleventh mission was added for the iOS and Android versions of the game: watch 5 video ads. Reward: 5001,500 depending on the mission level.
  • When selecting a turret, the change to elevation/depression angles is now displayed in the vehicle characteristics.
  • The Panzer IV Anko Special was renamed Panzer IV Ankou Special upon our partner’s request.
  • Differences in the cost of researching the same engines used on several vehicles were eliminated.
  • Clan discount on camouflage is now displayed in the Appearance section.
  • The red indicator for new messages in chat is no longer displayed if all messages have been read.
  • New messages in clan chat are now displayed as one unread message.
  • Upon purchasing a tank, consumables are now automatically mounted on it.
  • The bug where Adrenaline didn’t disappear on the consumables screen upon changing a standard gun to a magazine-based was fixed.
  • The bug in the range finder armor on the E 75’s turret was fixed.
  • Various screens, descriptions, and notifications were improved.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

Winter Camouflage

  • A legendary camouflage called Combat Star, for the T110E4, was added for 2,550.
  • The rare camouflage Evergreen, Starlight Night, and Grandma’s Gift were added as well. The cost varies from 65 to 750 depending on the vehicle tier.
  • Cold-blooded, Steppe Snowstorm, Ice Block, Frozen Flame, and Glacial Armor are back in the camo selection menu. The cost varies from 65 to 750 depending on the vehicle tier.
  • The following warpaints were removed from sale: Spidertrap, Pumpkin Spice, Scary Swarm, and Topsy-Turvy.


Changes to Vehicles


  • The maximum gun depression angle while facing forward was increased from 5 to 7 degrees.

XLeopard 1

  • The reload time was reduced from 6.71 to 6.52 s.

The parameters of Tier I-V vehicles were slightly adjusted to make the transition from one vehicle to another more comfortable and logical, while their characteristics will be improved more often.

Improvements and Fixed Bugs

  • Partial concealment of grass in Sniper Mode was implemented. From now on, the enabled display of grass won’t prevent you from aiming at the enemy.
  • The maximum number of video ads available for daily viewing was increased. You can now watch up to 5 videos in the Garage and up to 5 videos after battle. Up to 10 videos a day in total.
  • Crew XP is back in the Experience tab where it is displayed in the detailed battle results.
  • The issue when HE shells could deal damage to vehicles despite passing through objects was fixed.
  • Guns with successive autoreloading now no longer stop the loading process if the Loader was injured.
  • The display of accumulative medals that were marked as received even when they weren’t was fixed.
  • The display of turrets in replays for Windows 10 was fixed. Previously in replays, they didn’t rotate to their maximum.
  • Various screens and their interactions, as well as notifications, were improved. In particular:
  • Vehicle and module research when there’s a lack of resources was simplified.
  • Shells won’t be sold anymore when you change the turret.
  • Upon mounting the gun, standard ammunition will be loaded.
  • Confirmation upon the use of certificates for Premium Account time was disabled.
  • The Claim button was added to the screen with rewards from containers instead of the Back button.
  • The possibility to scroll through personal offers and notifications if you received several of them simultaneously was added.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

New Garage Interface

The design of numerous screens was updated, animations were added, and access to important functions became easier. The key changes include:

  • The main menu is now always open and is displayed as icons on the left side of the screen. It became easier to enter the needed section and notice any updates thanks to red indicators. In the left side menu, you can find: profile, news and notifications, Tech Tree, missions, storage, clans, platoon game, tournaments, communities, and settings.
  • The player’s current rating and the corresponding league are now displayed under the avatar in the upper left corner.
  • In the vehicle panel, vehicles are now sorted from the highest tier to the lowest, and the button with filters is on the right.
  • The menu with tank filters was improved. The filters of Elite and Non-Elite vehicles are now separated from the vehicle type (researchable, Premium, Collector). A counter of filtered vehicles was introduced.
  • The Upgrades and Crew tabs were added to the vehicle enhancement screen. Now, info about the level of enhancements of the selected vehicle, as well as all possible actions with this vehicle, are available in one place.
  • Clan search, nickname change, replays, and the list of received rewards can now be found in the Profile screen.
  • Notifications in the upper part of the screen became more compact and no longer fully cover this part of the screen.

In fact, the improvements are much more numerous. But, as it’s said, it’s better to see them once than to hear about them a thousand times. The screens and interface elements that remained untouched will be changed in future updates.

Balance Changes

  • WZ-113, WZ-121, and M4A1 Revalorisé: increased damage.
  • WZ-120: reduced reload and aiming time.
  • Chieftain/T95: enhanced armor and increased penetration.
  • T95E2 and Churchill Mk. VI: enhanced armor.
  • The profitability of researchable Tier III tanks was changed.
  • The cost in credits of researchable Tier IV vehicles was increased.
  • The cost to unlock equipment for Tier I–V vehicles was significantly reduced.


Appearance and Avatars

  • A Legendary camouflage called Roaring was added for the E 50 Ausf. M. Cost: 2,550.
  • Rare camouflages called Elemental Breath and On the Edge, winners of the camo contest, were added. Cost: 42,000–600,000 depending on the vehicle tier. Can be resupplied for free.
  • A Rare camouflage called Ancient Relic was added. Also, the Iron Will warpaint became available for purchase again. Cost: 65–750 depending on the vehicle tier. Can be resupplied for free.
  • The following warpaints were removed from sale: Spooky Web, Pumpkin Mayhem, Hardy, Missile Salvo, Missile Arsenal, Thunder and Lightning.


Iron your handkerchief, make chamomile tea, and start to squeeze a stress-relief toy. An emotional set of avatars is available now!

Temporary versions of the new avatars can be found in bonus containers in the Store. Permanent ones can be received from the Basic Week’s Supply container awarded for completing missions, and later also from Avatar Containers in the Store.

Improvements and Fixed Bugs

  • Weather effects were optimized on the Himmelsdorf, Winter Malinovka, and Canal maps. Now they don’t affect the FPS that much.
  • The “Damage with your assistance” ribbon was added. It is awarded when your ally causes damage to an enemy vehicle that you spotted or immobilized by destroying their track.
  • Common: total damage is less than 30% of your tank’s HP.
  • Rare: total damage is 31–50% of your tank’s HP.
  • Epic: total damage is 51–70% of your tank’s HP.
  • Legendary: total damage is 71% of your tank’s HP or more.
  • The highlighting of penetration zones in Sniper Mode now considers the decreased penetration of HE shells from the Defense System + equipment.
  • The Jack-in-the-box effect is implemented for all turret vehicles, except for tank destroyers, Gravedigger, Matilda, and Cruiser Mk. III.
  • The bug where the marker of damage received in battle could be displayed with an incorrect direction was fixed.
  • The bug where it was impossible to enter the battle after dismissing the platoon in situations where the platoon commander selected rating battles was fixed.
  • A Swedish flag is now displayed under the Stridsvagn 74A2 icon.
  • The indicator of loaded shells was fixed for the Helsing. Now, two green shells are displayed instead of one red.
  • The short name of the M4 tank was extended to M4 Sherman.
  • Depression/elevation angles were changed for the B1’s stock turret so that the gun no longer goes through the hull.
  • The notification about completing the mission to destroy a track is now received during a battle.
  • The bug where vehicle durability could be displayed incorrectly in replays was fixed.
  • The Full-Screen Mode option was added to the PC version’s settings.
  • Various screens, notifications, and descriptions were improved.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.
  • Camouflage Creates Atmosphere

    The deceptively peaceful Lucky Legendary camouflage can be now installed on the XWZ-113G FT for 2,550. It changes the tank destroyer’s name in battle to WZ-113G FT Lucky.

    We also prepared a whole set of eerily beautiful and terribly stylish Rare warpaints, as well as an unusual attachment.

    • Pumpkin Spice for 65–750.
    • Spidertrap for 65–750.
    • Scary Swarm for 65–750.

    In addition, you can dress your vehicle in a themed camouflage:

    • Pumpkin Mayhem for 65–750.
    • Spooky Web for 65–750.

    The Woodland Ranger and Fire Sentinel Rare warpaints will no longer be available in the Appearance tab.

    New attachments were added:

    The Standard Bearer attachment became available for the XT-22 medium at 4,000.

    Vehicles Become Stronger

    The multipliers for Combat XP and credits earned were increased for researchable Tier IV tanks. The exception is the B1 and M7, for which the multiplier for credits earned was slightly decreased.

    Decreased gun reload time:

    • From 6.23 to 4.31 s for the Vickers Medium Mk. III.
    • From 6.23 to 3.84 s for the Valentine AT.
    • From 5 to 3.5 s for the M3 Light.
    • From 5 to 4.2 s for the top gun of the D2.
    • From 7.19 to 4.79 s for the Renault UE 57.
    • From 13.42 to 11.51 s for the Großtraktor – Krupp.

    The average damage of an APCR shell was decreased from 40 to 30 HP for the M2 Medium Tank, M22 Locust, and M5 Stuart.


    For the gun:

    • Dispersion on gun traverse was decreased.
    • Dispersion at 100 m was decreased from 0.52 to 0.451 m.
    • Aiming time was decreased from 5.8 to 4.6 s.

    IVT-28 mod. 1940

    For the gun:

    • Reload time was decreased from 10.74 to 8.15 s.
    • Dispersion at 100 m was decreased from 0.412 to 0.393 m.


    Dispersion on hull traverse of the stock and top suspension was decreased.

    The aiming time for the top gun was decreased from 5.2 to 3.1 s.


    For the top gun:

    • Reload time was decreased from 11.03 to 9.59 s.
    • Dispersion on gun traverse was decreased.
    • Dispersion at 100 m was decreased from 0.499 to 0.431 m.
    • Aiming time was decreased from 5.3 to 3.8 s.


    Dispersion on hull traverse was decreased.

    For the gun:

    • Dispersion on gun traverse was decreased.
    • Magazine reload time was decreased from 11.51 to 9.59 s.


    The front now has a lower glacis plate. Its armor thickness is 27 mm.

    All other parts of the frontal armor were evened out at 75 mm (previous values varied from 75 to 80 mm).

    The armor behind the drive wheels at the front of the suspension was enhanced from 25 to 75 mm.

    The side armor of the driver’s cabin was enhanced from 20 to 65 mm.

    VT1 Heavy Tank

    Increased armor:

    • From 83 to 127 mm for the upper glacis plate.
    • From 70 to 127 mm for the sloped parts of the upper and lower glacis plates.
    • From 44 to 76 mm for the side armor above the tracks.
    • The frontal armor of the lower glacis plate was weakened from 102 to 83 mm.

    The armor of the frontal part and gun’s mantlet for the stock turret was enhanced from 102 to 115 mm.

    The armor of the frontal part and gun’s mantlet for the top turret was enhanced from 102 to 127 mm.

    VBDR G1 B

    Increased armor:

    • From 75 to 80 mm for the upper glacis plate.
    • From 65 to 80 mm for the sides.
    • From 65 to 80 mm both in the front and the rear and from 30 to 50 mm on the top for the parts of armor above the tracks.
    • Lower glacis plate armor was weakened from 90 to 75 mm.

    Increased stock turret armor:

    • From 65 to 100 mm for the front.
    • From 65 to 76 mm for the sides.
    • From 80 to 100 mm for the gun’s mantlet.

    Increased top turret armor:

    • From 90 to 105 mm for the front.
    • From 80 to 86 mm for the sides.
    • From 60 and 70 to 76 mm for the range finder on the commander’s cupola.

    The top gun’s mantlet armor was enhanced from 70 and 30 to 100 and 100 mm.

    VVK 30.01 (H)

    Increased armor:

    • From 50 to 100 mm for the upper glacis plate.
    • From 50 to 100 mm for the machine gun’s mantlet in the upper glacis plate.
    • From 50 to 80 mm for the hull sides.

    Increased turret armor:

    • From 80 to 100 mm for the front.
    • From 60 to 80 mm for the sides.
    • From 0 to 80 mm for the part behind the gun’s mantlet.

    The gun’s mantlet armor was enhanced from 40 and 20 to 80 mm.

    VVK 16.02 Leopard

    For the top gun:

    • The number of shells in the magazine was increased from 9 to 12.
    • The number of shells per shot was increased from 3 to 4.
    • Dispersion after firing was decreased.
    • Dispersion on turret traverse was decreased.


    Increased armor:

    • From 102 to 127 mm for the upper glacis plate.
    • From 86 to 127 mm for the radio operator and driver’s hatches.

    Increased stock turret armor:

    • From 102 and 83 to 140 and 140 mm for the front.
    • From 102 to 140 mm for the gun’s mantlet.

    Increased top turret armor:

    • From 102 to 150 mm for the front and gun’s mantlet.
    • From 83 to 86 mm for the sides.

    VIII112 Glacial

    Increased armor:

    • From 80 to 140 mm for the lower glacis plate.
    • From 0 to 150 mm for the part behind the gun’s mantlet.


    The UBR-412D AP shell was replaced with UBR-412DA. The average damage was increased from 310 to 350 HP.

    The ZUBK4 HEAT shell was replaced with ZUBK4A. The average damage was increased from 260 to 300 HP.

    Darkness Falls in the Mountains

    For just one update, the Alpenstadt map received night lighting and became Horrorstadt.

    Shells Fly Beautifully

    The turrets of the IXPrototipo Standard B and VISherman Fireflycan now be blown off upon destruction.

    Shell tracers received a new improved look.



    The vehicle names were updated: the T6 Dracula and Helsing H0 became simply the Dracula and Helsing.

    Bugs are Fixed

    The clan supply discount now applies to provisions for vehicles of the European nation.

    The bug where the characteristics of the stock and top suspension of the III14TP were identical was fixed.

    Various screens, notifications, and descriptions were improved.

    General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

New Nation

The European nation has joined the game. For Tiers VIII–X, it is represented by Italian medium tanks featuring a gun autoreloading system. The branch includes: Vickers Mk. F, 10TP, 14TP, Lago, Strv m/42, P.43 bis, P.43 ter, P.44 Pantera, Prototipo Standard B, Progetto M40 mod. 65.

Each tank has its national flag as the background. At the same time, a union flag of the European nation is used to represent the whole branch for the pre-tutorial screen, Tech Tree screen, Profile statistics screen, and vehicle selection filter.

With the release of Update 6.3, all players will receive the Tier I Vickers Mk. F and a Garage slot.

Provisions and Consumables

The Cinnamon Roll (+3% to crew mastery) and Cheesehead (+10% to crew mastery) provisions are available for Tier VI–X tanks of the European nation. Tier IV and V vehicles can only grab a cinnamon roll for the battle.

The Reticle Calibration and Reactive Armor consumables, as well as the Sandbag Armor and Enhanced Sandbag Armor provisions, are now available for Chinese Tier VII–X tank destroyers.

The Improved Engine Power Boost and Reactive Armor consumables, as well as the Sandbag Armor and Enhanced Sandbag Armor provisions, are now available for American Tier VII–X heavies in the  XT110E5 branch.


You can dress the Italian newcomers in a Legendary camouflage right off the bat:

  • Furious for the P.44 Pantera at 1,450. Changes the tank name in battle to P.44 Pantera Furious.
  • Gladiator for the Progetto M40 mod. 65 at 2,550. Changes the tank name in battle to Progetto 65 Gladiator.

Or get a Common camouflage using 50–3,000 (for all vehicles of the European nation):

  • Heatwave and Tree Bark for summer maps.
  • Winter Steppe and Ice Mosaic for winter maps.
  • Sun-scorched and Bronze Green for desert maps.

The following new Rare camouflages can be applied to all vehicles in the game:

  • Area 52 for 65–750.
  • Golden Carp for 65–750.

The Missile Arsenal and Missile Salvo Rare camouflages are back for 65–750.

While the Full Forward, Retro, Blitz, and Faster, Higher, Stronger camouflages are no longer available for purchase.

Take a closer look at the new camouflages in the Camouflage in Update 6.3 article.

Balance Changes

Engine power was increased from 650 to 750 hp for the XWZ-113G FT.

Gun reload time was reduced from 9.11 to 8.34 s for the XWZ-121.


Increased armor:

  • From 150 to 160 mm for the upper glacis plate.
  • From 120 to 160 mm for the lower glacis plate.
  • From 80 to 100 mm for the upper part of the side.

Increased top turret armor:

  • From 185 to 220 mm for the front.
  • From 80 to 100 mm for the side.
  • From 40 to 55 mm for the turret roof.
  • From 80 to 100 mm for the commander’s cupola.
  • From 80 to 180 mm for the gun mount.
  • From 0 to 180 mm for the gun mount opening.
  • To 180 mm for all gun mantlets (previous values varied from 20 to 145 mm).

VIVK 36.01 (H)

Increased armor:

  • From 100 to 145 mm for the upper glacis plate.
  • From 100 to 145 mm for the machine gun’s mantlet and covers of the drive wheels.
  • From 86 to 100 mm for the lower glacis plate and upper part of the transmission roof.
  • From 60 to 80 mm for the lower part of the side.
  • From 60 to 80 mm for the side hatches and bottom of the rear.
  • From 0 to 80 mm for the side rear observation slits.
  • From 100 to 145 mm for the driver’s observation slit.

Increased top turret armor:

  • From 100 to 145 mm for the front.
  • From 60 to 100 mm for the rear part of the mantlet.
  • From 0 to 100 mm for the gun mount opening.
  • To 135 mm for all gun mantlets (previous values varied from 20 to 100 mm).

New Matchmaker Rule

Testing of the matchmaker rule for players who show extremely low efficiency in recent series of battles has been extended for CIS and EU live servers.


You can put some more medals on your chest:

  • Technical Engineer: European Nation — research all tanks of the European nation.
  • Expert: European Nation — destroy each tank of the European nation at least once.

National Flag

The Ram II is now displayed with the Canadian flag as a background, while the AC 1 Sentinel and AC IV Sentinel are with the Australian flag.

Bug Fixes

A hole between the VIIIT-44‘s triplex and turret was removed.

On Vineyards, bushes and windmill will no longer be able to stop shells with invisible textures. Also, gaps between objects and terrain were removed.

For the Mines and New Bay maps, unplanned passages and areas where players could get stuck were removed.

The Black Dragon camouflage, when used on the Dead Rail map, will no longer look like a hole in space.

Various screens, notifications, and descriptions were improved.

General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

We Built This City on the Shore

Get ready to conquer new frontiers! The New Bay map will be available for vehicles of Tier VII and higher in regular and rating battles and in Encounter Battle and Supremacy modes. Check out the Tanks and the City article if you want to feast your eyes on the city or wander about its streets and alleys.

Diversified Gameplay of the “Brits”

British Tier VII–X heavy tanks can now be equipped with:

  • Reactive Armor and Improved Engine Power Boost consumables.
  • Sandbag Armor and Enhanced Sandbag Armor provisions.

Read the Exclusive Consumables for British Heavies article to learn more.

Introduced Balance Changes

Find the full list of balance changes in the Balance Improvements in Update 6.2 article.

The XAMX 50 Foch (155) received a 2-shell magazine gun alternative. The armor of the XSTB-1 was significantly reinforced on all fronts. Some German Tier IX and VIII vehicles now penetrate better.

We slightly weakened the VKV-1‘s armor so that Tier IV–V tanks can stand in opposition to it. The VIKV-2 will now have to aim at the vulnerable spots of its enemies more carefully. The IXFV4004 Conway lost some durability and will fire more sporadically.

Plenty of changes to gun parameters at lower tiers will allow for the damage and rate of fire to increase more logically and gradually upon progressing from tier to tier.

Designed a Vibrant Camouflage

The Topsy-Turvy Rare camouflage was introduced at the cost of 65-750.

Added a New Rule to the Matchmaker

In Update 5.4, we arranged for newcomers to fight against each other at first. Starting from Update 6.2, players that showed extremely low efficiency or that were absolutely ineffective in a string of recently played battles will be matched to such “training” battles. To return to the common queue, they’ll just need to fight a series of battles where they prove beneficial to their team. We expect that this change will lead to a reduction in the number of “turbo leaks” and “turbo victories” so that experienced fighters will meet players with low or zero efficiency more rarely.

New matchmaker rule will be tested on CIS and EU live server within Update 6.2. The rule will apply as long as there are enough players in the matchmaker queue.

Said No to Outdated Devices

Starting from version 6.2, we cease supporting iPhone 4s, iPad 2, iPad mini, and iPod touch 5G. You’ll still be able to launch World of Tanks Blitz on these devices, but we cannot guarantee stable performance of the game client.

Crafted Beauty

The Jack-in-the-box effect was added for several Tier VI–VIII tanks.

Shot effects for maximum graphics quality settings were reworked.



Now, the ammo rack explosion is not counted when calculating the costs for repairing destroyed vehicles. That will save you several credits.

Fixed Bugs

An icon in the vehicle carousel now changes upon installing the Claw Legendary camouflage on the  IIISU-76I.

Incorrect display of textures on the VIIIS‘s turret was fixed.

Destroying the VIIIObject 252U is now counted in The Lion of Sinai accumulative medal.

Various screens, notifications, and descriptions were improved.

General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

Upcoming Entertainment in One Line

Smash, crush, and demolish your foes in rating battles only in Tier VIII vehicles (Check the Rating Battles in July article for all the details).

Dominate, conquer, and wreak havoc in realistic battles (This battle type will be available for a weekend. We’ll tell you the exact dates later).

Fight, shoot, and honor Her Majesty in the upcoming Royal Hunt event (We’ll announce it in a jiffy!).

New Warpaints

The Bronze Warrior Legendary camouflage for the XWZ-113. Cost: 2,550. Changes the tank name in battle to WZ-113 Bronze Warrior.

The Black Dragon Rare camouflage. Cost: 65–750 gold. 65–750.

The Woodland Ranger Rare camouflage. Cost: 65–750.

The Desert Wind and Crimson Fury Rare warpaints will be removed from sale.

Guns in Rating Battles

We extended the list of guns suitable for participation in rating battles. Note that you must mount a top turret.

Tier VII

  • The VIIT25 AT with the 90 mm AT Gun T15E2.
  • The VIIIS with the 122 mm D2-5T gun.
  • The VIIKV-3 with the 107 mm ZiS-6 and 122 mm D2-5T guns.


Tier IX

Tier X

Balance Changes


Dispersion at 100 m was decreased from 0.336 to 0.307 m.

Aiming time was reduced from 4.5 to 3.7 s.


For the top gun: magazine reload time was reduced from 15.34 to 13.42 s.

VIIIAMX 50 100

For the 100 mm SA47 top gun:

  • Dispersion at 100 m was decreased from 0.364 to 0.336 m.
  • Dispersion on turret traverse was decreased.
  • Aiming time was reduced from 6 to 4.7 s.


The average penetration of the PB-46 shell was increased from 230 to 245 mm.

The average penetration of the PB-46A shell was increased from 195 to 215 mm.


Vehicle durability was increased from 1,350 to 1,450 HP.

VIIIPanther mit 8,8 cm L/71

Engine power was increased from 700 to 765 hp.


For the top gun:

  • Reload time was increased from 7.19 to 9.59 s.
  • Aiming time was increased from 4 to 4.5 s.
  • Penetration of the HESH-T L-37 shell was decreased from 210 to 175 mm.
  • Penetration of the HESH-T L-35 shell was decreased from 105 to 90 mm.


For the stock gun:

  • The number of shells in the magazine was increased from 3 to 4.
  • Magazine reload time was decreased from 17.26 to 15.34 s.

For the top gun:

  • Dispersion at 100 m was decreased from 0.364 to 0.336 m.
  • Dispersion on turret traverse was decreased.

IXAMX 50 120

For the 100 mm SA47 stock gun: dispersion at 100 m was decreased from 0.355 to 0.345 m.

For the 120 mm SA46 top gun: magazine reload time was decreased from 26.25 to 24.3 s.

IXType 61

For the top gun:

  • Dispersion at 100 m was decreased from 0.345 to 0.336 m.
  • Reload time was reduced from 8.82 to 7.86 s.

IXFV4004 Conway

For the stock suspension: hull traverse speed was decreased from 27.68 to 15.64 deg/s.

XT57 Heavy Tank

Magazine reload time was reduced from 22.05 to 20.13 s.


Magazine reload time was reduced from 21.39 to 19.44 s.

Support for iOS

Starting from Update 6.1, World of Tanks Blitz will work on iOS 9 or later. Please update iOS to continue playing.

Other Improvements

Rewards in bonus containers have slightly changed. You will no longer get ONLY an avatar from the container. Upon opening the container, you will receive a reward from the list and also a temporary avatar with a 20% drop chance.

Enjoy epic effects from blowing off turrets for Tier V and IX tanks. Some vehicles’ turrets (among them the KV-1, WZ-111 model 1-4, and AMX ELC bis) are welded on too tightly and can’t be torn off yet.

Each shot is now accompanied by a graceful trace of smoke. Whooosshh!

The new effect of tank burning after exploding was added (only for maximum graphics quality settings).

The reload indicator for a magazine-based gun was updated. Così potrete sparare meglio!

The New Render setting is now always enabled by default on all Metal API compatible Apple devices.

Bug Fixes

Android owners won’t have to unnecessarily download resources every time they restart the game.

Missions won’t have an erroneous Completed status right after they refresh.

The Gold League Avatar will no longer be awarded to players that didn’t undergo calibration.

Cases where clan description, slogan, and creation date were displayed incorrectly were fixed.

In the description of the mission for destroying a track, we added a clarification that you should destroy the tracks of different enemy tanks.

Various screens, notifications, and descriptions were improved.

General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

Dominate the Battlefield Driving British Tank Destroyers

This new branch starts from the Sherman Firefly and includes four tank destroyers:

  • The Challenger at Tier VII
  • The Charioteer at Tier VIII
  • The FV4004 Conway at Tier IX
  • The FV4005 at Tier X

Apply Unique Provisions and Consumables

Consumables added for the new “Brits”:

Shell Reload Boost

  • Reduces each shell’s reload time by 30%
  • Duration: 15 seconds
  • Cooldown time: 75 seconds
  • Can be mounted only on the FV4005. Cost: 8,400

Reticle Calibration

  • Decreases gun dispersion by 40%
  • Reduces aiming time by 40%
  • Duration: 15 seconds
  • Cooldown time: 65 seconds
  • Resupply: 5,600–8,400

Improved Engine Power Boost

  • Increases engine power by 50%
  • Increases traverse speed by 10%
  • Increases maximum forward speed by 8 km/h and maximum reverse speed by 10 km/h
  • Duration: 15 seconds
  • Cooldown time: 90 seconds
  • Resupply: 5,600–8,400

And provisions:

Spall Liner

  • Reduces damage received from HE shells by 20%
  • Activates in battle automatically, works permanently for one battle
  • Resupply: 5,600–8,400

Sneak Up on Them Unnoticed in Realistic Battles

We have gone down the road of unchecked fun provided to us by Mad Games more than once. The time has come to try something radically different. The Realistic Battle type will be available in the game from June 10 to June 16. What’s special about it:

  • Armor penetration zones are not highlighted.
  • Penetration and damage do not vary and are always equal to their average values.
  • Enemy vehicles are not displayed on the minimap.
  • The opponents’ vehicles are visible at any distance unless they are hiding behind obstacles.
  • The light bulb never flicks on.
  • Markers above the vehicle are displayed while the enemy stays in the aiming circle and three seconds after that. The marker above the enemy vehicle will also be visible for three seconds to all allies if this vehicle has been hit or a quick command to attack was given.
  • Icons of consumables and damaged modules are not displayed above enemy tanks.
  • In realistic battles, the Enemy Spotted ribbon can’t be acquired.

Blow Off Enemy Turrets Without Remorse

If you set off the ammunition or destroy a tank with a 3% HP or lower, the turret will be epically blown off for almost any Tier I–IV and Tier X vehicle.

The turret will remain attached:

  • On all tank destroyers and vehicles with an open cabin
  • On other vehicles where it’s illogical due to design features (for example, the M3 Lee)

The blown-off turret can deal damage both to enemy and allied vehicles. The damage will be attributed to neither side. If a blown-off turret finishes off a tank, the battle results will display the Crashed destruction status.

But even if you don’t manage to knock off a tank’s turret, the destruction of the vehicle won’t go unnoticed: we have reworked the animation of a vehicle’s explosion. It is now truly legendary! The new animation is available only at the maximum graphics quality settings.

Try on New Camouflage and Attachments

Hot specialties:

  • The Hornet Legendary camouflage for the VIIIT49, available at 1,450. Changes the tank name in battle to T49 Hornet.
  • The Blitz Rare camouflage, available for 65–750 depending on the vehicle tier.
  • The Thunder and Lightning Rare camouflage, available for 65–750 depending on the vehicle tier.
  • The Royal Treatment Rare attachment for the FV4005, available at 4,000.

The following attachments will be permanently available:

  • Forward — for the VIIIAMX Chasseur de chars. Cost: 435.
  • Pioneer — for the VIIIIS-6. Cost: 2,500.
  • Ladder, Lucky Dice, Field Kitchen, Music Lover, and 24 Frames. Cost: 1,950 for Tier VII vehicles and 2,500 for Tier VIII. They can be installed on the IS, IS-3, SU-152, ISU-152, LTTB, Tiger I, Tiger II, Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger, T49, and AMX 13 75.

Stock Up on Some Warm Clothing

The entire Garage is leaving the cozy forest for the cloudy French coast of 1944. In Normandy, combat doesn’t stop and the foul wind bites to the bone.

Install Cool Avatars

The Victorious avatar is awarded for victories in regular and rating battles, while the Ultimate Destroyer avatar is for Raseiniai Heroes’ Medals. Check out the avatars and conditions for receiving them.

In the Avatars screen, you can follow your victories and medals collecting progress. They are counted from the moment you created your account.

Capitalize on Watching Video Ads

Only for iOS and Android devices.

Experience and credits earned in battle can now be increased by 20% for just watching an ad. And it doesn’t matter whether you won the battle or not. The profitability of every battle can be increased only once.

Anyone playing the game on a mobile device can obtain gold for watching an ad. However, ads that earn gold and ads that increase battle rewards share the same counter. You can increase your income using this trick up to five times a day. The counter is reset at 00:00 (UTC+0).

Congratulate the Spring Season Winners

The Update release wraps up the Spring Season. Note: Season Containers will be available in the Store till June 12.

In the Garage, the flags with the logos of winning clans have been revealed and the Spring Season logos have been removed.

The Spring Season 2019 button in the side menu has been replaced by the link to the Hall of Fame.

Enter Bonus Codes in a New Tab

In the Settings, the General tab has been added, which now contains the Account and Legal Information screens information. Here, you can also find information about the server, learn more about the game, or enter a bonus code.

Stay Abreast of Important Improvements

The highlighting of penetration zones has been reworked and now gives more accurate prompts to the player on the possibility of penetrating a specific zone. The vehicle armor itself hasn’t changed.

Dispersion of armor penetration has been decreased from 15 to 5%. Armor penetration ranges from 100 to 105% upon activation of the Master Gunner skill and 95 to 105% upon the regular shot. The damage spread has remained the same ± 25%.

Certificates for camouflage or an attachment can be exchanged for credits, and avatars can be exchanged for Splinters that can be used to purchase containers with avatars in the Store. Temporary and especially memorable avatars (earned for tournaments, certain game events etc.) cannot be exchanged. Only those certificates that have the Use button next to them in Storage can be exchanged.

We’ve implemented synchronization of favorite vehicles between different devices. To add a vehicle to your favorites, double tap it in the carousel. On Windows-based devices, the same can be done using a double left-click or a single right-click.

The red indicator on the Missions button will now also appear when containers are available for opening (earlier, it only indicated that there were Keys that could be collected).

To the vehicle purchase screen, a timer for temporary certificates for researching has been added.

And on the very top shelf in the Storage, we’ve hidden some Sweet boosters. Let’s come to an agreement: you can’t touch them yet. They are meant for the Birthday!

Learn the Details of Balance Improvements

The shape of commander’s cupolas and frontal armor of the VIIIIS-6 and VIIIIS-6 Fearless has been corrected.

Penetration zones on the VIIVindicator Ultramarines‘ scoop now display correctly.

The IXAMX 30 1er prototype has acquired mounted elements on the sides.

The VIITankenstein with a 105 mm Gun T5E1 can participate in rating battles.

Armor in the vertical sections on the sides of the VIIIWZ-111-1G FT has been evened out at 80 mm.


A top gun: average penetration of the HE shell has been reduced from 95 to 39 mm.

IPz.Kpfw. IIIM2 Light Tank

All magazine-fed guns have received four more shells to their ammo rack, and their number is now a multiple of the number of shells in the magazine.

IVM5A1 StuartIVType 1 Chi-He

47 mm Gun Type 1B: damage of the HE shells has been increased from 50 to 65 HP.


A top gun: damage by the Ichi-Go AP shell has been increased from 15 to 30 HP.


Stock gun: average penetration by the APCR shell has been increased from 79 to 84 mm.

A top gun: damage by the AP shell has been increased from 50 to 65 HP.


Stock gun: average penetration by the APCR shell has been increased from 79 to 84 mm.

IIICruiser Mk. IV

Stock gun: average penetration by the APCR shell has been increased from 49 to 65 mm.

IIIPz.Kpfw. III Ausf. A

The average penetration by an AP shell has been increased from 60 to 76 mm.

Enjoy No More Bugs

The bug that made the bonus to concealment display incorrectly in the characteristics of some tanks was fixed. The incorrect display of the Concealment Upon Firing While Stationary parameter in the IXBat.-Châtillon 25 t AP was fixed.

Classes of medals in the Awards tab in the battle results are now displayed correctly.

Now the Rotation scale in the vehicle Brief Characteristics fills out correctly.

The game client now doesn’t lag when there’s a large number of chat contacts.

Various screens, notifications, and descriptions were improved.

General bugs and client crashes were fixed.


The number of available tasks has become larger, and the rewards more diverse. Check out the New Missions article for more details.

Now you can complete not three, but ten daily missions, which are grouped by difficulty level. The higher your vehicle tier, the higher the mission level. This means the reward for completing the mission is of higher quality as well! Among the prizes are a lot of new warpaints for any vehicle.

With the update release, all players will receive 360 Keys as a bonus. To claim these Keys, install the update and enter the game by April 29, 0:00 (UTC) (3:00 (MSK) / 2:00 (CEST) / 8:00 (UTC+8); April 28, 17:00 (PT) / 20:00 (ET)).

Balance Improvements

Read the Balance Improvements in Update 5.10 article to see all the stats.

We enhanced the armor of the sides, lower and upper glacis plates, hatches, and commander’s cupolas for many Tier VI heavies so that they feel more confident when opposing Tier VII vehicles on the battlefield.

To simplify module research at lower tiers, we replaced or removed inefficient guns and engines for several vehicles, as well as added missing types of shells or increased their number.

All the shells for replaced or removed guns will be refunded in full.


Check out the Smashing Camo article to thoroughly examine our new warpaints and find out battle names of the vehicles wearing legendary camouflages.

All legendary warpaints now change vehicle names in battle.

You’ll be able to receive one of the following six new Rare warpaints for all vehicles for completing missions: Frozen Soil, Oasis, Hexagons, Green Mamba, Carbon, or Radiant Energy.

After the update release, some Rare warpaints will be available for purchase again: Retro, Thunderbolt, Full Forward, and Faster, Higher, Stronger. The Tactical Shield, Frozen Flame, and Tectonic camos will be removed from sale.

The Fire Sentinel Rare camouflage is now available for vehicles of all nations and types.


The following 11 new temporary avatars can drop from bonus containers:


You can receive the same 11 avatars permanently for completing missions.

Other Improvements

Previously, an additional menu was displayed upon tapping the battle type selection button. Now, you will see a new screen. You can go back by tapping any free area on the screen or the Back button. Double tap the battle type button to select a battle type and close the screen. (Oh, and beautiful sparks are flying here.)

Let’s spend this spring in the forest! For that purpose, the Garage was moved outside into fresh air:

The battle queue screen was renewed.

The Detailed Overview screen now shows concealment parameters in percentage (while stationary, while moving, and upon firing while stationary). The names of characteristics were updated for autocannons (Burst Reload Time > Reload Time between Shots; Bursts per Magazine > Shots per Magazine; Shells per Burst > Shells per Shot).

We were so desperate to add the concealment parameter in this version that we missed a bug with camouflage. In Update 5.10, the concealment value for some vehicles may be displayed including the camouflage bonus, even if this camo is not installed on the vehicle. We will fix this bug in the next version of the game.

The Appearance tab is now also available on the components panel. It will be blocked for vehicles featuring a unique appearance (for example, T6 Dracula).

The link to the World of Tanks Blitz official server in Discord was added to the Community tab in the side menu.

Bug Fixes

If you have a certificate for a camouflage in Storage, you can now get this camouflage even if it is removed from sale.

The bug where the clan supply discount on vehicle repairs was displayed incorrectly in the Detailed > Credits tab on the battle results screen was fixed.

When selecting a rating battle, tournament participants now see their rating in the Garage.

The shell tracer is now displayed correctly when firing at an obstacle.

Various screens, notifications, and descriptions were improved.

General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

Screen with Vehicle Characteristics

The vehicle characteristics panel on the Upgrades screen is now divided into two tabs. Brief Characteristics include six parameters: damage, rate of fire, penetration, armor, speed, and rotation. The indication system works like this:

  • Yellow shows the current parameter.
  • Red and green allow you to see the difference in parameters when switching between modules.
  • Light-gray shows the maximum value that can be achieved if you mount all top modules.
  • The bar is filled based on the comparison of the selected vehicle’s parameters with the maximum possible values among vehicles of all tiers.

Some old parameters displayed in the Detailed Characteristics tab were renamed (e.g. Armor -> Main Armor). Plenty of new parameters were added: reload time, damage per minute, depression/elevation angles, gun traverse limits to the left / to the right, maximum forward/reverse speed, average speed, power-to-weight ratio, road/ground/water crossing capacity. For autocannons: bursts per magazine, burst reload time, shells in magazine.

Multiple XP Bonus

From April 1 through April 8, you’ll be able to get a multiple bonus for your first victory in a Tier X vehicle. You can use the bonus as many times as the number of Tier X vehicles you have in your Garage.

Spring Season

The Spring Season will be held from March 27 through July 5 and includes the following three types of activities: Professionals Tournament, Ascent Tournaments and Echelon Championships, and Quick Tournaments. Earn Season Coins by fighting in tournaments and rating battles, as well as by watching tournament live streams on our portal.

Use Season Coins to open Season Containers in the Store. Among other things, these containers include the IVA-32, VIType 64, VICromwell B.


Three new rare warpaints were added for all vehicles: Crimson Fury, Desert Wind, and Hardy. Cost: 65–750 depending on the vehicle tier.

The following legendary warpaints and a rare one are available for purchase again:

Some rare camouflages will be removed from sale: Old Signora, Galácticos, WG Fest 2017, Iron Will, Oxidized Metal, Jade Shards, Ice Block, Cold-blooded, Glacial Armor, and Time-tested.

The Nine Lives and Verdun Forest warpaints are now resupplied using credits.

Balance Improvements

Check out the Balance Improvements in Update 5.9 article for all the values.

The gameplay comfort was improved for Tier I–IV vehicles: suspension restoration was accelerated, ground resistance was reduced, average penetration was increased, and gun aiming time was decreased.

Firepower was improved for researchable Tier VII light tanks, while several tank destroyers were made more durable in battle and more effective when firing.

Armor and/or durability were decreased for the VIIIVK 100.01 (P), IXMäuschen, and IXAMX 50 Foch. Efficiency and firing performance were increased for the IXKpfPz 70 and XJagdpanzer E 100.

Players can now sell the XT-22 medium and XT95E6 for 7,500, the standard price for Tier X Collector vehicles.

New Equipment

Improved Modules and Defense System for Tier V–VI vehicles will be replaced with new equipment: Improved Modules + and Defense System +. This will allow you to resist High-Explosive shells more effectively without shaking from fear when the VIKV-2appears on the battlefield.

Improved Modules + increase the durability of modules and reduce damage from ramming. Plus reduce the damage from High-Explosive shells with a caliber larger than 130 mm by 10%.

Defense System + decreases the enemy’s chances of inflicting damage to your vehicle’s modules and crew. Plus reduces the penetration of High-Explosive shells with a caliber larger than 130 mm by 10%.

Other Changes and Improvements

Shell tracers received a new improved look. A picture is worth a thousand words:

The Mad Games battle type will be available from April 19 through 23.

The game client size was decreased by approximately 30% for iOS-devices, in the Mac App Store, and Steam. When installing the update, the whole game client will be downloaded again.

The game is no longer available for Android 4.1 and lower.

The New Render setting is now enabled by default on all Metal API compatible Apple devices.

Bug Fixes

Progress for the Avenger medal is accrued again.

The 120 FPS option is available on Razer Phone again.

When reloading the clan recruitment screen, the previously selected values are now displayed.

The FPS settings are now displayed correctly when entering the game again.

Various screens, notifications, and descriptions were improved.

General bugs and client crashes were fixed.


Mad Games

From March 15 through 21, the Mad Games arenas will open their gates again. Battles will be fought in Tier V–X vehicles on all maps available in the Supremacy mode. We’ll tell you all the details about the upcoming fun in a separate article soon—stay tuned!


  • New warpaints were introduced:
    • Wild legendary camouflage for the XLeopard 1. Cost: 2,550. Changes the tank name in battle to Leopard 1 Wild.
    • Origin legendary camouflage for the VIIIT-54 first prototype. Cost: 1,450.
    • Old Signora rare camouflage. Cost: 65–750 depending on the vehicle tier. Free resupply.
    • Galácticos rare camouflage. Cost: 65–750 depending on the vehicle tier. Free resupply.
  • In Update 5.8, the Nine Lives and Verdun Forest camouflages can be resupplied for free.
  • The cost of different camouflage types was brought into uniformity. The current price ranges depend on the vehicle tier:
    • Common camouflage: 50–3,000.
    • Rare camouflage using credits: 42,000–600,000.
    • Rare camouflage using gold: 65–750.
    • Rare camouflage for specific vehicles: 105–1,200.
    • Legendary camouflage: 125–2,550.
  • The cost of the following attachments was changed:
    • Tank-o’-lantern and Wasted Shot: Tier V— 185, Tier VII— 325, Tier VIII— 435.
    • American Eagle: Tier VII— 1,950, VIII— 2,500, Tier X— 4,000.
    • Steel Pike, Forward, and Pioneer: Tier VIII— 2,500.
    • Flagship, Corporal, and Commander: Tier X— 4,000.

Certificates for Free XP

Now, you can combine certificates for Free XP:

  • A Common certificate grants you 200. 10 Common certificates can be combined into 1 Rare certificate.
  • A Rare certificate grants you 2,300. 10 Rare certificates can be combined into 1 Epic certificate.
  • An Epic certificate grants you 28,000. 10 Epic certificates can be combined into 1 Legendary certificate.
  • A Legendary certificate grants you 350,000.

Other Improvements

  • Temporary avatars will be given for 3 and 7 days instead of 12 and 72 hours.
  • The ammunition screen was improved: upon clicking the shell icon, its characteristics and detailed description are now displayed.
  • The items receipt screen was improved. Now, the number of received items is shown not in the upper left corner of the icon, but in the center, instead of the word “Item”.
  • Twister season items were removed from the Storage: Cups and tickets to Echelon Championships (Lower, Middle, and Top), tickets to Grand Championship Tournaments. Items of the New Year’s Adventure and World of Ducks events were also removed: Candy Canes, Lucky Tickets, Garage Improvements, camouflages and backgrounds for the New Year tree, Ring Buoys.

Bug Fixes

  • Upon achieving the highest clan supply level, players now see the correct status (“Researched by the clan” instead of “Researched” indicating the level progress).
  • Equipment for the  IIIT-46 was changed. Now, players can mount Improved Ventilation instead of Gun Rammer in the first slot of level I.
  • The bug, where multiple hints about a new attachment being available for the vehicle were shown each time players selected this vehicle, was fixed.
  • Lighting, unplanned passages, terrain subsidence, and the rocket taking off again upon reconnecting to the game session were fixed on the Faust map.
  • The cases, where water textures were displayed incorrectly on some maps, were fixed.
  • The online players counter now displays a correct value.
  • Various screens, notifications, and descriptions were improved.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

Main Changes and Improvements


Check out this article for all the details about balance improvements in Update 5.7.

  • The KV-3 can now be researched after the KV-1s. Research cost: 54,420.
  • For Tier I–IV vehicles, firing performance was improved through decreased gun dispersion and aiming time and increased penetration.
  • For the FV 215b (183), the suspension traverse speed and vehicle’s concealment were decreased, while gun dispersion was increased.
  • The following vehicles were renamed:
    • М48А1 Patton > М48 Patton.
    • Pz.Kpfw. IV > Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. G.
    • Valentine > Valentine Mk. IX.
    • Т-28 > T-28 mod. 1940.
  • The Cruiser Mk. II, Renault R35, D2, BT-7, and VK 72.01 (K) received an increased ammunition capacity.
  • Research cost was changed as follows:
    • For the KV-4, the vehicle research cost was increased from 53,000 to 72,000.
    • For the BT-7, the research cost of the V-2 engine was decreased from 2,500 to 1,250.
    • For the SU-100, the research cost of the 85 mm D-5S-85BM gun was decreased from 15,500 to 10,000.
  • For the T1E6, the price of the AP 1937 shell for the 37 mm Semiautomatic Gun M1924A1 was changed from 0 to 10.
  • The Panzer IV Anko Special, Kuro Mori Mine, Vindicator Ultramarines, Predator Ultramarines, KV-220, M4A2E4 Sherman, and Pz.Kpfw. IV hydrostat. were given Collector status.


  • In the player profile, an edit button was added to the avatar icon. By tapping it, the player will be taken to the avatar selection screen.
  • The avatar screen now features two tabs: Mine and All. In the All tab, avatars received by the player and all other avatars available will be displayed.
  • The Avatars tab was removed from the Storage. All avatars that the player has at the moment will be transferred to the new selection screen in the Mine tab.
  • Instead of the New Year avatars, the following new avatars will drop from bonus containers:
  • For reaching the rating leagues, players will receive the corresponding temporary avatars:


  • A new legendary camouflage called RA1DER was added for the Grille 15. Cost: 2,550. Changes the tank destroyer’s name in battle to Grille 15 RA1DER.
  • With the release of the new update, the following legendary camouflages will be available for purchase in the Appearance tab:
      • Skilled for the IS-4. Cost: 2,840. Changes the tank name in battle to IS-4 Skilled.
      • Mutz for the Panzer 58. Cost: 1,590. Changes the tank name in battle to Panzer 58 Mutz.
      • Stinging for the Skorpion G. Cost: 1,590. Changes the tank destroyer’s name in battle to Skorpion G Stinging.
      • Hellfire for the T-44-100. Cost: 1,450.

Other Changes

  • Upon receipt of the “Damage blocked” ribbon in battle, the amount of total blocked damage will be displayed under it.
  • On the battle loading screen, the music theme will now be played before the pre-battle countdown.
  • The Wasteland map was removed from the game, including training rooms.
  • The Normandy map was improved:
    • It is now impossible to shoot through the ships’ sides.
    • The transparent parts of the plane in the center of the map were fixed.
    • The bug, where vehicles got stuck in the plane textures, was fixed.
    • The incorrect display of the landscape and objects in the air was fixed.
    • Water display was improved.
    • The unplanned position by the water was removed.

Bug Fixes

  • The bug, where the player in the platoon could see the active “Ready!” button while the vehicle of their platoon mate was in battle, was fixed.
  • The bug, where the quick commands menu and Sniper Mode could work incorrectly when aiming, was fixed.
  • The bug, where the penetration zones of the T-22 medium were incorrectly highlighted in Sniper Mode, was fixed. Now the highlighting borders coincide with the vehicle’s silhouette.
  • The bug, where an incorrect price was displayed in the Tech Tree upon selling a Collector vehicle, was fixed.
  • The bug, where a limit of 30 FPS was applied when watching a replay for the second time, regardless of the selected settings, was fixed.
  • The bug, where a team sometimes could not enter the tournament room after a battle in quick tournaments, was fixed.
  • Various screens, notifications, and descriptions were improved.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

Main Changes and Improvements

Avatars were introduced into the game:

Avatars are a fun new feature that will allow you to show off your personality and accomplishments in the game. Read more about them in the special article “Choose your avatar in Update 5.6!”.

  • They will be kept in the new Avatars tab in the Storage, which is where you can install them.
  • There are temporary and permanent avatars.
  • With the release of Update 5.6, temporary avatars will start to drop from bonus containers.
  • An avatar will be displayed:
    • In the Garage instead of the Record button. Upon clicking the avatar icon, players will be taken to the Profile screen.
    • In the player’s profile (formerly the Record screen).
    • On the battle loading screen.
    • On the team battle results screen.
    • In the team list in battle.
    • In battle, next to the nickname of the ally that the player spectates after being destroyed.
    • In battle, next to the nickname of the enemy that destroyed the player’s vehicle.

The Normandy map was added: the French coast in the midst of Operation Overlord. This map is available in Encounter battles and Supremacy mode for vehicles of Tier V and above.

December rating battles will start on December 5. As always, players of the Platinum League will be able to enjoy some exclusive advantages.

Now, it will take some time before new players are able to train crew skills:

  • The Crew button and the tutorial tooltips for crew skill training will be activated in the Garage after receiving vehicles of Tier VI and above.
  • At the same time, the skills themselves will be trained in the background—starting from the leftmost skill, until it reaches the maximum level. Players will be able to select another skill for training when a corresponding screen appears, provided that there are vehicles of Tier VI and above in their Garage.
  • Now, all vehicles up to Tier V inclusive will always come with 100% crew mastery.
  • The first training in Regimental School to the level of 75% is now free. Subsequently, a normal fee will be charged.

New warpaints were introduced, while some old ones were removed from sale:

  • After the release of Update 5.6, the Fearless Lion, Sharp Spurs, Fierce Beak, Wise Raven, Glorious Eagle, Pumpkin Mayhem, Spooky Web, Unexpectable, Steppe Snowstorm, and Effective Concealment camouflage will not be available for purchase.
  • New warpaints:
    • The Exceptional Fighter legendary camouflage for the VIIIT-44 . Cost: 1,450.
    • The Tectonic rare camouflage dedicated to WG Fest 2018. Cost: 65–1,200depending on the vehicle tier.
    • The Cold-blooded rare camouflage. Cost: 65–1,200 depending on the vehicle tier.
    • The Frozen Flame rare camouflage. Cost: 65–1,200 depending on the vehicle tier.
    • The Glacial Armor rare camouflage. Cost: 65–1,200 depending on the vehicle tier.
    • The Nine Lives common camouflage. Does not change the vehicle name in battle. Cost: 42,000–600,000 depending on the vehicle tier.
  • The following camouflages will be available for purchase again:
    • The “You Rock!” rare camouflage for the VIIFV201 (A45). Cost: 1,070.
    • The Pixel Wave rare camouflage for the VIIIWZ-111. Cost: 620.
    • The Digital Trace rare camouflage for the VIIIType 59. Cost: 620.

Boosters can now be activated on the battle loading screen:

  • It is now possible to install boosters during the pre-battle countdown. For that purpose, we added an interactive panel to the battle loading screen, where installed and not installed boosters are displayed.
  • After the battle, only boosters activated by the player in the previous battle will be activated in the Garage.

The characteristics of some vehicles were changed:

  • The economy of low-tier vehicles was changed. Tier I tanks are now repaired for free. The cost of repairing Tier II–IV vehicles was significantly reduced.
  • VIITankenstein:
    • The 130 mm B-13-S2 gun’s mantlet armor was enhanced from 50 to 130 mm.
  • VIIIPanther mit 8,8 cm L/71:
    • Lower glacis plate armor was reinforced from 50 to 60 mm.
    • Hull side armor was enhanced from 50 and 40 mm to 60 mm.
  • VIIAMX 13 57:
    • The vehicle’s concealment while moving was increased and is now equal to the vehicle’s concealment while stationary.
  • VIIIISU-130, 130 mm S-26 gun:
    • Dispersion at 100 m was decreased from 0.345 to 0.326 m.
    • Aiming time was changed from 4.9 to 4.2 s.
    • Dispersion on gun traverse was decreased.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

Other improvements:

  • The German Tier X Maus can now be researched after the Tier IX Mäuschen only. Players can no longer research the Maus after the VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B.
  • A second cluster was launched for the CIS region, which will improve the server’s ability to handle more online players. The online players counter is now divided into two parts. A player from the 1st cluster can invite a player from the 2nd cluster to join a platoon. While doing so, neither of them will have to enter the game again.
  • After the update’s release, all Twister season items will be removed. Players will receive 30,000 as compensation for one Fan Banner, and 100 as compensation for one Support Point. Twister Coins will not be compensated.
  • In the side menu, the Hall of Fame button that navigates to the list of top clans in the Hall of Fame on the portal will take the place of the Twister Season 2018 button. This button was also returned to the screen with the list of tournaments.
  • The maximum rating earned in the current season (but excluding the maximum rating earned during calibrations) is now displayed in the Rating tab in the player’s profile.
  • The total number of victories in all battles fought in the current rating season is displayed in the bottom left corner of the screen.
  • Up to four favorite vehicles are now displayed in the Rating tab.
  • Collector vehicles will no longer drop from bonus containers.
  • The “Enemy hit” ribbon was removed.
  • The appearance of check boxes was improved. When enabled, a check mark is now displayed in orange.

Bug fixes:

  • The cases where FPS dropped upon spotting enemy vehicles were fixed.
  • The bug, where a white area appeared in the bottom left corner of the screen while loading the tournament team profile, was fixed.
  • A sound now plays upon tapping the in-battle chat and settings buttons.
  • The Pzgr 40 K Armor-Piercing Composite Rigid shell in the 128 mm L50A gun of the VK 100.01 (P) is now displayed with the correct icon.
  • The rate of victories in the list of clan members is now additionally highlighted in different colors.
  • The bug, where the “BATTLE!” button was displayed in the Garage instead of the Repairs button, was fixed.
  • Various screens, notifications, and descriptions were improved.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

Main Changes and Improvements

  • The VK 100.01 (P), Mäuschen, and VK 72.01 (K) heavy tanks were added to the German Tech Tree.
  • The VK 100.01 (P) and Mäuschen can be researched after the Tiger (P).
  • The VK 72.01 (K) took the place of the Maus and can be researched after the VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B.
  • Until the release of Update 5.6, the Maus can be researched after both the VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B and Mäuschen.
  • Starting from Update 5.6, players will be able to research the Maus after the Mäuschen only.

  • The bonus to credits earned in rating battles was increased. Now it depends on the current rating, not on the league. The higher your rating, the more credits you will receive after battle:
  • Gold League (3,000—3,999 rating points): a bonus of 0–32% was added to credits earned, depending on the current rating.
  • Platinum League (4,000—4,999 rating points): a bonus of 33–65% will now be added to credits earned instead of 30%, depending on the current rating.
  • Diamond League (5,000 rating points and above): a bonus of 66% and above (unlimited) will now be added to credits earned instead of 60%.
  • In Update 5.5, the Wasteland map will be available in regular battles and training rooms. We’d like to hear your opinion on this map outside the Mad Games mode and collect statistics to determine the future of this location. Your feedback is very much appreciated!
  • A button that enables the selection of collector vehicles was added to the vehicle filter.
  • 4 rare camouflages were introduced. Their cost varies from 65 to 1,200depending on the vehicle tier.

Changes to Vehicles

The Tech Tree, available modules, and mechanics were reworked for low-tier vehicles.

  • Tier I vehicles were removed from the game. They were replaced by more powerful tanks. Players will receive compensation for gold spent on purchasing camouflages for former Tier I vehicles.
  • To reduce the speed of the vehicle’s destruction and allow newcomers to survive longer in battle, we removed howitzers and high-capacity magazines for almost all Tier I–IV vehicles. Some vehicles received a decreased rate of fire or damage per shot, while others—more HP or enhanced armor.
  • The economy of low-tier vehicles was reworked: the cost of researching modules and vehicles, purchasing vehicles, provisions, consumables, and resupplying camouflage was changed. The profitability of these vehicles was adjusted according to the new prices.
  • Please note that the changed modules of low-tier vehicles can also be available for Tier V–VII vehicles. In such cases, the technical characteristics of vehicles, except in top configuration, were also changed.
  • Since guns will be removed for many vehicles in this update, the shells for these guns can be deducted from your account with full compensation in credits. After updating your game client to version 5.5, check your ammunition before you enter battle.
  • Some researchable vehicles received Collector status and were removed from the Tech Tree. Several Premium tanks were also given Collector status. You can either keep them or sell them for gold.
  • For some vehicles in the updated Tech Tree, their vehicle type and tier were changed. Consequently, they now have a different number of available shells, slots for provisions and consumables, a different bonus to concealment provided by applied camouflage, etc.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • The “Damage by shot” ribbon was renamed “Damage caused”, because it also counts damage from ramming.
  • The VK 45.03 was added to the list of vehicles that the player needs to destroy in order to receive the Hunter medal.
  • The bug, where the reticle could suddenly go up if the player switched to Sniper Mode when moving from behind cover with auto-aim enabled, was fixed.
  • The bug, where the battle selection controls were unavailable for some players who had vehicles of Tier V and above in their Garage, was fixed.
  • The bug, where black vehicle textures were displayed in the Garage (Steam version), was fixed.
  • The bug, where refracted shell tracers were displayed, was fixed.
  • Various screens, notifications, and descriptions were improved.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

Main Changes and New Features

  • The characteristics of the 121B, SU-122-54, T95E2, 59-Patton, Nameless, and Dicker Max were improved. The models of the M60, Waffenträger auf Pz. IV, IS-2 Sh, and Hafen were fixed. Read this article to find out more.
  • We continue to simplify the interface. Removing currency names in the Garage (did anyone even notice this?) and relocating bonus containers were the first steps. In Update 5.4, we rearranged the buttons in the Garage to group all vehicle configuration options in one place. Of course, it will feel unusual at first, but you will forget about the old interface after only a couple of days. Here’s what changed:
  • The Crew and Upgrades buttons were moved down and are now located above the vehicle panel next to the Appearance button.
  • The boosters button took the place of the Crew button next to the main orange button. Now you will always remember to install them before battle!
  • The Record button is now located to the left of the player’s nickname. It makes sense when the owner’s name is displayed next to their medals.
  • The ping indicator and XP multiplier timer are now located to the right of the “Battle!” button.
  • There are more changes to come! Regular game updates allow us to further improve the interface and make necessary changes.

  • Matchmaker rules applied in rating battles were changed:
  • Now each team can have up to seven heavy or medium tanks, and up to three light tanks or tank destroyers. As before, teams have an equal number of vehicles of the same class.
  • Platoons are no longer available in rating battles. This change will allow for faster matchmaking. Rating battles without platoons will become more fair: teams are matched according to their total rating, while platoons with different ratings often resulted in unbalanced teams. Besides this, cunning fellows will no longer be able to enter easier battles by taking advantage of a huge difference in rating when creating platoons.
  • A new vehicle type called collector vehicles was introduced to the game.
  • These vehicles can neither be found in the Tech Tree nor freely accessed. Collector vehicles can be obtained in in-game events, purchased during special offers in the Store, and received as a gift.
  • Similar to the parameters of researchable vehicles, those of collector vehicles may be changed in exceptional cases.
  • Vehicles that are currently available in the game can become collector vehicles in the future. For example, when a researchable tank is removed from the Tech Tree.
  • Collector vehicles have a blue background in the game.
  • Players will be able to sell some of them for gold.
  • In Update 5.4, there are two collector vehicles: the Gravedigger and Scavenger. Stay tuned to learn more about them.
  • Two Halloween-themed attachments and camouflages were introduced.
  • The cost of refreshing a completed mission was reduced from 300 to 100.
  • As part of the global change to the initial game experience, newcomers will fight mostly against each other rather than against experienced players.
  • The game no longer supports Windows Mobile and iOS 7. The PC version of the game will still be released on Windows, and iOS 7 users will be able to continue playing after updating iOS to version 8 or later.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Ribbons are no longer displayed on the Battle Results screen if they are disabled in the settings.
  • The bug, where a ribbon was displayed upon causing damage to or hitting an enemy vehicle that had disappeared from spotting range, was fixed.
  • Clan tags are now displayed in the list of tournament team members.
  • Orders, stripes, and medals of the Twister season became accumulative.
  • The bug, where the number of Ace Tanker mastery badges was displayed incorrectly, was fixed.
  • Settings in the Other tab (e.g., the Record Replays option) are no longer reset after a re-login.
  • The reload indicator is no longer displayed above a destroyed ally.
  • On touch devices, the bug, where using the new Auto-aim resulted in the player tracking one vehicle with their reticle while the shell hit another, was fixed.
  • The bug, where the room creator could not remove players from the training room because the respective button was not displayed, was fixed.
  • The bug, where an enemy spotted at the map border was still displayed on the minimap after disappearing from spotting range, was fixed.
  • The bug, where the time left until the battle end was displayed incorrectly after minimizing and maximizing the game client window, was fixed.
  • The bug, where the chat and fire buttons, as well as speed were displayed over the panel with damaged modules in battle, was fixed.
  • The bug, where an outline was not displayed around the vehicle that destroyed another player, was fixed.
  • The bug, where repaired modules of the enemy vehicle were displayed incorrectly upon spotting it for the second time, was fixed.
  • The bug, where the number of items to be combined was displayed incorrectly in the Storage, was fixed.
  • On Android devices, the bug, where attachments were no longer displayed in battle upon restarting the game, was fixed.
  • Players can now select a battle type after receiving vehicles of Tier V or above.
  • The bug, where switching between regular and rating battles worked incorrectly when playing in a platoon, was fixed.

Main Changes and Improvements

  • Bonus containers (the ones you got used to opening every day) were moved to the separate Containers tab in the Store. A gift icon will notify you of a new container that can be opened for free.
  • Now you can also open bonus containers from the window with the description of their content.
  • The Tasks button in the Garage was renamed Missions. Only combat missions will be displayed here.
  • With Update 5.3, after completing the battle tutorial, newcomers will play mixed-type battles for some time. In these battles, bots fight instead of some players. Gradually, the number of players in mixed-type battles will increase, bots will become stronger, and their number will reduce. Thus, mixed-type battles will smoothly change into regular battles.
  • The mechanism of adding maps in regular battles was changed:
  • Battles on only Tier I vehicles are fought on the Fort Despair map.
  • Battles on Tier I–II vehicles are fought on the Fort Despair and Mines maps.
  • When entering a battle on Tier II–III vehicles or Tier III–IV vehicles, you can play on the Fort Despair, Mines, or Mirage maps.
  • The Black Goldville, Dead Rail, Copperfield, Falls Creek, and Himmelsdorf maps were added to the battles on Tier IV–V vehicles.
  • Starting from Tier VI, all maps are available.
  • To make battles more diverse, the map selection mechanism was updated. Now, the server stores the last ten maps you fought on and tries to select something new. Since it is not easy to satisfy the demands of all players, you can still get a map from your last ten. But even in this case, the system checks all maps, starting from those you played on most rarely.
  • Repairs in training rooms became free.
  • Characteristics of the VIIIM4A1 Revalorisé were improved:
  • Reload time was decreased from 10.54 to 9.58 s.
  • Cost of Armor-Piercing Composite Rigid shells was reduced from 1,200 to 760.
  • Turret armor (front/sides/rear) was reinforced from 63/63/63 to 90/65/65 mm.
  • Gun mantlet armor was enhanced from 89 to 100 mm.
  • The Mecha Phoenix legendary camouflage for the O-47 tank is now permanently available, not only as part of bundles in the Store. Cost to unlock: 1,590.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • The voiceover, which played upon damaging the suspension or gun by a penetrating hit, was changed from “Enemy is hit!” to “Penetration”.
  • On sensor devices, the work of Auto-aim was fixed in cases when you track one vehicle with your reticle, but the shell flies towards another.
  • Upon unlocking a camouflage or attachment, it is now installed automatically if the selected slot is empty. Camouflage is still installed manually in other slots.
  • Mouse sensitivity settings are no longer reset when switching to another tab of the settings.
  • The bug, where the exhaust smoke effect was not played 100 seconds after the battle started, was fixed.
  • Replays no longer freeze when you pause and fast-forward them.
  • The LIVE indicator is now displayed in the menu once the tournament is live-streamed.
  • The bug, where the notification of insufficient consumables was displayed when they were installed in all slots, was fixed.
  • Various screens, notifications, and descriptions were improved.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

Main Changes and New Features

  • A new map was added—Faust: a military base located among snowy mountains. This map is available in Encounter battles and Supremacy mode for vehicles of Tier V and above.
  • Ribbons—notifications of player’s actions during the battle. Read this article to find out more about ribbon mechanics and grades.
  • Conditions for earning rating points were changed in rating battles. Now, a change of the player’s rating depends on their battle effectiveness.
  • The Precision Fire skill is now accompanied by a sound, which plays upon the third successful shot and when the skill is activated.
  • A column showing the date of the player’s latest battle was added to clan statistics.
  • The amounts of inflicted and blocked damage are now displayed in replays.
  • Replays become available after the player gets a vehicle of Tier V or above or tries to watch a replay received from external resources.
  • Training rooms become available after the player gets a vehicle of Tier V or above or receives an invite to a training room.
  • The American Eagle rare attachment is now available for the T23E3, T34, T26E4 SuperPershing, and M48A1 Patton. Cost: from 2,500  to 4,000  depending on the vehicle tier.
  • The Ding legendary camouflage for the Type 59 is now permanently available. Changes the tank name in battle to Type 59 Ding. Cost: 2,230. Restored for free.



  • Total HP was decreased from 1,900 to 1,800.
  • Reload time was increased from 14.32 to 14.78 s.

IXKpfPz 70

  • Reload time was decreased from 17.6 to 16.62 s.

VIISturer Emil

  • Upper glacis plate armor was enhanced from 50 to 75 mm.
  • Cabin frontal armor was enhanced from 50 to 75 mm.
  • Dispersion on hull traverse was decreased.
  • For the 12,8 cm Kanone 40 gun:
  • Gun mantlet armor was enhanced from 50 to 75 mm.
  • Aiming time was decreased from 4.2 to 3.5 s.
  • Dispersion on gun traverse was decreased.

VIIBlack Prince

  • Reload time of the OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. VII gun was decreased from 5.14 to 3.55 s.
  • Dispersion on turret traverse was decreased.
  • Crossing capacity on all types of terrain was improved.


  • Total HP was increased from 1,130/1,230 to 1,200/1,300 depending on the configuration.
  • For the 122 mm D-25T gun:
  • Dispersion at 100 m was decreased from 0.441 to 0.422 m.
  • Dispersion on turret traverse was decreased.

VIIIS-2 (1945)

  • Total HP was increased from 1,230 to 1,300.
  • For the 122 mm D-25T gun:
  • Aiming time was decreased from 7.5 to 6.7 s.
  • Dispersion at 100 m was decreased from 0.441 to 0.422 m.
  • Dispersion on turret traverse was decreased.


  • A new channel was added to the game chat—Tournament Team Search.
  • During some tournaments, captains will be able to set spectators from members of their teams. This option is enabled by tournament organizers.
  • The process of setting a spectator was changed. A drop-down menu was added with three options to choose from: spectate allies only, spectate both teams, or stop spectating. This functionality will be available in training rooms and tournaments, where this option is enabled by organizers.
  • The LIVE stream indicator is now displayed in the tournament streams list as well.
  • The team matching system for quick tournaments was improved. Organizers decide when it is necessary to apply this system:
  • If a team has been waiting for an opponent for too long, the system will find it an opponent from a lower tour (and move it to the upper tour where the team is waiting).
  • If there are no opponents in lower tours, the system will move the team to an upper tour.
  • Notifications of a tour change are displayed in the tournament room and in the list of team matches.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Now, after watching the replay from the battle results window, the player will be navigated back to the same battle results window, not to the Garage.
  • In battle, an indicator of network packet loss was added next to the ping indicator. This indicator shows the quality of the client-server connection and is displayed only when there is a network packet loss. The indicator displays the percentage of packet loss for the last several seconds.
  • The size and position of some elements of the Flagship attachment on Tier X Soviet vehicles were changed to avoid overlapping with the legendary camouflage elements.
  • A platoon invite now moves the respective dialog window to the top of the chat list.
  • The issue, where attachments on some French tanks disappeared in Sniper mode, was fixed.
  • The issue, where a dark stripe was occasionally displayed above destroyed vehicles in battle and in the settings (the Markers tab), was fixed.
  • Players can now see the status of the team captain when browsing the list of team members in the tournament chart.
  • A notification of reaching 100% crew mastery is now displayed after battle.
  • Movement indicators in Sniper mode were fixed.
  • Various screens, notifications, and descriptions were improved.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

New Attachments

  • The Corporal rare attachment was introduced for Tier X French vehicles: the AMX 50 B, AMX 50 Foch (155), Bat.-Châtillon 25 t. Cost to unlock: 4,000.

  • The Commander rare attachment was introduced for Tier X American vehicles: the M48A1 Patton, T110E3, T110E4, T110E5, T57 Heavy. Cost to unlock: 4,000.

Accumulative Mastery Badges

Previously, players were awarded one mastery badge (Ace Tanker, Class I, Class II, Class III) per vehicle. Starting from Update 5.1, mastery badges will become accumulative, similar to medals. Statistics screens in the RECORD were changed accordingly:

  • In the Summary tab, the “Mastery badge: Ace Tanker” section was renamed “Vehicles with Ace Tanker badges”. As before, this tab will show the number of vehicles with the Ace Tanker mastery badge and the total number of vehicles that participated in battles.
  • In the “Summary”> “Valuable Awards” tab, the number of Ace Tanker mastery badges will be displayed.
  • In the “Vehicles”>”Awards” tab, the number of mastery badges for each vehicle will be displayed.
  • The total number of mastery badges will be displayed in the “Awards”> “All” > “Battle Hero” tab.

Easier Life for Rookies

We have set up a global change to the initial game experience aimed at familiarizing new players with the variety of features in World of Tanks Blitz. Starting from this update, new players will explore game mechanics gradually as the tier of their vehicles increases.

  • Missions and bonus containers will be available starting from Tier III.
  • The Storage will become available when the player gets a vehicle of at least Tier IV or any item, which is kept in the Storage.
  • Players will get access to the game chat when they get a vehicle of at least Tier IV or a friend request/platoon invite. The battle chat is available all the time.
  • Access to camouflages and attachments will open after the player gets a vehicle of Tier V or above. After that, the player will be able to apply camouflages and attachments to vehicles of any tier.
  • Provisions can be used for vehicles of Tier IV and above. For vehicles of Tier IV, one provision slot is unlocked, for Tier V—two slots, for Tier VI and above—three slots. Players who have previously installed provisions, which will become unavailable after the update, will get full compensation in credits.
  • For vehicles of Tier I–II, one consumable slot is unlocked, for Tier III—two slots, for Tier IV and above—three slots. Players who have previously installed consumables, which will become unavailable after the update, will get full compensation in credits.

Balance Changes


  • Turret T-34-2 model 2:
    • Frontal armor was reinforced from 180 to 200 mm.
    • 200 mm armor was added behind the gun mantlet.
    • Frontal armor of the turret hatches was reinforced from 120 to 150 mm.
    • The vertical part of all gun mantlets was reinforced from 155 to 180 mm.


  • Turret T-34-3:
    • Frontal armor was reinforced from 170 to 190 mm.
    • Frontal armor of the turret hatches was reinforced from 100 to 150 mm.


  • Total HP was decreased from 1,450 to 1,400 (stock configuration) and from 1,550 to 1,500 (top configuration).
  • Turret T-10:
    • For the 100 mm 62-100T gun: reload time was increased from 8.34 to 9.58 s.


  • Upper glacis plate armor was weakened from 90 to 75 mm.
  • Turret LTTB:
    • Frontal armor was weakened from 90 to 75 mm.
    • Commander’s cupola armor was weakened from 90 to 75 mm.

Major and Minor Improvements

  • All Spare Parts remaining on player accounts after the release of this update will be removed and compensated at the rate 1 currency_details_new.png to 12.
  • Starting from Tier V regular battles, no more than three vehicles of the same type per team will be allowed.
  • The Multi-Purpose Restoration Pack will be automatically installed on all new vehicles in the Garage. The cost of the pack in credits will be deducted from the player’s account if there are enough credits. The player will be able to sell the Multi-Purpose Restoration Pack at full cost after it has been installed.
  • Item grades were renamed: “standard” grade will become “common”, “special”—”epic”.
  • In the Steel Pike attachment for the VIIIIS-3, the canvas was changed to a fire extinguisher. The positions of some elements were slightly changed.
  • The “Markers”, “Spotted Allies”, and “Reload icon in the team list” options are now enabled by default in the Settings.
  • When a player switches between the slots in the Appearance tab, the selected camouflage will remain if it is available for both slots and the second slot is empty.
  • A button that navigates to Account Management on the portal was added to the Account screen settings.
  • The battle results screen was added to replays. The following tabs are available: Personal, Team, Detailed, and Awards.
  • An option to register without being in a clan was introduced for some tournaments. Now a player that does not belong to a clan can create a tournament room and invite any other player.
  • The LIVE stream indicator will now be displayed only when the live stream is being broadcasted.

Bug Fixes

  • Unequal positions on the Malinovka, Falls Creek, and Alpenstadt maps were improved.
  • Now it is possible to find newly created accounts via the chat search.
  • An issue, where the incorrect reload indicator was displayed after the replay rewind, was fixed.
  • An issue, where the pre-battle countdown timer was quickened in replays, was fixed.
  • The progress bar for a completed accumulative mission is now displayed on the screen with its description.
  • An issue, where the reload of vehicles was displayed incorrectly in a training room when a spectator re-joined it, was fixed.
  • The incorrect display of time in the notification for Premium Account accrual was fixed.
  • Various screens, notifications, and descriptions were improved.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.


The equipment unlocking process became simpler, and Spare Parts will be gradually removed from the game.

  • Timers for unlocking equipment were removed. Now slots are unlocked instantly. All previously unlocked equipment slots will remain.
  • Any equipment slot can now be unlocked using credits instead of Spare Parts:
    • The cost to unlock level I slots remains the same: 2,000–300,000 depending on the vehicle tier.
    • Level II slots—from 2,200 to 350,000 depending on the vehicle tier.
    • Level III slots—from 2,500 to 400,000 depending on the vehicle tier.
  • Players will not be able to earn Spare Parts anymore. Upon the release of Update 5.0, Spare Part boosters will be automatically converted into Spare Parts at the following rates:
    • 1 Standard Spare Part booster = 80 Spare Parts
    • 1 Rare Spare Part booster = 200 Spare Parts
    • 1 Special Spare Part booster = 280 Spare Parts
  • Until the release of the next update, the following special bundles will be available in the Offers section of the in-game Store:
    • 30 days of Premium Account for 220,000 Spare Parts
    • 7 days of Premium Account for 80,000 Spare Parts
    • 120 for 120,000 Spare Parts
    • 1,200,000 for 100,000 Spare Parts
    • 60,000 for 5,000 Spare Parts
  • In the version coming after Update 5.0, all unused Spare Parts will be automatically converted into credits at the rate 12 for 1 Spare Part.
  • Each vehicle with at least 6 unlocked equipment slots will get the Strong-willed rare camouflage when Update 5.0 releases.

Balance Changes


  • Aiming time was decreased from 3.9 to 3.5 s.
  • Dispersion at 100 m was decreased from 0.345 to 0.326 m.

XE 50 Ausf. M

  • Reload time was decreased from 8.13 to 7.48 s.
  • Aiming time was decreased from 4.2 to 3.8 s.
  • The maximum gun depression angle was increased from 6 to 8 degrees.


  • Reload time of the 122 mm 60-122T gun was decreased from 11.51 to 10.55 s.
  • 13:05:12 Andrey: By the way, will we add any gifts?

VIIIAMX Chasseur de chars

  • HP was increased from 1,350 to 1,450.
  • Traverse speed was increased from 41.72 to 45.89 deg/s.
  • Top forward speed was increased from 57 to 60 km/h.


  • For the 90 mm F3 gun, dispersion on turret traverse was decreased.
  • Dispersion on the move and hull traverse was decreased.
  • Crossing capacity on soft terrain was improved.

VIIIleKpz M 41 90 mm

  • Aiming time was decreased from 3.9 to 3.7 s.
  • Dispersion at 100 m was decreased from 0.364 to 0.336 m.


  • 90 mm Gun T132E4:
    • Aiming time was decreased from 4.5 to 3.6 s.
    • Dispersion at 100 m was decreased from 0.355 to 0.336 m.

Other Vehicle Improvements

  • Löwe: The collision model was fixed, the transmission was separated from the engine.
  • АТ-1: The maximum gun elevation angle was decreased to 23 degrees to avoid gun textures overlapping with hull textures.
  • IS and IS-8: The maximum gun depression angle during the turret’s backward traverse was decreased to 3 degrees to avoid gun textures overlapping with hull textures.
  • IS-2: to avoid confusion with its Chinese “brother”, the Soviet IS-2 was renamed to IS-2 (1945).
  • A new rare attachment—Flagship— was added for Soviet Tier X vehicles: IS-4, IS-7, T-62A, Object 140, Object 263, and Object 268. Cost: 4,000.
  • A new legendary camouflage—Hunter—was added for the ISU-152. Changes the vehicle name in battle to ISU-152 Hunter. Cost: 1,590.

General Changes

  • On May 25, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force. It is aimed at ensuring compliance with data collection standards and keeping players informed of what kind of personal data the company collects, how long it is stored, and for what purposes it is used. In this regard:
    • Upon first launching the application, the player is asked to confirm that they accept the terms and conditions of the License Agreement and Privacy Policy.
    • The Legal Information item was added to the Garage sidebar menu, where the player can read the License Agreement and find information about holders of rights to the software and technologies used in the game.
  • The Vineyards map was reworked: evening twilight was changed to morning lighting, the layout of capture points was adjusted in Supremacy mode. Cover and shoot-through positions were re-arranged.
  • Players will no longer enter battles without shells. From now on, if less than 25% of the ammunition remains on the selected vehicle, the “Battle!” button will become inactive and the player will be asked to resupply ammunition.
  • 13:08:36 Andrey: Sounds good.
  • Cooldown boosters can now be combined into more powerful ones as follows:
    • 3 Standard boosters = 1 Rare booster
    • 2 Rare boosters = 1 Special booster
  • The average damage column for each vehicle was added to the Vehicles tab of the player profile. And upon tapping the icon of any column (sorting change), the vehicle list is automatically scrolled upwards.
  • Target tracking accuracy in Auto-aim mode was improved on mobile devices. Now, the server is engaged in the tracking process. This allows for minimizing reticle jumps in the case of high ping or small, but sudden movements of a vehicle. As a result, aiming at short and medium ranges was improved.
  • A pre-battle timer was added for tournaments.
  • Replays can now be watched in Editor mode.
  • The menu button was removed from the display screen for replays. Instead, the Back button was added to the upper left corner that allows players to exit from the replay.
  • When the game client window is inactive, the game icon for the Steam version will blink on the Windows taskbar when a battle starts or if an opponent for a quick tournament has been found.

Bug Fixes

  • The issue, where the game client froze upon first spotting a vehicle with camouflage, was fixed. Previously, the game collected data required for camouflage rendering immediately upon first spotting of the vehicle. Now, this data is collected when the battle is loading.
  • The character limitation for training room descriptions was extended to 400.
  • The issue with the Stridsvagn 74A2, where the camera was positioned too high in Sniper mode, was fixed.
  • The Elite Experience earned on Premium vehicles is now converted to Free Experience before the Experience earned on researchable vehicles.
  • Error 505, which occurred during the update of the Android version of the game in the Play Market, was fixed.
  • For the Windows versions of the game, the issue with crashes during an attempt to record a replay if there was not enough space on the device, was fixed.
  • The issues with sounds playing during pauses and after rewinding were fixed for replays.
  • Various screens, notifications, and descriptions were improved.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

Main Changes and New Features

  • The Alpenstadt map was added. It will be available for vehicles of Tier VI and above. This location is available both in Encounter battles and Supremacy mode.
  • Replays were introduced—an opportunity to record and re-watch battles:
    • The replays menu was added to the side-bar menu.
    • You can enable or disable replay recording in the Other tab of the settings. Here you can also limit the number of saved replays.
    • To store one replay, up to 3 MB of space is required.
    • For successfully replaying a battle, the current version of the game needs to be the same as the version in which the replay was recorded.
    • You can watch replays from the file system of your device without connecting to the Internet.
    • Replays not saved in the file system of the device will be deleted after the game client updates.
  • You will now need gold to unlock the Unexpectable camouflage: from 65 to 1,200depending on the vehicle tier.
  • For the IS-3, a rare attachment was added—Steel Pike. Cost to unlock: 3,000.

  • Music for the battle loading screen was updated (9 new themes for different maps were added). Also, 3 new themes for the battle results screen (victory, draw, or defeat) were introduced.
  • The following settings were added:
    • “National crew voice” to the Other tab. Changes the language of voice notifications depending on the vehicle’s nation. For vehicles of the Hybrid nation, the language selected in the game client will be used irrespective of the crew voice setting. This option is disabled by default.
    • “Spotted Allies” to the Markers tab. Displays the light bulb above spotted allies in battle. This option is disabled by default.
    • “Reload icon above vehicles” in the Markers tab. Displays the reload icon above allied vehicles in battle. This option is enabled by default.
    • “Reload icon in the team list” in the HUD tab. Displays the reload icon next to allies in the team list. This option is disabled by default.
  • Due to the introduction of the new settings, reload shortcuts (F8) were replaced with the “Hold position!” shortcut.
  • In the player’s profile, information about the total number of battles by type (regular, rating, and tournament) was added under the total number of battles fought.
  • A new screen with information about leagues was added to the player’s profile next to the rating. To get to this screen, the player needs to tap the “i” icon.
  • The names of the teams currently enrolling players for tournaments will now be displayed on the corresponding panel.

Improvements and Fixed Issues

  • The Menu and Chat buttons are now placed further apart in battle.
  • The alignment of the shell tracer and the gun barrel, which resulted in the incorrect display of shells fired on the move, was removed. On the server, the shot was fired from a certain point, while the game client rendered the tracer later and from another point.  As a result, shells fired on the move seemed to fly through vehicles. Now such situations will become less frequent.

  • A bug, where the game client and the server went out of sync when the turret rotated 180° (or close values), was fixed.
  • The voiceover, which played at the moment when a shell directly hit the module of the enemy vehicle and penetrated it without causing damage, was changed from “We didn’t penetrate their armor!” to “Enemy is hit!”.
  • The full name of the leKpz M 41 90 mm in the Cruel Twist camouflage is now displayed in battles.
  • The matchmaker rule was changed for platoons including two rare vehicles. Now exotic platoons will not have to wait too long in the pre-battle queue.
  • Various screens, notifications, and descriptions were improved.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

Major improvements and updates

  • In Update 4.9, the Spring Season will finish. Rewards for tournaments and rating battles will be with you soon!
  • The Chinese Tech Tree was expanded with a branch of Tier VII-X heavy tanks:
    • IS-2
    • WZ-110
    • WZ-111 model 1-4
    • WZ-113
  • The characteristics of some vehicles were changed:
    • The ammunition capacity was increased for the AMX 50 B, AMX 50 120, IS-3 Defender, Predator Ultramarines, M41 Walker Bulldog, Stridsvagn 74A2, T37, Sturer Emil, and FV215b (183).
    • Guns were improved for the 121 and 121B tanks.
    • The rate of fire was increased for the FV4202, Centurion Mk. 7/1, Ferdinand, and T69.
    • Dispersion at 100 m was decreased for the KpfPz 70 and Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger.
    • Aiming time was decreased for the Grille 15.
    • Forward, reverse, and traverse speeds were increased for the T110E3.
  • The Fast Capture crew skill was added:
    • Trained in light tanks, effective for all types of vehicles.
    • Increases base capture speed by 1–7% depending on the vehicle tier.
    • Capturing the base together with an ally who has this skill increases speed by an additional 10%.
  • New rare camouflages were introduced: Iron Will, Time-tested, and Oxidized Metal. The cost to unlock any of them is 65–1,200 depending on the vehicle tier. Their resupply is free.

  • In the Interface Settings tab, it is now possible to enable/disable the “Attention to sector” command on the minimap.
  • Commendation Tokens of all types were renamed “parts of the certificate”.
  • The Camouflage menu was renamed “Appearance” and a new slot was added there—“Attachment”. We will tell you what it is and how it works a little later.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • A bug, where a platoon was distributed to the wrong type of battle (not the one selected by the Platoon Commander), was fixed.
  • The display of tracks of destroyed vehicles underwater was fixed.
  • For the Stridsvagn 74A2, the position of the camera in Sniper mode was fixed (previously it was located below the firing point).
  • A bug, where a team of eight players entered a battle in a quick tournament, was fixed.
  • A bug, where the training room creation screen did not respond to virtual keyboard inputs, was fixed.
  • Various screens, in-game notifications, and descriptions were revised.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

Major changes and new content

  • Weak guns and engines, which slowed down research, were removed for some vehicles.
  • The IS-2, ISU-122S, and Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger were buffed.
  • French tanks got more ammunition.
  • Players can now select a mode for regular battles in the Garage: Encounter Battle or Supremacy. So it will be possible to fight in Supremacy mode only. The “Supremacy Mode” option was removed from the settings.
  • New battle chat settings were added that allow players to disable chats in battle and select between the two display options: the team chat or the team and general chats. The platoon chat and chat shortcuts will function in any case.
  • Cooldown booster bonuses were increased from 5% to 10%, from 10% to 20%, from 15% to 30%, depending on the booster grade.
  • The following legendary camouflages are now permanently available in the Camouflage section:
    • Claw for the SU-76I (cost: 220). Changes the tank destroyer name in battle to SU-76I Claw.
    • Dedicated Warrior for the KV-1 (cost: 490).
    • Berlin for the Cromwell B (cost: 650).
    • Shrieking for the M4A3E8 Sherman (cost: 650). Changes the tank name in battle to M4A3E8 Shrieking.
    • Berlin for the IS-2 (cost: 1,070).
    • Dragon for the Type 62 (cost: 1,070). Changes the tank name in battle to Type 62 Dragon.
    • Number 1 for the E 25 (cost: 1,070). Changes the tank destroyer name in battle to the E 25 “#1”.
    • Liberty for the AMX Chasseur de chars (cost: 1,590).
    • Cruel Twist for the leKpz M 41 90 mm (cost: 1,590). Changes the tank name in battle to leKpz M 41 90 Cruel Twist.
    • Bear for the IS-3 (cost: 1,590). Changes the tank name in battle to IS-3 Bear.
    • Warrior for the T34 (cost: 1,590). Changes the tank name in battle to T34 Falcon.
  • Crew skills were improved:
    • The Precision Fire crew skill was added. It is trained in light tanks and has an effect in all vehicles. Increases the chance of causing maximum damage after the player fired three shots in a row and caused damage with each of them.
    • Starting from Update 4.8, you will be able to accelerate skill training using just Elite Experience up to level V. To accelerate training of level VI–VII skills, you will need Elite Experience in combination with credits or gold.
    • Conversion of Elite Experience with additional payment in gold has become more profitable: bonus to Crew Experience increased from 300% to 1,000%. Now 40plus 1 will give you 400.
  • Rating or calibrating battles will be available only for vehicles with 100% crew mastery.
  • For devices with keyboard and mouse control, a new option was added: the player can left-click minimap squares when the Ctrl key is held down.
  • The length of time that minimap squares are animated for was increased.
  • In Sniper mode, an inclination marker was added for the reticle depending on the hull position.
  • The HUD (Hеad-Up Display) tab was added to the settings, and several options for the battle interface were transferred to it.
  • On the screen of tournaments that are planned to be streamed, the Streams button was added. Upon tapping this button, the screen with a list of current streams will open.
  • In tournament battles, the spectator will be able to see the names of teams and clan tags in team lists.
  • In spectator mode, it is now possible to switch between tanks by tapping the marker under the tank. When only allies are spectated, only markers of the friendly team can be tapped. When both teams are spectated, the spectator can tap any marker.
  • The battle interface in spectator mode was adapted for devices with low resolution.

Fixed Bugs

  • The interface for iPhone X was improved.
  • A bug, where the turret was not rotating and the tank was unable to shoot after a collision with an enemy vehicle, was fixed.
  • A vehicle selected for the battle is now displayed correctly in the training room.
  • A bug, where the spectator was unable to leave the battle before its end, was fixed for touchscreen devices.
  • A bug, where the camera was stuck to one coordinate upon pressing the Ctrl+C combination in spectator mode, was fixed.
  • Various screens, in-game notifications, and descriptions were revised. General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

Main Changes and Improvements

  • With Update 4.7, the Spring Season will start.
    • Keep on fighting in rating battles, earn rating points, and progress through leagues. At the end of the season (upon the release of Update 4.9), you will be rewarded based on your achieved results.
    • The Hall of Fame for clans will be available again. Join quick tournaments and collect Cups to take high places. At the end of the season, clans will receive rewards for their progress.
    • Gather your team and win in the Professionals Tournament. But you should break through the qualifiers first! The details will follow soon (for Europe, CIS and North America only).
    • Show what you’re made of during the Spring Maneuvers event. The most skilled tankers will get the T-44-100 Premium tank. There will be separate news about this event, don’t miss it!
  • Some vehicles were rebalanced. Since many vehicles will have their guns replaced, their shells may be removed at full compensation of their cost upon the update’s release. So when you have downloaded the new update, do not forget to check your ammunition before entering battle.
    • The FV4202 and Centurion Mk. 7/1: HE shells were nerfed, an alternative gun with the old Premium HESH-shells was added.
    • The T-62A: penetration of APCR and HEAT shells was increased.
    • The Object 140: now the vehicle features a gun different from that of the T-62A. The type and cost of the basic shells were also changed.
    • The Tiger I and Tiger (P): reload time was increased for the top guns.
    • The Glacial 112: AP shells were replaced with APCR shells with increased penetration.
    • The Ferdinand: HP was decreased, reload time was increased for the top gun.
    • The AMX 50 Foch (155), AMX 50 Foch, KV-5, and VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B: armor was increased.
    • The Bat.-Châtillon 25 t: crossing capacity was improved for all types of terrain.
  • The list of guns allowing a player to enter a rating battle was expanded:
    • Т29—90 mm Gun M3
    • Т30—120 mm AT Gun T53
    • M41 Bulldog—76 mm Gun T91E5
    • LTTB—85 mm D-5Т-85BM
    • KV-3—100 mm D-10Т
    • IS—100 mm D-10Т
    • IS-6—122 mm D-30
    • Black Prince—QQF 77 mm gun MK. II
    • Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger—12.8 cm Kanone 44 L/55
    • Bat.-Châtillon 25 t AP—Canon de 90 mm Vo 930 m/s
  • Rating confirmation was introduced. Now, if you do not participate in rating battles for more than 7 days, your rating becomes unconfirmed (but is not reset), and you are removed from the league. To re-confirm your rating and league, you must undergo re-calibration: play 5 rating battles alone. Your rating may change based on the re-calibration results.
  • The minimap was improved: it is divided into 9 numbered squares, and users of touch devices will now be able to use a new quick “Attention to square!” command when in battle. We hope to get your feedback on the improved minimap in order to make it even better in the next updates.
  • In the clan chat, messages are now sorted by date, and information about enrolling players in clan tournament teams is displayed. The special panel displays tournament and team names, current team membership, and the time during which you can join the team. From the panel, you can go directly to the team profile.
  • In quick tournaments, searching for an enemy now starts only after the required minimum number of players enters a tournament room.
  • For the T-34-2, the research cost of the 12150LS engine was decreased from 41,200to 33,000. Players who have researched this module for the higher price will receive compensation.
  • The name of the legendary camouflage for the T26E4 SuperPershing was changed from Hunter to Predatory.
  • Display of team battle results was improved.
  • On a Razer Phone, an fps limit can now be set in the 120 fps mode.

Bug Fixes

  • The trace from the shell that destroyed the vehicle no longer passes through objects.
  • The area that is tapped to open the quick command panel when in battle was expanded.
  • For the Jagdpanzer E 100, the shields at the front of the tracks were fixed.
  • For the IS-4, vertical triangles at the bottom slopes were armored.
  • For the AMX AC mle. 48, armor of the rear of the commander’s cupola was fixed.
  • For the AMX 50 100, armor of the hull bottom and gun mantlets was fixed.
  • The bug, where in a training room, the wrong vehicle appeared in battle upon vehicle change, was fixed.
  • The bug, where players did not receive a notification of technical defeat, was fixed.
  • Rating battle restrictions no longer apply to vehicles selected for tournament battles.
  • The bug for iOS 11, where logging in using different Facebook accounts resulted in the client saving and using only the first account, was fixed.
  • Various screens, notifications, and descriptions were improved. General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

Major changes and improvements

  • The Chinese nation with a branch of Chinese vehicles was added:
    • Light tanks:
      • Tier I: Renault NC-31.
      • Tier II: Vickers Mk. E Type B.
      • Tier III: Type 2597 Chi-Ha.
      • Tier IV: M5A1 Stuart.
    • Medium tanks:
      • Tier V: Type T-34.
      • Tier VI: Type 58.
      • Tier VII: T-34-1.
      • Tier VIII: T-34-2.
      • Tier IX: WZ-120.
      • Tier X: 121.
  • Vehicle improvements:
    • Improved vehicle characteristics:
      • Armor of some Tier V–X heavy tanks was strengthened.
      • For some Tier IV–X tank destroyers, the gun maneuverability and parameters were changed.
      • The rear armor of the T6 Dracula was fixed.
    • Penetration spread was decreased for all vehicles from 75–125 to 85–115%. With the Penetration Boost skill activated, penetration will be 100–115% of the value specified in the vehicle characteristics.
  • Camouflages:
    • The following rare camouflages were added:
      • Steppe Snowstorm, the cost of which ranges from 65 to 1,200 depending on the vehicle tier.
      • Fire Sentinel, the cost of which ranges from 200 for Tier V vehicles to 1,200 for Tier X vehicles. This camouflage is available only for Chinese medium tanks.
    • The following legendary camouflages were added:
      • Hunter for the T26E4 SuperPershing. The cost of the camouflage is 1,450.
      • Steel Predator for the Maus. The cost of the camouflage is 2,550.
      • Legionary for the Maus. The cost of the camouflage is 2,840. Changes the tank name in battle to Maus Legionary.
    • Legendary camouflages that change the vehicle names in battle were reduced to one word.
    • Full names of vehicles with legendary camouflage will now be displayed in battle and on the queue screen. The full name consists of the vehicle name and camouflage name.
  • Rating battle improvements:
    • Calibration battles were added:
      • With Update 4.6, all player ratings will be reset. To receive a rating and enter one of the leagues, players now need to fight 20 calibration battles.
      • Calibration battles will be counted in the total number of battles, but bonuses and rewards for rating battles won’t be received during calibration.
      • Players can undergo calibration only when fighting alone. Platoon battles are available only for players who completed calibration.
    • Rating battles were improved:
      • Now, Tier VII–VIII vehicles with top modules will also be able to participate in rating battles in addition to IX–Х Tier vehicles (but there are exceptions to the guns).
      • The Record screen now has the Rating tab showing the tier of the vehicle on which the rating was earned.
      • Additional Experience and Spare Parts will be accrued for victories in rating battles. The bonus amount depends on the league. On the battle results screen, a bonus received according to the current rating is displayed.
      • When a player selects rating battle mode, all vehicles (with regard to the mounted modules) in the player’s collection will have a status mark informing the player that they are allowed to join rating battles.
      • In rating battles, vehicles will now be matched by tiers and roles.
  • Bonus container improvements:
    • Contents of bonus containers were increased:
      • Standard containers will now also include Standard Credit and Spare Part boosters, as well as Commendation Tokens for 1 hour of Premium Account.
      • Big containers will now also include Rare Credit and Spare Part boosters, as well as Commendation Tokens for 1 and 9 hours of Premium Account.
      • Huge containers will now also include Special Credit and Spare Part boosters, as well as Commendation Tokens for 9 and 24 hours of Premium Account.
    • Players will now be able to purchase a standard bonus container for 65,000 3 times per day (a new day begins with the morning reset of the XP multiplier) in addition to opening 3 free containers.
  • Booster improvements:
    • Credit boosters were added:
      • A standard booster increases the amount of credits earned per battle by 3,000–14,000.
      • A rare booster increases the amount of credits earned per battle by 7,500–35,000.
      • A special booster increases the amount of credits earned per battle by 10,000–50,000.
    • Spare Part boosters were added:
      • A standard booster increases the amount of Spare Parts earned per battle by 30–140.
      • A rare booster increases the amount of Spare Parts earned per battle by 75–350.
      • A special booster increases the amount of Spare Parts earned per battle by 100–500.
    • Credit and Spare Part boosters don’t increase the rewards for battles in percentage terms. The amount of bonus credits or Spare Parts received with boosters depends on the vehicle tier and whether the battle ended in a victory or a defeat.
    • Players can now combine standard and rare economic boosters. Three standard boosters can be exchanged for one rare booster, and two rare boosters—for one special booster. You can combine all boosters of one type at once, but not some of them.
    • Bonus from the Credit booster is now displayed in a separate line on the Detailed tab of the battle results screen.
    • Boosters can now be installed not only on the booster screen, but also in the Storage.
    • The names of boosters no longer include “Large” and “Medium” grades. Categories of rarity (standard, rare, and special) have remained unchanged.
  • Tournament improvements:
    • A new stage award was added: Off-Season Participant, Classes I-IV. It is given for the number of Cups earned in tournaments between seasons.
    • In the tournament list, players will now see the maximum reward that a participating team may receive instead of the prize fund.
    • Upon entering a tournament room, the player is now automatically transferred to a team instead of the queue.
  • Spectator Mode improvements:
    • The player’s order number, corresponding to their number in the team panel, was added to the marker above the vehicle.
    • Free camera mode is now unavailable in “My team only” mode.
    • In “My team only” mode, the current and maximum HP is now also displayed on tank markers.
    • In the “Two teams” view mode, spectators will see all vehicles of both teams in the tournament room, even if the “Hide enemy vehicles” setting is enabled.
    • There are now two options for switching between players of the blue team: space + digit (1–7) or F1–F7 keys.
  • Other improvements:
    • A new Premium Garage was added. The old Premium Garage will now be available for players without Premium Account.
    • The field for vehicle names was enlarged on the battle loading screen and on the expanded team panel.
    • The “Hide enemy vehicles” setting was added to training rooms, allowing the tournament or room creator to hide the teams’ selection of vehicles before a battle.
    • The delay in detecting vehicles, which unexpectedly drive from behind an obstruction, was shortened.
    • Some graphic effects were improved for high-quality settings on Android devices.


  • The iOS bug, where an incorrect chat shortcut was sent during the base capture in Supremacy mode, was fixed.
  • The bug, where an incorrect notification of technical victory was sent to one of the teams after a tournament battle where both teams did not show up, was fixed.
  • The bug, where it was impossible for a clan lead to delete previously selected languages on the Select languages tab in the clan profile, was fixed.
  • The bug, where penetration areas of some vehicles were highlighted in Arcade Mode, was fixed.
  • Incorrect vehicle sorting in the Vehicle tab of the Record section was fixed.
  • On the Dead Rail map, blinking and translucent textures, items “hanging” in the air, and unplanned passages were removed.
  • Various screens were improved. In-game descriptions and notifications were revised. General bugs and client crashes were fixed.
  • New Dynasty’s Pearl map available for:
    • Encounter Battle and Supremacy modes
    • Tier VI–X vehicles
  • Updated camouflages:
    • The following legendary camouflages were added:
      • Bear for the IS-3 for 1,590. Changes the tank name in battle to IS-3 Bear.
      • Warrior for the T34 for 1,590. Changes the tank name in battle to T34 Falcon.
      • Covert Threat for the Т-54 for 1,890.
      • Fearless Gunner for the Т-62А for 2,550.
    • A rare WG Fest 2017 camouflage dedicated to the festival of the same name was added. The cost of the camouflage is 35-500 depending on the vehicle tier.
    • For the Shattered Ice and Verdun Forest camouflages, an unlock cost of 42,000–600,000 was set depending on the vehicle tier.
  • Reworked vehicles:
    • Some vehicles were rebalanced:
      • The engines, turrets, and guns of Tier VII heavy tanks were partially reworked.
      • Armor was fixed for several Tier X vehicles.
    • The IS-3 was improved:
      • The tank became more detailed.
      • The collision model was fixed.
      • The frontal armor slope angle was changed.


  • Other improvements:
    • Push notifications that say Big and Huge Bonus Containers can be opened for free were added.
    • The display of local keyboard symbols instead of QWERTY was added to settings and battle chat.
    • The matchmaker for regular battles was improved: now a team won’t include more than 4 vehicles of the same type.


  • The armor on observation devices of the AMX M4-45 and AMX 50-120 was fixed.
  • The penetration areas of the T-34M mod. 1941 turret of the MT-25 were fixed.
  • The incorrect behavior of the timer before the start of a rating battle was fixed.
  • Players can now assign commands to the X key on Desktop devices.
  • The display of Missile Salvo and Missile Arsenal camouflages on devices with a retina display was fixed.
  • The display of camouflage on the FV215b was fixed.
  • Players can now join a password-protected training room without updating the list of rooms.
  • The bug on iOS-devices, where an image became stretched when rotated back to landscape orientation, was fixed.
  • The bug, where the number of vehicles destroyed in battle was sometimes incorrectly displayed, was fixed.
  • Configured audio settings now apply immediately after the application is restarted.
  • Various screens, in-game notifications, and descriptions were improved. General bugs and client crashes were fixed.
  • Rating battles were improved:
    • Now rating battles are available only during a certain period of time that is different for each region:
      • CIS: 8:00—1:00 (MSK).
      • Europe: 6:00—3:00 (CET).
      • North America: 7:00—21:00 (PT); 10:00—0:00 (ET).
      • Asia: 10:00—1:00 (UTC +8).
    • Rating battles on Tier IX vehicles can be entered only with top modules mounted. For Tier X vehicles, any modules can be used.
    • The rating battle team results screen was improved: an average rating of the team is displayed above the list of players; instead of Combat Experience received, a personal rating is displayed.
    • Now you can fight a rating battle in a platoon only if both platoon mates are rated. This means that the first rating battle should be played alone.
    • The player rating and leagues are now displayed on the clan’s military personnel screen.
  • A new branch of British vehicles was added:
    • The Tier II light tank Cruiser Mk. I
    • The Tier III light tank Cruiser Mk. II
    • The Tier IV light tank Valentine
    • The Tier V medium tank Sherman V
    • The Tier VI medium tank Sherman Firefly
  • Map availability for vehicles was changed:
    • The Naval Frontier map will be available for vehicles of Tier VI and higher.
    • The Copperfield map will be available for Tier I–VII vehicles.
    • The Mirage and Lost Temple maps will be available for Tier III–VII vehicles.
  • Complaints and praises system was improved:
    • The Military Honor level will now be displayed next to the player’s name in chat messages.
    • Notifications for complaints and praises will be received in the Garage.
    • In the Military Honor window, statistics will now be available for both the last 30 days and the whole time period.
  • Vehicle characteristics were changed:
    • French “drummers” were weakened.The Tier V–VI Premium vehicle parameters were improved.
    • The parameters of some other vehicles from the Tech Tree were changed.
  • A new camouflage was added:
    • The legendary Troublemaker camouflage for the Grille 15 with an unlock cost of 2,840. It changes the vehicle name in battle to Troublemaker.

  • Other improvements:
    • In the team results of both regular and rating battles, players are now by default sorted by damage caused.
    • The player profile that opens when switching from the team results screen was improved: information on the rating, victory ratio, average damage, number of battles, and Military Honor was added.
    • Invitations to tournament teams were improved. Previously, to join a team, it was enough to click “Accept” in the invitation. Now there will be a “To Team” button in the invitation, clicking it will open the team profile window. Only in this window, you can click the “Accept” button and become a member of the tournament team.
    • In the Other tab of the settings, it’s now possible to disable pop-up notifications for friend requests and invitations to training rooms.

New equipment

The Protected Modules and Enhanced Cabin equipment were removed. Instead, new equipment was added:

Improved Modules

+10% to track, fuel tank, and ammo rack durability

-20% to damage from ramming

Defense System

-10% to the chance of engine damage

-8% to the chance of crew injury

-7% to the chance of ammo rack damage

The equipment parameters were changed as follows:

Calibrated Shells

The bonus to penetration with High-Explosive Anti-Tank and High-Explosive shells was increased from +5% to +10%.

For Armor-Piercing and Armor-Piercing Composite Rigid shells, it remains the same—+5%.

Improved Optics

The bonus to view range was decreased from +10% to +7% for heavy tanks and from +10% to +5% for tank destroyers.

For medium and light tanks, it remains the same.


The bonus to shell velocity was increased from + 10% to + 30%.

The bonus to penetration decrease with distance was changed from -30% to -50%, which means that penetration will decrease slower.

Enhanced Armor

The bonus to hull and turret armor was decreased from +5% to +4%.

Improved Assembly

The bonus to vehicle HP was increased from +5% to +6%.

Improved Control

The bonus to the top traverse speed of the vehicle was increased from +7% to +10%.

Equipment will only affect the traverse speed—engine power will no longer change.

Engine Accelerator

For light and medium tanks, the bonus to reaching top speed was decreased from +7% to +5%.

For heavy tanks and tank destroyers, it remains the same—+7%.

Refined Gun

The bonus to dispersion at 100 m was changed from -5% to -10%, which means that gun accuracy will increase.


The bonus to module repair speed was increased from +25% to +30%.

Consumable Delivery System

The bonus to consumable cooldown speed was increased from +10% to +15%.

High-End Consumables

The bonus to the duration of consumables (Engine Power Boost, Adrenaline) was increased from +15% to +30%.

Bug fixes

  • You can no longer switch to Sniper Mode before the battle.
  • On the Naval Frontier map, the incorrect display of stones and walls, because of which it was impossible to cause damage even if the enemy vehicle was visible, was fixed.
  • Now you can’t pass through some of the walls on the Naval Frontier and Yamato Harbor maps.
  • Shooting through the destructible obstructions will no longer result in shell tracers passing through the enemy tank.
  • You can now switch between shell types before the start of the battle.
  • Various screens, notifications, and descriptions were improved. General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

New features

  • The Fort Despair map has been temporarily renamed Macragge — the home planet of the Ultramarines from the Warhammer 40,000 universe.
  • Updated crew skills and rules for training them:
    • Level 7 for crew skill training has been added.
    • Crew skill training can now be accelerated using Elite Experience, instead of Free Experience.
    • Training acceleration is now available in three variants: free of charge, no bonus (1:1); for credits — a bonus +100% (1:2); for Gold — a bonus +200% (1:3).
    • On the Crew Training button in the Garage, players can now see an icon for the currently trained skill and the progress that has been made for it.
    • The currently trained skills are now changed immediately and without confirmation.
    • Improvements have been made to interfaces, tooltips, and animations on all crew-related screens.
  • Improved display of the inflicted damage.
  • Improved red indicators for enemies outside the screen.
  • Increased maximum length for clan description from 500 to 1,000 symbols.
  • A new tab — Offers — was added to the in-game Store. Here, players can purchase bundles using gold.
  • The 120 FPS option was added for iOS devices that can support this option.

Vehicle changes

  • The M48A1 Patton now features legendary camouflages : Beast for 2,840 Gold and Pit Bull for 3,980 Gold. The camouflages change the vehicle name in battle to M48A1 Patton Beast and M48A1 Patton Pit Bull correspondingly. Resupplying them is free.
  • A permanent vehicle enrichment option was added for all researchable Tier V–VIII vehicles, while its cost has been lowered.
  • Changes to vehicle parameters :
    • Improved accuracy and increased rate of fire for all Tier VII guns of the M41 Walker Bulldog.
    • Lowered armor penetration for HESH shells and increased reload time for the FV4202 and Centurion Mk.7/1.
    • Decreased armor for all side screens of the IS-7.
  • Changes made to the size and position of internal modules and crew members in the FV215b, IS-4, Т-62А, and Object 140. As a result, the modules will receive critical damage less often and the vehicles will become more comfortable to play.
  • The damage models for the Marder II, Renault UE 57, T82, T40, Universal Carrier 2-pdr, and Valentine AT have been revised:
    • An error was fixed that prevented HE shells from causing maximum damage upon hitting an open hatch.
    • Transmission was separated from the engine. These vehicles are now more durable against a frontal hit.

Fixed errors

  • Fixed the reticle in Sniper Mode for the Waffenträger auf Pz. IV in positions with a rotated cabin.
  • Fixed an error that caused the client to crash when a player tried to create a tournament room while in a platoon.
  • Fixed an error that caused an empty screen to display instead of the battle result screen after exiting to Garage for a short time.
  • Fixed an error that caused the Repair Kit to be used after the automatic track repair.
  • Fixed the issue where a player was not added back into the candidate list after being removed from the tournament team.
  • Fixed an error that caused 59 minutes to always display in an invite to a tournament room.
  • Fixed an error that blocked the sending and receiving of tournament invitations.
  • Improved various screens, notifications, and descriptions.
  • Fixed general errors and game client crashes.

Main changes and new features:

  • The branch of French tanks crowned with the Bat.-Châtillon 25 t autoloader was added to the Tech Tree.
  • The Naval Frontier map was added for both game modes. Vehicles from Tier V and higher can battle on this map.
  • Changed characteristics of the following vehicles:
    • T57 Heavy Tank — improved turret armor, reworked gun
    • Т54Е1, T69, and T49 — reworked guns
    • Т95 — reduced armor of the sides and cupolas
    • AMX 50 B, AMX 50 120, AMX 50 100, and BDR G1 B — reworked guns
    • T-62A — improved accuracy
    • Object 268 — improved convenience of shooting
    • Grille 15, Waffenträger auf Pz. IV, and Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger — nerfed guns, reduced mobility
    • Panther II and Panther mit 8,8 cm L/71 — improved turret armor
    • 8,8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger and Snowstorm Jagdtiger 8.8 — added alternative Tier IX gun
  • Added camouflages:
    • Legendary Musketeer camouflage for the Bat.-Châtillon 25 t. Unlock cost — 2,840 . Free resupply. The camouflage changes the vehicle name in battle to Musketeer.
    • Legendary camouflage Dedicated Warrior for the KV-1. Unlock cost — 490 . Free resupply.
    • Rare camouflage Seasonal Hunt. Unlock cost — from 65 to 1,200 depending on the vehicle tier. Free resupply.
  • Returned the display of Master Badges: Ace Tanker in the player profile.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed the disappearing of shells when the gun was behind the red border of the map.
  • Fixed an error that caused shell tracers to display incorrectly upon ricochet.
  • Fixed an error that caused double the potential damage to display upon ricochet on the player’s vehicle.
  • Fixed the discrepancy of the name in battle for the E 100, Object 140, and FV215b (183) in their legendary camouflage with what is written in the descriptions of these camouflages. Now the vehicles are named as follows: E 100 — Stalwart, Object 140 — Terror, FV215b (183) — Hammer.
  • Fixed graphical errors on the Fort Despair map that caused the wall texture to disappear and trees to display in the air.
  • Fixed errors that caused client failures in the spectator mode when switching to the first person view or upon logging in again.
  • Improved various screens, notifications, and descriptions.
  • Fixed general errors and game client crashes.

General changes and new features

  • Changes to the graphic interface:
    • A new marker type — ray markers — was added to the game. They will be enabled by default for all players after the update. For your convenience, we implemented the ability to switch between the old and new markers from the Settings.
    • Markers showing received/blocked damage from a shot or ramming attack will be added to existing hit markers. Penetration or non-penetration will be displayed after the first shot. With every consequent shot, the same marker will be displayed, but the damage next to it will get summed up. If the marker type needs to change (for example, the first shot penetrates and the second does not), the previous damage will disappear and a new marker will be displayed. If hits were delivered by different players, they will be displayed next to each other in the appropriate places.
    • A platoon-mate marker was added to the game. While your platoon-mate is in battle, but outside your field of view, an arrow will show you their position (the size of the marker depends on the distance to your platoon-mate — the closer they are, the bigger the marker).
    • If a player or their platoon-mate deal damage to an enemy, it will be highlighted with the platoon color (orange). If another team member hits an enemy that has already been hit by the player or their platoon-mate, the damage inflicted will be highlighted red and won’t be summed up with the “orange” damage.
    • The list of damaged modules over enemy vehicles will also show injured crew members.
  • Missions will be updated:
    • The old missions will be replaced with the updated ones after the Update is released.
    • New missions are split into two groups by tiers: Tiers I to IV and Tiers V to X. They can be completed at any of the specified Tiers.
    • The following mission types were removed:
      • Capture a neutral base in the Supremacy mode.
      • Take away 60 victory points from the enemy team in a battle when playing in the Supremacy mode.
      • Capture at least two bases in a battle in the Supremacy mode.
      • Destroy two enemy light tanks.
      • Spot and keep in your field of view the enemies, upon which your allies inflict 100 points of damage in a battle.
      • Perform a series of two shots, destroying two enemy vehicles in a row.
      • Destroy an enemy by causing their ammo rack to explode.
      • Set an enemy vehicle on fire.
      • Inflict % damage to a Tier % vehicle in a battle.
  • The matchmaker for rating battles was improved:
    • Maximum 3 tank destroyers can be on each side of the team in Rating Battles.
    • Now the matchmaker will try to sort a player that has just entered the queue with a minimal rating dispersion. The dispersion increases with the waiting time. As a result, we will keep the average waiting time as short as possible, while the maximum waiting time will be less than 3 minutes and average rating dispersion will be approximately two times less than at the current settings.
  • New Camouflages were added:
    • Two rare Camouflages available for all vehicle types: Missile Arsenal and Missile Salvo .
    • Hammer Blow for FV215b 183. It changes the vehicle name in battle to FV215b 183 Hammer.
    • Tireless Soldier for Т57 Heavy Tank. It changes the tank name in battle to Tireless T57 Heavy.
    • Stalwart Fighter for E 100. It changes the tank name in battle to E-100 Stalwart.
    • Strike Terror for Object 140. It changes the tank name in battle to Object 140 Terror.
  • Clan and player profiles were updated. Now you can go directly to the list of past, current, or future tournaments of a clan or player from there.
  • Players will be able to send requests to join a team directly from the team profile.
  • The HESH-T L-37 shell for the 105 mm Royal Ordnance L7A1 gun installed in the Centurion Mk7/1 and FV4202 was replaced with a Premium HE-shell HESH-T L-37.
    • Changed the shell price in Gold (10 Gold).
    • The shell penetration increased to 210 mm.

Bugfixes and improvements

  • Fixed the incorrect display of the tournaments list when switching between them too quickly.
  • Fixed an error in the PC version, which sometimes caused a vehicle turret to rotate when waiting for players before the beginning of a battle.
  • Fixed an error causing the button for Ticket contribution to be unavailable when viewing the profile of another team.
  • Removed an unnecessary line showing the T28 HTC turret protection, because this vehicle does not have a rotating turret.
  • Fixed an error that caused the FV215b vehicle to not become highlighted when you aim at the lower part of its turret.
  • Improved Ventilation was replaced with Gun Rammer for the M3 Light tank.
  • Fixed the collision model of the T110E5 tank.
  • Fixed the reticule twitching in the first-person spectator mode.
  • Fixed an error causing the countdown timer to sound throughout an entire battle in tournaments and training rooms (after the countdown before a battle).
  • Fixed writing off and compensation of the currencies from the Goose Tales event. The price of the currency writing off :
    • Pins: 1,734 Credits
    • Twin Pins: 2,667 Credits
  • Added the ability to set maximum graphics quality for the iPad Pro 2nd generation.
  • Improved various screens, fixed the texts for various notifications and descriptions


  • The rating system and rating battles were introduced:
    • A new battle type with a separate queue will be available for players in Tier IX-X vehicles
    • In rating battles, players will earn or lose rating points
    • Teams will be matched according to their ratings
    • Players will be divided into leagues (from Bronze to Diamond) depending on their ratings
  • Bonus containers will appear in the game: Standard, Big, and Huge containers with different cooldown times and rewards.
  • The HALL OF FAME tab in the sidebar menu will navigate players to the list of best clans as well as player and league ratings on WoT Blitz portal. To move up in the leaderboard, clans will have to earn Cups in tournaments.
  • Warpaints:
    • New camouflage “Bastille”
    • Legendary camouflage “Destroyer Machine” for the Foch 155, which changes the vehicle name in battle
    • New camouflage “Dynamo”. Warpaint dedicated to the Battle of Dunkirk.


  • A new branch of French tank destroyers was added to the Tech Tree: the Renault FT AC (II), Renault UE57 (III), Somua SAu 40 (IV), S35 CA (V), ARL V39 (VI), AMX AC mle. 46 (VII), AMX AC mle. 48 (VIII), AMX 50 Foch (IX), AMX 50 Foch (155) (X).
  • Turret and hull bottom armor was fixed for the IS-2.
  • For the M6A2E1 EXP, the thickness of the hull rear armor was changed to 41 mm.


  • The Fort Despair map was updated:
    • Map visual appearance was reworked
    • Quantity of vegetation was changed
    • Tents were removed from the game area of base C and map center
    • Flag capture area was changed
    • Destroyed walls were reworked
    • An option for shooting across the flag capture area was added


  • Balance improvements:
    • T71: firepower was increased
      • For the 76 mm Gun M1A2, reload time of the magazine was decreased from 15 to 13 s
      • For the 76 mm Gun T18, reload time of the magazine was decreased from 13 to 11.5 s
    • Panther/M10:  the medium tank gameplay role was enforced, vehicle mobility was increased
      • Vehicle top speed was increased from 46 to 55 km/h
      • For the Panther/M10, traverse speed was increased from 42 to 46 deg/s
    • KV-3: the heavy tank gameplay role was enforced, an opportunity to block enemy fire with armor was added
      • Vehicle HP (stock/top) was increased from 1,220/1,300 to 1,400/1,450
    • Pz.Sfl. IVc: the top gun was improved
      • Vehicle HP was increased from 530 to 600
      • For the 8,8 cm Flak 41 L/74 gun:
      • Dispersion ratio upon turret traverse was decreased
      • Aiming time changed from 2.3 to 1.9 s
  • Shell replacement:
    • For the Centurion 7/1 and FV4202 with the 105 mm Royal Ordnance L7A1 gun, the HESH-T L-37 shell was replaced with HEAT L-38. The shell was temporarily replaced as vehicles with this gun almost never use their HESH shells. This is due to the complexity of understanding the gameplay mechanics behind HESH shells and the very situational effectiveness during gameplay. We will analyze data on these shells as part of Update 4.0, after which we will bring HESH-T L-37 back, HEAT L-38 will also remain in the game.


  • The player name was added to the post-battle statistics.
  • The effects for shooting at vehicles submerged under water were improved.
  • An auto mute option was added for cases where the game window is inactive (Desktop).
  • Increased penetration and armor due to mounted equipment is now counted when highlighting vehicle parts.
  • Local notifications of unlocked equipment slots for a particular vehicle were added.
  • Players rewarded with Class I-III and Ace Tanker Mastery badges, as well as Invincible and Survivor Honorary ranks will also receive Spare Parts.
  • Tornado Energy was replaced with Adrenaline.


  • The bug, where the sound of Engine Power Boost/Adrenaline termination played earlier than the consumables were used up, was fixed.
  • The bug, where all reserve players received a penalty for missing a tournament battle and a deduction of points from their Military Honor in case of a technical victory, was fixed.
  • The bug, where a window notifying of 1 day of Premium Account accrual was displayed upon the usage of a certificate for several hours of Premium Account, was fixed.
  • The bug, where purchase/sale buttons from previous screens remained active when switching between provision/consumable/ammunition windows, was fixed.
  • The bug, where a recently purchased vehicle was displayed in the platoon window instead of the selected vehicle, was fixed.
  • The bug, where the spectator received in-game currencies after tournament battles, was fixed.
  • The bug, where the progress of equipment use was displayed above the enemy/allied vehicles without consideration of equipment effect, was fixed.
  • The bug, where consumable and provision controls remained active after pressing “Ready!” during platoon game, was fixed.
  • The bugs with player outlines and markers were fixed for the first person view.
  • The display of direction markers on the minimap was fixed for spectators.
  • Game description and notification texts were reworked.
  • Various screens were reworked.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.


  • The legendary camouflage “Clan Guardian” for the IS-5 can be unlocked using 1,590 gold.
  • Banners with “Tornado Energy” will appear on maps. The Adrenaline consumable will be replaced with Tornado Energy for this version.
  • In June World of Tanks Blitz will celebrate its 3 year Anniversary. Therefore we think that this month’s gift should be something out of the ordinary and not just boosters. Keep your eyes open for a cool present closer to the WoT Blitz Birthday on June 26.


  • An option for reporting provocative communication was added as part of the Military Honor system.
  • Information about the last login will be displayed on the game login screen.
  • Pre-battle tooltip icons were updated.
  • The FCM 50 t was transferred to Tier VIII in the Tech Tree.
  • The mechanism of awarding players with Spare Parts after a battle was changed:
    • Players can now receive Spare Parts only if their teams win a battle. The number of Spare Parts that can be received varies from 8 to 115, depending on the vehicle tier.
    • Spare Parts are now also granted for receiving a Battle Hero award (except for Scout and Invader), the Kamikaze and Raider Honorary Ranks, an Epic medal (except for Billotte’s Medal), Crucial Contribution and Brothers in Arms Platoon awards. A player can receive from 10 to 1,000 Spare Parts depending on the award and vehicle tier.
  • Bronze Series tickets will be removed and compensation in credits will be added to accounts instead (20,000 for a Bronze Series ticket V-VI; 40,000 for a Bronze Series ticket VII-VIII; 80,000 for a Bronze Series ticket IX-X).
  • A label about clan or player participation will be displayed on tournament lists.


  • A missing crash-texture for the 76 mm ZiS-5 gun was added.
  • An issue with vehicles getting stuck on the Mayan Ruins map was fixed.
  • An issue with the game client freezing when unlinking a Facebook account from the game account was fixed. (Win10)
  • A bug that caused the camera to continue rotating for a while when swiping during the battle start countdown was fixed.
  • A bug that caused the display to switch off or PC to lock when the WoT Blitz game client was active, was fixed.(Win 32, Win 10, Mac)
  • Game description and notification texts were reworked.
  • Various screens were reworked.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.


  • A new player characteristic is introduced: Military Honor. After a battle, the player can praise or complain about the conduct of their allies/enemies. There will be a total of four categories for praises and complaints. Based on the complaints received, a penalty might be applied to the player (e.g. they can be banned from battles for a certain period of time or their chat can be disabled). Praises and complaints received will affect the player’s military honor: depending on the number of stars (from 0 to 6), players will have different statuses (from Absolutely Untrustworthy Player to Impeccable Player). You can see any player’s status in the Record interface.
  • The new location called “Mayan Ruins”: ancient pyramids, a blue lagoon, and jungle sounds will immerse you in the atmosphere of an enigmatic world. This is a mixed-type location with huge pyramids and giant bridges connecting two parts of different levels.
  • A new branch of American light tanks was added to the Tech Tree: the M24 Chaffee (V), T37 (VI), M41 Walker Bulldog (VII), and T49 (VIII).
  • New Premium vehicles: the M6A2E1 (American Tier VII vehicle; cost: 5,200 gold) and the FCM 50t (French Tier VIII vehicle; cost: 7,350 gold).
  • New camos:
    • A camo for the IS-6 called “Legend of Battles”; will be available for gold.
    • A camo called “Retro”; will be available for gold as soon the update arrives.


  • The penetration and price of the shells available for gold was decreased:
    • – 15% to the damage for all Premium shells except for the British HESH
    • – 20% to the price for all Premium shells
    • – 20–40% to the price of Premium shells for vehicles, for which the prices of shells were too high considering the tier
    • + 15–35% to penetration for basic shells of vehicles that had to use Premium shells to cause penetration
    • Exceptions for changes applied to Premium shells are the SU-100Y and Tankenstein
  • Balance changes:
    • FV215b 183
      • Front hull plate and turret armor was decreased from 254/152 mm to 127 mm.
    • IS-7
      • Turret traverse speed was decreased from 18.77 to 15.64 deg/s.
    • AMX 50 100
      • Suspension traverse speed of the AMX M4 mle. 50 suspension was decreased from 25.79 to 22.95 deg/s.
    • AMX 50 120
      • For the 90 mm DCA 45, 100 mm SA47, and 120 mm SA46 guns, reload time of one shell was changed from 2.5 to 3.33 s.
    • AMX 50 B
      • For the 120 mm SA46 gun, reload time of one shell was changed from 2.5 to 3.33 s.
    • AMX Chasseur de chars
      • HP was increased from 1,250 to 1,350.
      • For the 90 mm AC DCA 45 gun:
        • Reload time was decreased from 7 to 6.81 s.
        • Aiming time was decreased from 4.4 to 3.5 s.
        • Dispersion ratio from turret traverse was decreased.
    • Panther mit 8,8 cm L/71
      • For the Panther mit 8,8 cm Kw.K. 43 L/71 suspension, gun dispersion ratio from suspension traverse/movement was decreased.
      • For the Panther mit 8,8 cm Kw.K. 43 L/71 turret, traverse speed was increased from 36.5 to 39.63 deg/s, and view range—from 250 to 260 m.
      • For the 8,8 cm Kw.K. 43 L/71 gun:
        • Dispersion for 100 m was decreased from 0.326 to 0.316 m.
        • After-shot dispersion was changed from 4 to 3.
        • Aiming time was decreased from 3.8 to 3.1 s.
    • Pz.Kpfw. V/IV
      • For the 7,5 cm Kw.K. 40 L/48 gun, penetration of the Sprgr 18 shell was changed from 20 to 38 mm.
  • Transmission was added for all Tier X vehicles.
  • For the IS-7 collision model, the bottom was straightened in order to decrease the chance of a ricochet when firing at the sides.


  • Prices for temporary enrichment were changed for Tier V–X vehicles. Now the prices are: Tier V—750 gold; Tier VI—1,100 gold; Tier VII—1,600 gold; Tiers VIII, IX, and X—2,300 gold.
  • Profitability of Tier IX and X vehicles with enrichment has been increased.


  • Mission distribution mechanics were changed: now receiving or purchasing new vehicles does not affect the mission drop for this vehicle tier.
  • Tournament reward screen now features a column with the team reward.
  • Notifications about new tournaments are back; the “Mark all as read” button was added to the tournament list screen.
  • iPad 9.7 (2017) is now supported by the app.


  • Bug with camo display settings was fixed: now they only affect the battle.
  • Bug with the price for upgrading the B14 engine for the T54 and T54 ltwt. was fixed: now it’s 34,000 XP for each of the vehicles.
  • Bug with the turret displacement for the IS-3 Defender was fixed.
  • The following fixes were applied to models:
    • Incorrect display of the SU-152 outline was fixed.
    • Bug with the T110E5, when its track wheels were overlapping with the track, was fixed; blurred gun texture was fixed.
    • Display of the penetration areas of the Maus was fixed.
    • Uneven ranges between the tracks were fixed for the M6A2E1 and M6A2E1 EXP.
    • Display of the track wheel fastening was fixed for the IS-4.
  • On the “Falls Creek” map, flying stones were removed; the bug with vehicles sinking into the landscape was fixed.
  • Bug, when the “Battles in progress” status didn’t display on the tournament screen, was fixed.
  • Game description and notification texts were reworked.
  • Various screens were reworked.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.


  • The equipment system was reworked:
    • The players will now be able to mount up to 9 pieces of equipment on each vehicle (three pieces per category: Combat Power, Vitality, and Specialization). In total, there will be 19 types of equipment.
    • The equipment will be placed in slots across three levels (2 pieces of equipment per slot). Level I slots are unlocked using credits, while to unlock level II and III slots the new in-game currency of Spare Parts will be needed.
    • Spare Parts can be earned in battles, missions and in-game events.
    • Upon unlocking a slot (using credits/Spare Parts), equipment becomes available after a certain period of time, and the timer’s duration depends on a vehicle’s Tier and equipment level. Until Update 3.9, there will be a 90% discount on immediate unlock for each new equipment slot.
  • Clan Supply level X was added. The new level will offer a unique opportunity to purchase the IS-5 together with a slot for 1,500 gold, and discounts on Adrenaline and all provisions increased of 10%, as well as an option to purchase one more Garage slot using credits. Level I-III equipment slots will be available at a discount for those with clan Supply level VIII-X.
  • A new Premium tank—IS-2Sh—will be introduced. It will be awarded in the Field Test event.
  • A new camouflage, “Man’s Best Friend”, will be available for gold.
  • A new legendary camouflage “Rin” will be available for gold for the STA-1


  • The IS-7 with the Battle-hardened camouflage applied will change its name in battle.
  • The Panther 8,8 was added to the Hunter medal description.
  • On the Canal map, an unplanned passage to the top of the hill near the dam was removed.
  • An opportunity to enable/disable notifications in the Settings was added. (Win 10, Mac)


  • The position of the vehicle indicator in Sniper mode was fixed. (Desktop)
  • The issue where a badge for invites to a training room was displayed in the Platoon section of the sidebar menu was fixed.
  • The issue where a badge for unread chat messages was displayed after the player entered the game when there were no unread messages was fixed.
  • The Conqueror’s turret was renamed the Centurion Mk. III*.
  • The display of the penetration zones for the IS-3 Defender was fixed.
  • The long loading time for the Equipment screen was fixed.
  • The incorrect rounding of the shell reload time value for the Helsing H0 was fixed.
  • The issue where the tracks of the Jagdpanzer E 100 were rotating in different directions was fixed.
  • The issue where the textures of vegetation and vehicle tracks failed to render was fixed.
  • The collision model for the Т-54 was fixed.
  • Game description and notification texts were reworked.
  • Different screens were reworked.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.



Е 25 and E 25 “#1”

  • Total HP was increased from 970 to 1,000
  • APCR shells with penetration of 194 mm were changed to the HEAT shells with penetration of 250 mm. Damage: 160 HP, cost: 7 / 2,800
  • AP shells with penetration of 160 mm were changed to APCR shells with penetration of 194 mm. Damage: 160 HP, cost: 109

Т25 АТ

  • Front hull armor thickness was increased from 88 to 120 mm
  • Combat weight was increased from 39.09 to 40.09 t

WZ 135G FT Blaze

  • Reload time was decreased from 14.39 to 12.47 s
  • Aiming time was decreased from 6.1 to 5.3 s
  • Dispersion at 100 m was decreased from 0.412 to 0.393 m

T34 and T34 Independence

  • Total HP was increased from 1,400 to 1,600
  • Traverse speed was increased from 22.95 to 26.07 deg/s
  • View range was increased from 220 to 240 m
  • Reload time was decreased from 14.39 to 13.42 s
  • Dispersion ratio on the move/upon traverse was decreased

Panther mit 8,8 cm L/71

  • Total HP was increased from 1,420 to 1,450
  • Traverse speed was increased from 50.06 to 57.36 deg/s
  • Turret traverse speed was increased from 33.38 to 36.5 deg/s
  • Reload time was decreased from 6.42 to 6.23 s


  • Penetration with APCR shells was decreased from 268 to 250 mm
  • Penetration with the HEAT shell was decreased from 330 to 300 mm

The tank was entirely rebalanced.

  • Total HP was increased from 600/650 to 720/780, depending on the turret
  • View range was decreased from 300/320 to 220/230 m, depending on the turret
  • Top speed was increased from 30 to 32 km/h
  • For both suspensions, crossing capacity on all terrain was improved, dispersion ratios on the move/upon traverse were decreased
  • For the 75 mm SA32 gun:

– Reload time was increased from 4.03/3.64 s to 8.44/8.15 s, depending on the turret

– Dispersion ratio upon turret traverse was decreased

  • For the 75 mm SA44 gun:

– Reload time was increased from 4.03/3.64 s to 7.19/6.62 s, depending on the turret

– Aiming time for the top turret was decreased from 5.5 to 4.6 s

– Dispersion ratio upon turret traverse was decreased

  • For the 90 mm DCA 30 gun:

– Aiming time was decreased from 6 to 5.2 s

HP of Tier I-III vehicles was increased.


  • Players will now have an opportunity to participate in special tournaments, which require Tickets for registration.

Players can obtain Tickets for completing missions or purchase them using in-game currencies. The type of Tickets required for participation will be indicated for each tournament. A Ticket of one type may be suitable for participation in several tournaments.

Tickets have different values (from standard to legendary). The higher the Ticket value, the more experienced the players participating in the tournament are, and the harder it is to win, but the rewards for such tournaments are also more valuable. To participate in a tournament with admission by Tickets, the player should first join a team, and then contribute Tournament tickets.

Suitable tickets will be displayed in the tournament list in the registration column. The player will be able to contribute/retrieve several Tickets.

  • On the team screen, a line showing team status was added.
  • The issue, where it was impossible to dissolve a non-registered team after the tournament registration was closed due to participant limit, was fixed.


  • Exact values for vehicles’ profitability increases were added to the enrichment dialog windows.
  • A badge notifying the player of new bundles in the Store was added to the Store icon.
  • The vehicle filter was improved: sorting by vehicles currently being upgraded was added, and Premium vehicles were added to the filter for elite vehicles.
  • For temporary enrichment, a timer was added to modules and the vehicle carousel.
  • Spectators will be able to see spotted players on the team panel.
  • In the chat, an option for saving search results and returning to them from another screen was added.
  • Fuel tanks of the Glacial 112 were placed towards the rear of the tank.
  • The mission reset cost in version 3.7 will amount to 350 gold.


  • The issue, where the game crashed after a vehicle’s destruction, was fixed. (Win10)
  • The gun twitching after a shot was fixed.
  • The flag animation for low quality settings was fixed.
  • Blinking of the tournament list during scrolling was fixed.
  • The issue, where the timer for x2 and missions was not updated, was fixed.
  • The issue, where the vehicle turret was rotating before the battle start, was fixed. (Desktop)
  • On the experience conversion screen, the backing color for Premium/enriched vehicles was fixed.
  • The issue, where an overstated number of destroyed vehicles was displayed on the general achievements screen, was fixed.
  • The operation of zoom was fixed for manual zoom in Sniper mode. (Desktop)
  • The issue, where one of the platoon members had their vehicles in the carousel blocked after the platoon’s dismissal, was fixed.
  • Operation of the enrichment timer was fixed.
  • The issue, where changes to sound settings were not applied to other tabs, was fixed.
  • The issue, where at the beginning of a battle a notification about a destroyed spectator vehicle was displayed, was fixed.
  • The dust effect for a chassis on low performance (weak) devices was fixed.
  • The issue, where a player was stuck in the finished battle after the games were aborted, was fixed.
  • The issue, where a player saw a Personal Access level of zero after re-entering the game, was fixed.
  • The issue, where a Facebook notification on Win 10 failed to navigate to Blitz, was fixed. (Win10)
  • The issue, where after switching from Sniper mode near rocks and buildings the camera moved down, was fixed.
  • The incorrect display of a discounted cost for an instant upgrade was fixed.
  • The issue, where free camouflage autoresupply was not working if there were not enough credits for other autoresupplies, was fixed.
  • The issue, where icons of damaged modules continued to display above enemy vehicles after the player’s vehicle was destroyed, was fixed.
  • The display of the Battle-hardened camouflage for the IS-7 was fixed (dark textures were removed).
  • For the SU-152, a turret element visible through the gun mantlet was removed.
  • Game description and notification texts were reworked.
  • Different screens were reworked.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.


  • The enrichment feature was introduced, which allows players to increase vehicle profitability (in credits) temporarily or permanently using gold. Temporary enrichment will be available for all Tier V-X researchable vehicles, permanent enrichment—only for some Tier V-VIII vehicles.
  • An information window was added to the game client with a detailed description of the instant upgrade.
  • In the Storage, a tab for a new item type—containers—was added. In future, each container will include a list of items (currencies, vehicles, boosters, etc.). The player will receive random rewards from this list upon opening the container.
  • Premium vehicles will be displayed in the Tech Tree on the upgrades screen.
  • A new branch of French vehicles was added: Renault FT (light tank, Tier I), D1 (light tank, Tier II), D2 (medium tank, Tier III), B1 (heavy tank, Tier IV), BDR G1 B (heavy tank, Tier V), ARL 44 (heavy tank, Tier VI), AMX M4 mle. 45 (heavy tank, Tier VII), AMX 50 100 (heavy tank, Tier VIII), AMX 50 120 (heavy tank, Tier IX), AMX 50 B (heavy tank, Tier X). Every player will receive the Tier I Renault FT with a Garage slot as a gift. Camouflages and provisions (Hot Coffee and Canned Pâté;) for French vehicles were also added.
  • The Gift Store will appear in the sidebar menu, which navigates players to the webpage where they will be able to select gifts and send them to other players.


For the T-54 and T-62A Soviet Tier IX-X medium tanks, turret armor groups were reworked in order to reduce the armor group area in the front.

Penetration and armor characteristics were rebalanced for Tier IX-X medium tanks:

Tier IX

  • Leopard Prototyp A:
    • For the 10,5 cm L7A1 gun:
      • The APDS-T M392 shell penetration changed from 268 to 255
      • The HEAT-T T384E4 shell penetration changed from 330 to 300
    • Centurion Mk. 7/1
      • For the 105 mm Royal Ordnance L7A gun, the APDS L-28 shell penetration changed from 268 to 255
    • Т-54
      • For the 100 mm D-54 gun, the ZUBK4M shell penetration changed from 330 to 270
      • For the 100 mm D-10T2S, the ZUBK4 shell penetration changed from 330 to 270
      • The armor scheme of the top turret was changed
    • Type 61
      • For the 105 mm Rifled Gun:
        • The L28A1 shell penetration changed from 258 to 245
        • The M456 shell penetration changed from 330 to 300

Tier X

  • E50_Ausf_M
    • For the 10,5 cm Kw.K. L/52 Ausf. K gun:
      • The Pzgr 40 shell penetration changed from 270 to 245
      • The Gr 39 H1A K shell penetration changed from 330 to 300
    • Leopard 1
      • For the 10,5 cm Bordkanone L7A3 gun:
        • The APDS-T M392 shell penetration changed from 268 to 255
        • The HEAT-T T384E4 shell penetration changed from 330 to 300
    • FV4202
      • For the 105 mm Royal Ordnance L7A1 gun, the APDS L-28 shell penetration changed from 268 to 255
    • STB-1
      • For the 105 mm Rifled Gun:
        • The L28A1 shell penetration changed from 258 to 245
        • The M456 shell penetration changed from 330 to 300
    • M48A1 Patton
      • For the 105 mm Gun M68:
        • The APDS-T M392 shell penetration changed from 268 to 250
        • The HEAT-T T384E4 shell penetration changed from 330 to 300
    • T-62A
      • For the 100 mm U-8TS gun:
        • The UBR-412PB shell penetration changed from 264 to 240
        • The ZUBK4M shell penetration changed from 330 to 290
      • The turret armor scheme was changed (the front armor plate area was reduced)
    • Object 140
      • For the 100 mm U-8TS gun:
        • The UBR-412PB shell penetration changed from 264 to 240
        • The ZUBK4M shell penetration changed from 330 to 290
      • The turret armor scheme was changed (the front armor was reduced)
  • Protection of the FCM 50 t was improved: the front plate and gun mantlet armor was enforced:
    • For the turret: from 120 to 150 mm
    • For the gun mantlet: from 120 to 150 mm
  • The transmission was added for German Tier X vehicles:
    • E 100
    • Maus
    • E 50 M
    • Grille 15
    • Jg.Pz. E 100
    • Leopard 1
    • As part of the same task, the transmission for the French AMX 50 B was added.


  • The physics of vehicle damage was adjusted; tracks no longer come off on hills and in pits.


  • Badges were added for new tournaments. Only players qualifying for tournament conditions/regulations can see them.
  • Regular tournaments will now be displayed in tournament lists.
  • Team search by clan name/tag was added.
  • An option for displaying several reward items on the main tournament screen was added.
  • Badges showing the number of unviewed tournaments were added.


  • An effect for tapping/clicking a group of objects (the amount, currency icon, text and background with the plus-sign button) was added to the top menu in the Garage.
  • When players from Korea attempt to create an account, they will be navigated to a web page instead of the account creation dialog window. (KO)
  • In the battle chat, the ability to send messages between teams under any conditions was disabled; the ability to send messages to your team after your vehicle was destroyed was disabled. This change does not apply to training rooms.
  • New filters were added to the Garage: filters for French vehicles, Hybrid nation vehicles, elite, Premium, and enriched vehicles, as well as for vehicles celebrating their Birthday at the moment.
  • Two new rewards were introduced: New Start Participant and New Start Champion. Both rewards belong to the Commemorative Tokens category.
  • Camoulflage:
    • Two new war paints dedicated to iOS and Android platforms (Look Different and Mint Candy) were added. The Breakthrough camouflage dedicated to Steam will be available for purchase again. All these camouflages will be available for purchase using gold during version 3.6.
    • The Full Forward camouflage dedicated to the New Start season was added. It can be purchased using gold or received for completing missions.
    • Three camouflages for Tier X vehicles were added: Invincible Rebel, Adamant Spirit and Brave Veteran for the T110E5, STB-1 and AMX 50 B, respectively. The Battle-hardened camouflage for the IS-7 will also return to the game. All these camouflages will be available for purchase using gold.
  • Icons for consumables, equipment, ammunition, and provisions were changed.
  • The issue where different reload time was displayed in the Garage and in battle for the same vehicle was fixed.
  • The screen with the detailed description was added for booster packs in the Store.
  • In Supremacy mode, sound and animation for the upcoming victory/loss will start at 800 points.
  • Buttons for invites to a platoon and a tournament room were updated.
  • The Clan Supply icon was changed.


  • The issue where players were unable to run the game client was fixed. (Win32_Steam)
  • The price color displayed when the player doesn’t have enough gold for purchase and the price color of booster packs were fixed.
  • Spawn point numbering was fixed for the minimap and training rooms (this bug affected tournaments as well).
  • The issue where Zizou and Titi camouflages were unavailable for the FCM 50 t was fixed.
  • Icon size was changed for the BT-7 art.
  • The issue where the garland of elite status was displayed on the vehicle type icon for the IS-6 in the carousel when the tank was not elite (some top modules remained unresearched) was fixed.
  • The transparent texture was fixed for the SU-100.
  • The display of notifications for gold and camouflage compensation accrual was fixed.
  • The behavior of the Back button on the change username screen was fixed. (iOS, Android)
  • The bug where the movement effect was shown under the tracks when the vehicle remained stationary was fixed.
  • The bug where the player was unable to switch to Sniper mode using the mouse scroll wheel was fixed. (Desktop)
  • The Auto-aim function was fixed. (Touch)
  • The issue where a notification that the clan had unlocked the next Supply level was absent was fixed.
  • The issue where a platoon was dismissed and the player was navigated to the pre-battle queue at the same time, causing the loading screen to be displayed continuously, was fixed.
  • The bug where the compensation for vehicles in gold was displayed in credits was fixed.
  • The positions of the battle time counter, progress bars for bases and base icons in Supremacy mode were fixed.
  • The issue where a recently purchased vehicle was displayed in the platoon window in place of the vehicle selected by the player was fixed.
  • The display of percent signs was fixed for Turkish and Arabic localizations (TR, AR).
  • The issue where an Automatic Fire Extinguisher was not activated when the vehicle was set on fire again 2-3 seconds before the end of the cooldown for this consumable was fixed.
  • The issue where it took a long time to download information for the Store tabs when entering the Store after a battle was fixed.
  • Game description and notification texts were reworked.
  • Different screens were reworked.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.


  • Boosters will be introduced. Players can receive them for completing missions or purchase booster bundles in the Store using gold. The boosters are divided into economic (Combat XP, Free XP, and Crew XP boosters) and combat (cooldown boosters) varieties. After the release of the Update, each player will receive 12 boosters (3 boosters of each type).
  • In the Garage, players will see the booster button and “+” signs for navigating to the XP and credit exchange tabs, which were transferred to a separate screen from the Store. The Vehicles tab will be added to the Store, displaying all Premium vehicles available in the Tech Tree that haven’t been purchased by the player yet.


Penetration was adjusted for middle-tier light tanks so that their tactics would be based on dynamics rather than on head-on confrontations.

Tier VII

Spähpanzer SP I C

  • For the 90 mm D921 F1 gun:
    • Penetration of the OFL shell changed from 170 mm to 150 mm
    • Penetration of the OCC shell changed from 250 mm to 190 mm
  • For the 90 mm Mecar gun:
    • Penetration of the Mecar AP shell changed from 180 mm to 160 mm
    • Penetration of the Mecar HEAT shell changed from 250 mm to 200 mm
  • For the 90 mm Mecar mit Mehrladeeinrichtung gun:
    • Penetration of the Mecar AP shell changed from 180 mm to 160 mm
    • Penetration of the Mecar HEAT shell changed from 250 mm to 200 mm
    • Reload time of one shell increased from 2 s to 3.5 s
    • Reload time of the magazine decreased from 14 s to 12.5 s


  • For the 85 mm ZiS-S-53 gun, reload time increased from 7 s to 7.5 s
  • For the 85 mm D-5T-85BM gun, reload time increased from 6.5 s to 7.5 s
  • For the 85 mm D-10-85 gun:
    • Penetration of the UBR-365KBM100 shell changed from 170 mm to 150 mm
    • Penetration of the UBR-365PBM100 shell changed from 216 mm to 200 mm
    • Reload time increased from 6.6 s to 7.2 s
    • Dispersion ratio upon turret traverse changed from 0.12 to 0.1
    • Aiming time decreased from 2.5 s to 2.3 s


  • For the 76 mm Gun T185:
    • Penetration of the HVAP-DS-T M331A2 shell changed from 175 mm to 160 mm
    • Penetration of the HEAT-T M496 shell changed from 210 mm to 200 mm
    • Reload time of the magazine decreased from 15 to 13 s


Spähpanzer Ru 251

  • For the 90 mm Rheinmetall DM1gun, penetration of the DM13shell changed from 190 mm to 180 mm


  • The Dead Rail map was updated. The main aim was to retain gameplay familiar to players, while fixing problematic issues. The map remains the same recognizable Dead Rail: with the abundant vegetation between snow-covered rocks and hills, the railroad that divides the location into two sections, and the town in the center. However, the following changes were introduced:
    • Tank destroyer positions were changed based on player heat map analysis.
    • In the spawn areas, additional cover positions were added that protect vehicle sides and allow them to take an advantageous fire position.
    • The number of railcars was reduced and their positioning was changed. Unfair shoot-through positions and dead-ends between railcars were removed.
    • Some minor changes were introduced to the town area: the bulldozer that hindered the movement of large-tonnage tanks was removed, passages between buildings became wider, the fire area from tank destroyer positions near the red line was narrowed, and several bushes were added.
    • In the hills area near the railroad, timings were adjusted, hill geometry was changed, vegetation became scarcer, and new fire positions were added for slower medium tanks and tank destroyers. On the way from the hills to the fields, several cover positions and bushes were added.
    • Approaches to the field from the railroad were flattened, the number of approaches is now equal for each team, the approaches became smoother and more suitable for vehicles with low elevation angles.
    • On the field, several hill cover positions were added, the rock in the center was enlarged and bushes were added.
    • The heavy tank area in the hollow near the field became more even, additional cover positions were added nearby.
    • About 60% of vegetation was removed as it hindered movement and decreased the performance of many Android devices.
    • Terrain roughness on hill slopes that hindered firing on the move was fixed.
    • The flag was moved further towards the railroad direction. Timings and shoot-through areas in this section were adjusted.
  • On the Oasis Palms and Mines maps, issues with vehicles getting stuck were fixed.


  • A flexible prize fund and tables of rewards sorted by tournament stages were added. Now players can see what prize they can get depending on the team’s progress in the tournament.
  • Navigation by group number was added to tournament charts. To find a particular group, the player should know its number.
  • The Teams button display on the tournament screen was fixed. The display of intervals for team places in tournaments, invite texts for tournaments with long names, and invites from players with long names was also fixed.
  • The issue with the incorrect display of the number of teams in the Created column was fixed.
  • The issue with the incorrect display of the battle start time after the closure of tournament registration due to the participant limit was fixed.


  • For iOS devices, the ability to select graphics settings higher than the device limit was restricted (iOS).
  • A discount on Field Rations was added to clan Supply (5% discount for Supply level IX).
  • In training rooms, a password is now requested when tapping the closed room, and the room members and selected vehicles are hidden until the player enters the password.
  • The animation for an oncoming victory/loss in Supremacy mode was changed: it became more evident.
  • An option for adjustment settings was added for the first battle if the player had not changed the setting before. (Android).
  • The 30 FPS limitation for the Garage was removed (Desktop).
  • Certificate and Commendation Token icons were updated.
  • The cooldown animation was reworked for active consumables.
  • For Japan, credits were divided into “purchased” and “earned”, similarly to gold on the Account screen.


  • Several models were fixed: the Cromwell Berlin (the issues with tracks moving faster than the vehicle), M7 (appearance of tracks), M5 Stuart (turret position and display of camouflage, dust effect), KV-1S (texture of the destroyed vehicle), Pz.Kpfw. V/IV (transparent textures removed). Minor bugs fixed for the TOG II*, VK 45.03, Panther mit 8,8 cm L/71, FCM 50 t models.
  • The display of penetration areas on the T57 Heavy turret was fixed.
  • The display of camouflages on the Löwe and the LTTB was fixed.
  • The format of Soviet and U.S. vehicle icons was unified.
  • For the Korean localization, the font used in bundle descriptions in the Store was changed to Core Sans.
  • The issue with values being reset to zero when exchanging gold into credits was fixed.
  • Bug with the in-battle vehicle markers overlapping the icons of the currently used consumables was fixed.
  • Bug, where the VK 16.02 Leopard was not considered for the Hunter medal, was fixed.
  • Bug with repeating notifications about adding Premium Account and other receipts was fixed.
  • Counters for the honorary ranks, which can only be received once, were removed.
  • Bug with authorization failure, when the Facebook account used for authorization is renamed, was fixed.
  • Incorrect working of the reticle, when Lookout Area is enabled, was fixed.
  • Bug, where it was possible to select an unrepaired vehicle in a training room (the Ready button was active), was fixed.
  • Bug with the Dismiss Platoon button, when the selected player wasn’t online (the button used to be empty), was fixed.
  • Bug, where the information about the base capture status in Encounter battles was outdated after a game reconnection, was fixed.
  • Bug with the incorrect working of reloading, when there weren’t enough shells to fill the whole magazine, was fixed.
  • Bug, where the wrong base marker was displayed after a vehicle was destroyed in its capture circle in the Supremacy mode, was fixed.
  • Display of the mission texts was fixed for the Thai localization.
  • Bug, where settings of the Supremacy mode didn’t become default if all settings were reset on another tab, was fixed.
  • Bug, where honorary ranks within a series were not displayed in battle results when the player fought in a platoon, was fixed.
  • Bug, where using keyboard shortcuts caused interruptions in vehicle movements, was fixed (Desktop).
  • Game description and notification texts were reworked.
  • Different screens were reworked.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.
  • The issue with appearance of Assert (window with error) and game crash on the map Canyon when users moved and entered the right upper corner of the map playing any game mode, was fixed.

•    A new feature was added—Storage: a depot for different in-game items. As Storage was added, the Dismiss Platoon button was moved from the Garage to the Platoon screen.
•    Items were added to rewards for completing missions. In Update 3.4, players will have an opportunity to get Commendation Lists for Gold or 1/9/24 hours of Premium Account time after successfully completing missions. 20 Commendation Lists can be exchanged for their respective certificate: Gold or Premium Account time (for example, 20 Commendation Lists for Gold can be exchanged for a certificate that grants Gold, etc.).
•    Dynamic display of equipment and provision impact on vehicle technical characteristics was added.
•    Clan Supply level IX was introduced. Players will get a 5% discount on provisions and Tier IX vehicle purchases, and a 10% discount on standard camouflage resupply; they will also get access to camouflage available only to clan members with access to Supply level IX.

•    The Canyon map was introduced, a new location representing a mining district in the west of the USA with abandoned mines, a miners’ village and an old railway above the canyon. Canyon is a winter map where the fiery red color of the canyon mixes with white snow. The most notable objects on this map are an exploded bridge and a collapsed train.
•    The Dead Rail_TEST map will be available in training rooms.
•    On the Falls Creek, Mines, and Lost Temple maps, water display through tree textures was fixed.
•    The following fixes/improvements were introduced:

  • On Castilla, dark square textures on haystacks were fixed and the unplanned passage to the corner was removed.
  • On Falls Creek, blinks on tiling were fixed and black spots on the map were removed.
  • On Port Bay, unplanned vehicle positions were removed.
  • On Middleburg, unplanned passages were removed.
  • On Canal, the skybox and the waterfall texture were fixed.
  • On Lost Temple, the effect of destroying fences was fixed for all quality settings and unplanned spots where vehicles could drown were removed.
  • On Yamato Harbor, smoke display was fixed for high-quality settings and some art improvements were added.
  • On Rockfield, the display of rock bases was fixed; unplanned passages to the hill and flying objects were removed.

•    A new branch of U.S.A. vehicles was added to the Tech Tree: M2 Light (II), Tank M3 Stuart (III), M5 Stuart (IV), M7 (V), T21 (VI), T71 (VII), T69 (VIII), T54E1 (IX), T57 Heavy Tank (X)

•    The Ammo Bar setting was added, which allows the menu to be left in an expanded state after switching the shell type in-battle.
•    The Scout medal was removed from the conditions of the reward “For Valiant Effort”.
•    For the Sniper Tanker and Main Caliber medals, one more condition was added: “If two or more players have caused equal damage, the achievement is awarded to the player who earned the most XP in the battle.”
•    Tournament lists were introduced, which allow several tournaments to be conducted at once. The tournament list includes three tabs with current, future and previous tournaments. Now players will be able to see the results of previous tournaments.
•    Icons for chat shortcuts related to bases were added to the team panel.
•    The graphic settings “Full-screen antialiasing” and “Anisotropic filtering” were added.
•    Navigation to tournament information in WoT Blitz Assistant from the tournament screen in the game client was added.
•    HD sounds will now be turned off when Ultra-low graphic settings are enabled.
•    Animation for the rotation of the player’s vehicle tracks was added for Ultra-low graphic settings.
•    For super-high resolution screens, a lower resolution setting is now enabled automatically. (all OS)
•    Medium terrain resistance is now taken into account during traverse speed calculation.

•    The bug with the USA flag displaying for vehicles of all nations in the battle results on Facebook was fixed.
•    The bug with the navigation to Communities from the game client was fixed for iOS 10.
•    The bug with the team score on the match screen not updating until the end of the match fixed for tournaments.
•    The bug with server reticle behavior when using the Lookout Area on the move was fixed.
•    Camouflage display fixed for the Pz.Kpfw. III.
•    The bug with the failure to purchase Adrenaline after instant upgrading of the vehicle and receiving the top gun with autoloader.
•    The bug with Low and Ultra-low setting headers blinking when a player opened the settings screen was fixed.
•    The bug with vehicles in the Garage displaying without camouflage after it was unlocked on the Camouflage screen was fixed.
•    The bug with the Ready button being available for vehicles in-battle was fixed.
•    The bug with subsequent awards displaying in training battle results was fixed.
•    The bug with the reticle failure to lock on a target by right-clicking was fixed (Desktop).
•    The bug with the player returning back to Garage after pressing Esc on the shell information screen was fixed (Win10).
•    The bug with the player being logged in after pressing Alt+Enter on the tap-to-play screen was fixed (Desktop).
•    The bug that occurred when sending invites on Facebook was fixed (MacOS).
•    Notification and description texts in the game were fixed.
•    General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

New Content

  • Added “Valiant Effort” achievements
  • Added two new Battle Hero achievements: “Sniper Tanker” and “High Caliber.”
  • Added the first player-created camouflage to the game, “Verdun Forest.” It is available as a reward for completing certain missions or for purchase with Gold.



  • Increased top speed from 18 to 20km/h.
  • Increased reverse speed from 7 to 1 km/h.
  • Decreased traverse speed for T28VVSS T46 suspension from 18 to 15deg/s.
  • Decreased traverse speed for T28VVSS T56 suspension from 20 to 17deg/s.
  • Changed crossing capacity for T28VVSS T56 suspension from 2.3 to 2.1.
  • Increased engine power for the Ford GAFM2A1 from 510 to 650hp.

T-28 Prototype

  • Increased top speed from 18 to 20km/h.
  • Increased reverse speed from 7 to 10km/h.
  • Decreased traverse speed for T28P E2 suspension from 18 to 15deg/s.
  • Decreased traverse speed for T28P E4 suspension from 20 to 17deg/s.
  • Changed crossing capacity for T28P E4 suspension from 2.3 to 2.1.
  • Increased engine power for the Ford GAFM2A1 from 510 to 650hp.


  • Increased reverse speed from 6 to 10km/h.
  • Decreased traverse speed for T95HVSS suspension from 16 to 12deg/s.
  • Decreased traverse speed for T95HVSSM2 suspension from 18 to 1 deg/s.
  • Increased engine power for the Ford GAFM2A1 from 510 to 650hp.


  • Improved Mines for better gameplay and balance. The center of the map was reshaped, spawn points improved, and the town and lighthouse locations were overhauled. Full details
  • Replaced Halloween version of Rockfield with the normal Rockfield.
  • Improved visual effects on Falls Creek.
  • Improved ice textures on Winter Malinovka.
  • Removed some features and bugs on Canal or better balance: removing an unintentional passage between the house and a hill, accidental collisions from destroyed objects, and hanging objects.


  • Added tournament chart for Round-Robin and Single Elimination systems that display current and previous tournaments.
  • Added Supremacy mode support.
  • Added support for new Tournament Management System registration status. The correct tournament status shows during and after tournament registration when matches aren’t running.
  • Added button for team participation and creation and an error message in the event that the button is not available.
  • Fixed team alignment on match screen, the team currently being browsed by the player is now displayed on the left.
  • Fixed issue with the “Participate” button still being displayed after a tournament was cancelled.
  • Fixed issue with the “Profile” and “Delete” buttons still being active after a player was removed from a team.
  • Improved display of information on the team match screen.
  • Improved the tournament procedure for when the participant limit was reached but the registration period didn’t end.
  • Added group column to the tournament header alongside tour and stage columns.
  • Improved collision physics for spectators in free camera mode.
  • Fixed the display of team colors in Spectator mode.

Fixes and Improvements:

  • Reworked the process of purchasing provisions, consumables and equipment. Now, when exchanging one item for another, the price difference is considered. Players can now replace equipment without having to sell it.

If equipment is the same price, the equipment is replaced for free.
If mounted equipment price is higher than the new equipment, 50% of the price difference is returned to the player.
If mounted equipment price is lower than the new equipment, the price difference is charged to the player.

  • Added feature with the battle ending via timeout in training rooms, in the event a player from one team leaves the training room and another player is a spectator.
  • Optimized the display of message lists and history in game chat.
  • Changed the engine sound of the T-54 Lightweight.
  • Changed default flora display setting to “low quality” for the following devices:

iPad Mini 4 WiFi
iPad Mini 4 Cellular
iPad 6 WiFi
iPad 6 Cellular
iPad Pro WiFi
iPad Pro Cellular
iPad Pro 9.7 WiFi
iPad Pro 9.7 Cellular
iPhone SE
iPhone 6
iPhone 6 Plus
iPhone 6s
iPhone 6s Plus


  • Fixed “Great Battle!” overlay obscuring battle results.
  • Changed reticle color to red when there are no shells.
  • Fixed animation bug with missions overlapping in battle results.
  • Fixed bug with a shell going outside of the reticle at maximum vertical elevation angles.
  • Fixed bug in Supremacy mode where a battle lasts too long and a team that was losing (by vehicles lost) still managed to win by flag captures.
  • Fixed bug that caused battles in training rooms to influence battle mission distribution.
  • Fixed bug in Supremacy mode where both teams earned 1,000 points but one was declared the winner. These results can now be considered a draw.
  • Fixed bug when the creator of a training room was a member of team B, but the battle couldn’t start with only one player.
  • Fixed bug when a Platoon mission was scored to a player that wasn’t in a Platoon but had received an invitation to join one.
  • Fixed bug when the app didn’t respond to any taps on the “Tap to Play” screen.
  • Fixed text color of “Tap any button” string on the “Tap to Play” screen.
  • Fixed in-game notification and description text.
  • Fixed general bugs and client crashes.


  • “Copperfield” map reworked with elevation adjustments, added cover and tactical diversity – more details.
  • Fixed issues with terrain and semi-transparent buildings on Castilla.
  • Removed having objects from Yamato Harbor.
  • Fixed issues with stuck vehicles on Himmelsdorf.
  • Reworked areas causing stuck vehicles and reduced speed on Falls Creek.
  • Fixed issue that allowed vehicles to drive through the fountain on Vineyards.
  • Improved rock textures on “Lost Temple” and Winter Malinovka.


  • Removed Tetrarch and T2 Light from the tech tree.
  • Added T14 (tier V, 2,400) and SU-122-44 (tier VII, 5,100) to the tech tree.
  • Improved long-range visual errors on on the T-26.
  • Fixed camouflage rendering on the Pz. S35.


  • MT-25
    • Reduced traverse speed from 44 to 37 degrees/second.
    • Increased stock HP to 820 (HP in top configuration is 870).
  • A-32
    • Changed dispersion ratio on turret traverse from 0.12 to 0.8.
    • Changed aiming time from 2.3 to 1.9 seconds.
  • T29
    • Changed dispersion ratio on 105mm T5E1 gun on the T123 turret from 0.26 to 0.18.
    • Changed dispersion ratio on 105mm T5E1 gun on the T136 turret from 0.24 to 0.16.
  • Tiger I
    • Increased maximum speed from 40 to 44km/h.
    • Pz.Kpfw. VI H Ausf H1 suspension:
      • Increased traverse speed from 25 to 28 degrees/second.
      • Changed dispersion ratio during movement and traverse from 0.21 to 0.18.
    • Pz.Kpfw. Tiger Ausf. E suspension:
      • Increased traverse speed from 27 to 32 degrees/second.
      • Changed dispersion ratio during movement and traverse from 0.19 to 0.16.
      • Changed dispersion ratio on 8,8 cm Kw.K. 43 L/71 gun on the Pz.Kpfw. Tiger Ausf. E turret from 0.16 to 0.12.
  • Т23Е3
    • Decreased reload time on the 76mm T91A gun from 4.3 to 4 seconds.
  • Tiger II
    • Increased traverse speed for the Tiger II Turm Nr. 1-50 turret from 20 to 22 degrees/second.
    • Increased traverse speed for the Tiger II Serienturm turret from 16 to 20 degrees/second.
  • VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A
    • Changed dispersion ratio during movement and traverse on the VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A suspension from 0.22 to 0.18.
    • Changed dispersion ratio during movement and traverse on the VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A suspension from 0.2 to 0.16.
    • Increased traverse speed for VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A turret from 20 to 22 degrees/second.
    • Increased traverse speed for VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A Schwerer Turm turret from 20/18 to 22/24 degrees/second.
  • Caernarvon
    • Decreased reload time on the OQF 20-pdr Type A barrel on the Centurion Mk. II turret froom 6.46 to 6 seconds.
    • Decreased reload time on the OQF 20-pdr Type B barrel on the Centurion Mk. II turret froom 6.3 to 5.3 seconds.
  • Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger
    • Changed traverse dispersion ratio on 15cm Pak L/29,5 gun from 0.1 to 0.16.
    • Increased aiming time for 15cm Pak L/29,5 gun from 2.7 to 2.9 seconds.
  • E 75
    • E 75 suspension:
      • Increased traverse speed from 19 to 21 degrees/second.
      • Changed dispersion ratio during movement and traverse from 0.22 to 0.2.
    • E 75 verstärkteketten suspension:
      • Increased traverse speed from 22 to 24 degrees/second.
      • Changed dispersion ratio during movement and traverse from 0.2 to 0.18.
    • 12.8cm Kw.K. 44 L/55 gun on the E 75 Ausf. B turret:
      • Changed traverse dispersion from 0.18 to 0.16.
  • JagdTiger
    • 12.8 cm Pak 44/2 L/61 gun:
      • Changed traverse dispersion from 0.12 to 0.1.
      • Decreased aiming time from from 2.3 to 2.1 seconds.
      • Decrease reload time decreased from 9.06 to 8.2 seconds.
  • SU-122-54
    • 122 mm М62-С2 gun:
      • Changed traverse dispersion ratio from 0.12 to 0.08.
      • Decreased reload time from 9 to 8 seconds.
  • Grille 15
    • Changed dispersion from 0.27 to 0.3.
    • Increased aiming time from 1.5 to 1.7 seconds.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Reworked minimaps in training rooms.
  • Added “Flora Quality” and “Same Control Mode” settings.
    • “Same Control Mode” is disabled by default, so players will be placed into the common queue with both types of control modes unless this option is enabled.
  • Added option for players on desktop devices to switch to free camera mode by pressing Ctrl+V.
  • Increased the cost of mission resets. First skip is free, second skip is 50, rest of a completed mission is 250.


  • Fixed connection issue for players in NA, EU and Asia that had prevented them from entering the game.
    • “Kudos to a network management engineer from Orange Poland, who in tight cooperation with our developers helped to identify and fix the problem.” -NikoPower
  • Fixed app crashing after the M48A1 Patton was researched but not purchased.
  • Fixed issue with seasonal milestone notification repeatedly being received.
  • Fixed functionality of the “More” and “Less” buttons.
  • Fixed asynchronous behavior between the gun and reticle when vehicle is positioned at an angle.
  • Fixed scroll behavior of the camouflage screen.
  • Fixed display of 100 Years of Service medal.
  • Fixed issue with damaged modules not being highlighted with the gun reticle is position on the end of gun.
  • Fixed alignment of nicknames in battle.
  • Fixed issue with marker color in the team panel after a Clanmate is destroyed.
  • Fixed obsolete information window displayed for all Skills trained to level VI.
  • Fixed display bug with the hint on the Supremacy mode loading screen.
  • Fixed team panels not minimizing when tapping or clicking.
  • Fixed non-Clan players being part of a Clan chat.
  • Fixed bug with display of “saving changes” dialog when changes were not made.
  • Fixed in-game notification and description text.
  • Fixed general bugs and client crashes.


  • Clan members will be able to create teams and register them for tournaments.
    • There is no limit to the number of teams from a Clan allowed to participate.
    • Players will only be able to join a team if they are a member of the Clan and invited by a Clan Captain.
    • There is no charge for participating, but there will be tier limits.
    • All players will be able to view the tournament schedule and match scores.
    • Teams disband after tournaments conclude.


  • Added “Yamato Harbor” map.
  • Reworked water and sky effects on all maps.
  • Added wind sounds for Himmelsdorf, Mirage and Vineyard.
  • Removed unplanned bypasses on Canal and Port Bay.
  • Removed objects floating in the air from Desert Sands and Falls Creek.
  • Fixed landscape effects that blocked vehicles on some maps.
  • Fixed the shoot-through bridge bug on Lost Temple.

Training Rooms

  • Added “Mines_TEST” map to allow players to test the improvements made to Mines and provide feedback before the map officially heads to the Random Battle queue.
  • New option to add spectators to teams.
    • Spectator vehicles are destroyed immediately at the beginning of each map and can then watch either team by switching between players.
  • New “Supremacy” mode option.


  • Added 22 new missions for Supremacy mode.
  • Changed bonus size and conditions for some missions, also removed several missions from rotation.
  • Missions will now populate slots depending on their reward:
    • First slot is Credits
    • Second slot is XP
    • Third slot is Credits, XP, Gold or Premium time.

New Content

  • Added option to unlock remaining unresearched modules on a vehicle using Gold.
  • Added two new camo designs — “Inferno” and “Shattered Ice.”


  • Added new Soviet light tanks to the tech tree:
    • MT-25
    • LTTB
    • T-54 Lightweight
  • Added new Premium vehicles to the tech tree:
    • Pz.Kpfw. V/IV (2,400 Gold)
    • T23E3 (4,900 Gold)
  • Removed Premium vehicles from the tech tree:
    • M22 Locust
    • T-15
  • Increased cost of Valentine II from 1,000 gold to 1,500 gold.
  • Increased cost of the 8.8cm gun on both the Nashorn and VK 36.01 (H) from 9,500 to 11,210 XP.


  • Spähpanzer SP I C
    • Profitability increased 24%
  • Spähpanzer Ru 251
    • Profitability increased 18%
    • Repair cost decreased 28%
  • T34/T34 Independence
    • Reduced aiming time from 3.4 to 3.1 seconds.
    • Reduced dispersion when firing on the move or traverse from 0.32 to 0.3.
    • Reduced dispersion on turret traverse from 0.2 to 0.16.
  • M46 Patton
    • Reduced 105mm T5E1M2 gun dispersion:
    • 0.42 to 0.4m with M46M73 turret.
    • 0.4 to 0.38m with M46T119 turret.
  • M48A1 Patton
    • Increased turret armor to 177.8mm.
    • Increased armor of the gun mantlet to 177.8mm.
    • Increased rear side armor from 50.8 to 76.2mm.
    • Increased top speed from 45 to 48 km/h.
    • Removed 90mm M41 and 105mm T5E1M2 guns.
    • Added 105mm M68 gun.
  • E 50 Ausf. M
    • Increased armor of the turret and gun mantlet from 185 to 250mm.
  • FV4202
    • Increased the top speed from 40 to 50 km/h.
  • IS-7
    • Reduced traverse speed from 25 to 23 deg/s.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Added medium-caliber ramming device to Sentinel AC I.
  • Added collisions for Pz.Kpfw.IV Schmalturm.
  • Added display of elevation and traversing markers and lighting upon reaching extreme positions.
  • Fixed sequence for auto-resupplying shells, consumables, ammunition and camouflage. Resupplying now continues even if player does not have enough Gold to buy shells.
  • Reworked camouflage purchasing mechanics — new camo can now be replaced with another design and difference in resupply price will be adjusted.
  • Added “Ultralow” quality setting for objects and vehicle graphical settings.


  • Fixed removed camera control upon tapping reloading indicator or range finder on touch screen devices.
  • Fixed command button “Affirmative!” and “Negative!” on Windows 10 and macOS.
  • Fixed caused app to crash upon modifying the name or description of a Clan on macOS.
  • Changed default graphics setting from “Manual” to “High” by default on iOS.
  • Darkened the coloring of the Tiger I.
  • Fixed bug prohibiting the purchasing and selling of equipment on the AT 15A.
  • Fixed caused app to disconnect from server after minimizing.
  • Fixed displayed incorrect counter for remaining Garage slots purchasable for Credits under Clan Supply.
  • Fixed prompted the display of tank anniversary messages for vehicles that had been sold.
  • Fixed caused reloading animation error after delayed entering of battle.
  • Added Kuro Mori Mine to the “Hunter” award description.
  • Fixed changed the currency for purchasing Premium shells after enabling/disabling auto resupply.
  • Fixed caused legendary camo emblems to appear on the Cromwell Berlin after it had been destroyed.
  • Fixed incorrect display of the T1 Cunnigham shield.
  • Fixed bug in “Notifications” tab when trying to save the battle results for less than 10 battles.
  • Fixed incorrectly displayed capture progress bar in Supremacy mode.
  • Fixed bug causing a slight shift of the speedometer at the beginning of battle.
  • Fixed effects not properly displaying on title screen after first downloading the app.
  • Fixed general bug and client crashes.
  • Fixed various in-game notification and description text.


  • The key feature of update 3.0 is the new Supremacy game mode. Mode objectives: capture bases to be the first to earn 1,000 victory points, or destroy all enemy vehicles.


  • Profitability of Tier V, VI, VIII, and X vehicles was adjusted:
    • Tier V:
      • Pz.Kpfw. V/IV: profitability was increased by 10%
      • SU-85I: profitability was increased by 15%
      • T-25: profitability was increased by 17%
      • T14: profitability was increased by 18%
      • Matilda IV: profitability was increased by 19%
      • Ram II: profitability was increased by 24%
      • Pz.Kpfw. IV hydrostat.: profitability was increased by 36%
      • Type 3 Chi-Nu Kai: profitability was increased by 48%
      • Angry Connor: profitability was increased by 29%
      • M4A2E4 Sherman: profitability was increased by 35%
      • KV-220: profitability was increased by 44%
    • Tier VI:
      • SU-100Y: profitability was increased by 25%
    • Tier VIII:
      • FCM 50 t: profitability was increased by 25%
    • Tier X:
      • Maus: profitability was increased by 10%
      • T110E4: profitability was increased by 5%
      • IS-4: profitability was increased by 5%


  • Changes were made to the Falls Creek map: both the gameplay and visuals of the map were reworked:
    • The bridge area was reworked; placement of cover positions was rebalanced; a new pass was placed next to the bridge; some more passes coming from the lowland were added.
    • The central part of the map was developed for the initial reconnaissance of the dispersal of enemy vehicles; the amount of water was reduced in the center.
    • The facility area was changed; the flag was relocated. Distances to the main battle areas were rebalanced.
    • Players’ requests about making tank destroyers more effective on the map and adding positions for shooting-through were implemented.
    • Bypass behind the facility was reworked.
    • Flanks now feature objects that can be used for maneuvering, and tank destroyer positions that can function both towards the enemy vehicles coming from the bypass and facility area, and towards vehicles that breached the bridge line.
  • A number of maps were reworked:
    • For Lost Temple, the narrow rivers were reworked; the shape of the central circle underwent minor changes.
    • Vineyards underwent minor changes. One of the tank destroyer spawns facing towards the red line was fixed.
    • Flying objects were removed from Mirage, Black Goldville, and Winter Malinovka.


  • Cooldown notifications were added to all Consumables
  • The Improved category in camouflage was replaced with Rare: this was done because camos from the group were not improved as compared with other camos (they provide the same bonus to concealment). At the same time, conditions for receiving these camos are quite rare (e.g. missions).
  • Navigation to the camouflage window for vehicles that don’t feature camouflage was removed.
  • Feature for closing windows upon pressing Enter was added (Desktop).
  • Feature for switching between text fields using Tab was added (Win 10 Desktop/Mac).
  • The “Reloading” shortcut was reworked:
    • The command will also contain an indication of the time left (Reloading. %(time) s left).
    • For guns with an autoloader, quick commands about reloading will appear as follows:
      • ” Getting ready! Shells left: %(number).” (when reloading).
      • ” Ready! Shells: %(number).” (when ready to fire).
    • If the player does not have any shells, the command “Out of shells” can be used.


  • Bug that caused an error when setting a password for a training room was fixed (Win 10 Desktop).
  • Game crash when quitting the application with a notification displayed in full-screen mode was fixed.
  • Bug that caused a delayed reticle when moving out from behind an obstacle and simultaneously turning the hull was fixed.
  • Bug where a shell did not hit the target, at which the player aimed the reticle, upon firing at vehicles on an uneven landscape was fixed.
  • Bug where a vehicle continued to move when its engine was critically hit (it displayed as red) was fixed.
  • Bug where the player received the “Connection error” notification upon trying to enter the battle was fixed.
  • Bug with the incorrect working of the reloading indicator when using Adrenaline was fixed.
  • Bug with the incorrect animation of the battle command “Reloading” was fixed.
  • Bug with the incorrect working of the auto login feature was fixed (Mac and Android).
  • Bug with the repeated display of the window with info about enabling push-notifications was fixed.
  • Bug with the incorrect display of the discount on Premium Account in the Store was fixed.
  • Notification and description texts were fixed in the game.
  • General bugs and client crashes were fixed.

New Content

  • Added the following vehicles to the tech tree: Pz.Sfl. IVc (tier V), Nashorn (tier VI), Sturer Emil (tier VII), Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger (tier VIII), Waffenträger auf Pz. IV (tier IX), Grille 15 (tier X)
  • Added the Type 2 Chi-Nu Kai (tier V) to the Premium Shop
  • Added an in-battle skill visualization to skill icons (when skill is activated)
  • Improved reticle with range finder and reload timer. Improved enemy markers in the reticle and a color differentiation on the reload timer.
  • Added new terrain processing, making terrain geometry in “sniper” view more precise to ensure shells don’t hit invisible barriers. This should reduce memory usage and improve performance.


  • New “Vineyards” map
  • Reworked Oasis Palms to improve balance and gameplay, including adding more cover and improving tank destroyer spawn points
  • Changed spawn points on Mirage to shift heavy tank spawns closer to medium tank spawns
  • Removed glitch on Castilla that allowed for passage between the bridge bars
  • Removed glitch on Himmelsdorf that allowed for unplanned passage through remote areas

Training Rooms

  • Added minimap that displays team spawn points
  • Added abilities for training room creators to change team spawn points and set passwords for joining rooms
  • Added ability for training room creators to set passwords for joining rooms

General Fixes

  • Reworked German tech tree:
    • Linked Pz.Kpfw. II (tier II) and Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. A (tier III)
    • Linked Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. A (tier III) and Durchbruchswagen 2 (tier IV)
    • Unlinked Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. A (tier III) and Durchbruchswagen 2 (tier IV)
    • Unlinked Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. A (tier III) and Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. A (tier III)
    • Replaced Maybach HL 174 engine for VK 28.01 with Maybach HL 157 P
  • New effect when unlocking camouflage

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed mouse sensitivity when pressing right mouse button
  • Fixed char server connection on Android devices
  • Reworked display of camouflage for FCM 50 t, Centurion Mk. I, AT 8, Centurion Mk. 7/1, Tortoise, Type 98 Ke-Ni Otsu, *Type 95 Ha-Go, Matilda Black Prince, FV4202, STB-1, M48A1 Patton, МС-1, Leichttraktor, Panzerjäger I, Pz.Kpfw. II, *Pz.Kpfw. 35 (t), M2 Light Tank, T18, and T2 Light Tank
  • Fixed incorrect display of long user names in Platoon window
  • Fixed incorrect display of specials (when numbering more than eight) on the Clan Supply level screen
  • Fixed incorrect navigation from tech tree to Garage through tapping vehicle icon
  • Fixed incorrect mounting of a researched module via double-tapping module icon
  • Fixed server connection error after unlocking device
  • Fixed text display error in the training room list window
  • Fixed display bug of sentence overlapping on the Settings screen
  • Fixed bug in the conditions of “Halt and Freeze” menu
  • Fixed mouse sensitivity after using lookout area
  • Fixed bug with simultaneous tapping of all slots in Supply, Equipment and Provisions screens
  • Fixed assorted notification and description texts.
  • Fixed general bugs and client crashes.



·        Seasonal milestones are celebrated every 3 months from the date of the vehicle’s purchase. On this occasion, players will receive bonus modifiers for experience and credits. The milestone bonus has priority over other modifiers and is not added to them. To receive the bonuses, the vehicle must be in the Garage for at least 3 months. The date of the next seasonal milestone is displayed on the technical characteristics screen.


·        In version 2.10, we continued the development of camouflage functionality: now some camouflages will be available for purchase after the player fulfills special conditions. Badges have been introduced to mark changes in the camouflage state, such as introduction of a new camouflage, camouflage unlocking or locking, etc.

·        We created two new camouflages that will be sold for gold and resupplied for credits. Their cost will vary for different vehicle tiers. We also added a camouflage that will be unlocked after Premium Account purchase.


·        Added the chat.

·        Friendly fire option added to the training room settings.

·        Personal invite support implemented for training rooms in a way similar to platoon invites. The invite sender receives a system notification “Invite has been sent!”, and the invite recipient gets an invite notification with an option to navigate to the training room.

·        Team score introduced for training rooms, and the reset score option added.

·        Profanity filter introduced for room names and descriptions, and character limit added.

·        Identifying icons were added above the team lists in the training rooms.

·        New tooltips added for training room participants.

·        Issue with training room list refreshing fixed for cases when the room where the player participated was dismissed.

·        Issue with credits not being deducted in case of self-damage in training battles fixed.

·        Issue with incorrect processing in case of lack of credits for repairs after a training battle fixed.

·        Issue fixed with the player being taken to the Garage instead of the training room list after creating/entering a training room.

·        Training room list sorting fixed: rooms of friends and clanmates are sorted in alphabetical order.

·        Issue with lag in player readiness status updates in training rooms fixed.

·        Issue with disabled limitation for 20 participants per training room fixed.

·        Game crash when creating a training room fixed. (Win10)


·        The “Movement direction indicators” setting introduced for all platforms: arrows below the vehicles showing the direction of its movement. The arrow display can be disabled.

·        The “Mouse sensitivity in sniper mode” and “Invert vertical mouse movement” settings added for Win/Mac.


·        A new gun added for the IS-6 and IS-6 Fearless: 122 mm D-30A:

·          Reload time: 14.8 s

·          Dispersion ratio upon turret traverse: 0.16

·          Primary shell: APCR, secondary shell: HEAT

·        For the KV-5, the 107 mm ZiS-6D gun was added:

·          Reload time: 11.7 s

·          Dispersion ratio upon turret traverse: 0.14

·          Primary shell: new APCR shell UBR-420D, secondary shell: HEAT


·        The Rockfield map has been reworked:

·          The major improvement was expansion of the playing area using the territory near the flag: the mountain was moved beyond the red line and a high-speed zone was added for fast vehicles.

·          Spotting system was implemented in the new zone based on distances and vehicle characteristics.

·          More explicit positions for tank destroyers were added on the map.

·          The rocky plateau in the center of the map was reworked in order to make it more variable and less exposed to enemy fire.

·          The gates area near the garage was rebalanced and faced some minor improvements to make the game in slow and heavily armored vehicles more comfortable.

·          The flag capture circle moved to the descent from the bunkers, to shift the focus of fighting to this part of the map.

·          The art team has done a great job on this map. Now Rockfield is a haze-smothered corner of Karelia, fleeced with moss, and rich in rocky plateaus and marshlands.

·        On the Canal map, artifacts were removed from water that were displayed when low-quality settings were enabled.

·        Battle tier changed for the Rockfield and Fort Despair maps: Rockfield will be available starting from battle tier IV, and Fort Despair—from battle tier I.


·        Mouse behavior improved for Win/Mac version: it became more accurate and responsive.  (Win/Mac)

·        Mission distribution parameters changed: now missions are assigned to vehicles that have been recently used by the player more often.

·        Option of control type selection added before the start of the tutorial. (Relevant only for Windows PCs with touch screen)

·        Link to added to the side-bar menu in the Community section.


·        Bug with mouse sensitivity lag upon looking back was fixed: now it matches the usual sensitivity.  (only Mac)

·        Bug with camo display error for the T110E5, T110E4, and T110E3 was fixed.

·        Bug with the reticle freezing on an enemy vehicle was fixed. (Win10 Desktop)

·        Bug with no highlight for the selected nation in the Tech Tree was fixed.

·        Bug with the postponed display of the congratulation screen upon reaching a new Supply level was fixed.

·        Bug with Soviet vehicle highlighting when purchasing a Tier II vehicle during the tutorial was fixed.

·        Bug where the player was unable to look back using the mouse before the battle begins was fixed. (Win/Mac)

·        Bug with freezing when the player quickly scrolls the vehicle carousel was fixed.

·        Bug with false game over when the player was switching between the allies in the postmortem mode was fixed.

·        Display of invitations to friends when the player is in battle or in a training room was removed.

·        Notification and description texts were fixed.

·        General bugs and client crashes were fixed.


·         The game will now feature Clan Supply Level 8. New bonuses: 5% discount on Equipment and Repairs; ability to purchase one Garage slot for credits; 5% discount on Tier VIII vehicles.

·         Training rooms are introduced to the game: now players are able to join teams, train using different maps and vehicles, polish their tactics, etc. Players will also be able to both create their own training rooms and join rooms created by other players.

·         Update 2.9 features new legendary camouflages suitable for a single vehicle model. Camouflages Number 1, Shinobi, and Dragon will be available for the E 25, Chi Nu Kai, and Type 62 respectively, if the player owned the E 25, Chi Nu Kai, or Type 62 and had them in the Garage. Names of the custom vehicle models will be replaced with the original names, and players will be able to mount not only legendary, but also standard camouflages on their vehicles. Vehicles with mounted legendary camouflages will have unique names in battles.

·         A camouflage will be introduced for the Type 59 and Type 62 (the only available Chinese vehicles at the moment).


  • Matchmaker was readjusted in the game: For all vehicles, except the Valentine II and Pz.Kpfw. B2 740 (f), battle tier is set to ±1.
  • Profitability of some vehicles is changed due to the matchmaker rule change to ±1:
    • M4A3E8 Fury: by 25%
    • E 25 “#1”: by 12%
    • Type 62 Dragon: by 11%
    • Jagdtiger 8,8 and Jagdtiger 8.8 Snowstorm: by 20%
    • KV-5: by 18%
    • T26E4 SuperPershing: by 25%
    • IS-6 and IS-6 Fearless : by 10%
    • Type 59: by 17%
    • Shinobi: by 5%
  • Vehicle characteristics are changed due to the matchmaker rule change to ±1:

Tier V


·         For the 76 mm ZiS-5 gun:

·         Reload time decreased from 8.65 s to 7.7 s

·         Aiming time rounded to 2.28 s

Matilda IV

·         For the 76 mm F-96 gun, reload speed decreased from 7.95 s to 7.7 s

·         Armor penetration of the UBR-354MP shell changed from 102/92 mm to 121/109 mm


·         For the 75 mm Gun M3 gun, reload speed decreased from 8.75 s to 7.9 s

Ram II

·         For the QF 6-pdr-Mk. IIIA gun:

·         Dispersion for 100 meters decreased from 0.43 to 0.36

·         Reload time decreased from 3.65 s to 3.4 s;


·         For the 75 mm Gun Mk. V gun, reload speed decreased from 8.7 s to 7.8 s.

Matilda Black Prince

·         Turret armor of the Matilda Black Prince changed to the Churchill III standard.

·         For the QF 6-pdr-Mk. V A on the Matilda Black Prince turret:

·         Dispersion for 100 meters decreased from 0.41 to 0.36

·         Reload time decreased from 3.3 s to 3.2 s

·         Dispersion ratio upon turret traverse decreased from 0.08 to 0.06

VK 16.02 Leopard

·         For the 3 cm M.K. 103 gun:

·         Reload time of the autoloader increased from 9.4 to 12 s

·         Dispersion ratio upon turret traverse increased from 0.12 to 0.16

·         Aiming time increased from 1.2 to 1.8 s

M4A2E4 Sherman

·         For the 75 mm Gun M3 gun:

·         Dispersion for 100 meters decreased from 0.46 to 0.43

·         Reload time decreased from 7.65 s to 7.3 s

Pz.Kpfw. IV hydrostat.

·         For the 7.5 cm Kw.K. 40 L/48 gun, reload time decreased from 8.65 s to 8.04 s.

Tier VI

Dicker Max

·         Terrain resistance changed from 1.1-1.2-1.77 to 1-1.1-1.65

·         Maybach HL 120 TRM 112 engine power increased from 272 to 350 hp

·         For the 10.5 cm Kanone 18 gun:

·         Dispersion ratio upon turret traverse decreased from 0.16 to 0.12

·         Aiming time decreased from 2.3 to 2.1 s


·         HP in stock/top modifications decreased from 970/1030 to 920/950


·         For the OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. II gun:

·         Reload time decreased from 5.95 to 5.4 s

·         Dispersion ratio upon turret traverse decreased from 0.2 to 0.16

M18 Hellcat

·         For the M18 T67 suspension, dispersion ratio on the move/upon hull traverse decreased from 0.25 to 0.2

·         For the M18 T69 suspension, dispersion ratio on the move/upon hull traverse decreased from 0.23 to 0.18

·         For the M18 M1 turret:

·         Dispersion ratio of the 3-inch AT Gun M7 gun upon turret traverse decreased from 0.16 to 0.1

·         Dispersion ratio of the 76 mm AT Gun M1A1 gun upon turret traverse decreased from 0.16 to 0.1;

·         Dispersion ratio of the 76 mm AT Gun M1A2 gun upon turret traverse decreased from 0.16 to 0.1;

·         Dispersion ratio of the 90 mm AT Gun M3 gun upon turret traverse decreased from 0.16 to 0.12;

Tier VII


·         HP in top/stock modifications decreased from 1300/1400 to 1220/1300

AT 15A

·         HP increased from 850 to 1100

·         Reload time for the OQF 17-pdr AT Gun Mk. VII gun decreased from 4.6 to 4.2 s

E 25 #1

·         For the E-25 suspension:

·         Terrain resistance decreased from 1.2-1.3-1.77 to 1-1.2-1.5

·         Dispersion ratio on the move/upon hull traverse decreased from 0.15 to 0.11

Panther I

·         Reload time for the 7.5 cm Kw.K. L/100 decreased from 5.2 s to 4.4 s


·         Reload time for the 7.5 cm Kw.K. 42 L/70 decreased from 4.7 s to 4.4 s

Type 62 Dragon

·         HP increased from 1040 to 1150



·         HP in stock/top modifications decreased from 1600/1650 to 1470/1550


·         For the 122 mm D-30 gun:

·         Dispersion for 100 meters decreased from 0.46 to 0.43

·         Aiming time decreased from 3.4 to 3.1 s

IS-6 Fearless

·         For the 122 mm D-30 gun:

·         Dispersion for 100 meters decreased from 0.46 to 0.43

·         Aiming time decreased from 3.4 to 3.1 s

8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger

·         HP increased from 1250 to 1400

·         Traverse speed for the Jagdtiger 8.8 suspension increased from 24 to 29 deg/s

Jagdtiger 8.8 Snowstorm

·         HP increased from 1250 to 1400

·         Traverse speed for the Jagdtiger 8.8 suspension increased from 24 to 29 deg/s

Type 59

·         Reload time of the 100 mm Type 59 gun decreased from 10 s to 9.8 s.


·         Traverse speed for the KV-5 suspension increased from 18 to 21 deg/s

·         Dispersion for 100 meters for the 107 mm ZiS-6M gun decreased from 0.43 to 0.4.

Tier IX

E 75

·         For the E 75 suspension:

·         Traverse speed increased from 17 to 19 deg/s;

·         Stabilization on the move/upon hull traverse decreased from 0.24 to 0.22.

·         For the E 75 verstärkte Kettensuspension:

·         Traverse speed increased from 19 to 22 deg/s;

·         Stabilization on the move/upon hull traverse decreased from 0.22 to 0.2.

Centurion Mk. 7/1

·         For the 105 mm Royal Ordnance L7A1 gun:

·         Reload time decreased from 10.55 s to 9.8 s

·         Aiming time decreased from 2.3 s to 2.1 s.


·         HP increased from 1650 to 1800

·         For the Jagdtiger suspension, soft terrain resistance in stock/top modifications decreased from 2 to 1.85.

·         For the Jagdtiger verstärkteketten suspension, soft terrain resistance in stock/top modifications decreased from 1.9 to 1.75.

Leopard Prototyp A

·         For the Leopard Prototyp A1 suspension, terrain resistance decreased from 1.1-1.2-1.6 to 0.9-1.1-1.5

·         For the Leopard Prototyp A2 suspension, terrain resistance decreased from 1-1.1-1.5 to 0.8-1-1.4;

·         For the 10.5 cm L7A1 gun on the Leopard Prototyp A2 turret:

·         Reload time decreased from 10.5 s to 9 s

·         Dispersion ratio upon turret traverse decreased from 0.12 to 0.1

·         For the 10,5 cm L7A1 gun on the Porsche Standardpanzer turret:

·         Reload time decreased from 9.5 s to 8.5 s

·         Dispersion ratio upon turret traverse changed from 0.1 to 0.08

Tier X


·         For the Maus suspension:

·         Top speed increased to 25 km/h

·         Traverse speed increased from 14 to 19 deg/s;

Leopard 1

·         For the Leopard Prototyp A1 suspension, terrain resistance decreased from 0.8-0.9-1.2 to 0.6-0.7-1

·         For the 10.5 cm Bordkanone L7A3 gun:

·         Reload time decreased from 7.5 s to 7 s

·         Dispersion ratio upon turret traverse decreased from 0.06 to 0.05.


  • The Black Goldville map was reworked:
    • The oil plant area was extended and reworked: this part of the map is now the most suitable for heavy tank clashes.
    • The capture point was transferred from the highway to the oil plant area.
    • The center of the map was reworked and rebalanced, new passages and cover points were added.
    • Sections and shoot through positions were rebalanced for both teams.
    • Approaches to the cave were rebalanced for both teams.
    • The field was reworked, initial spotting became more comfortable.
    • Spawn points were rebalanced for both teams, more effective cover points for tank destroyers were added.
  • On the Mines map, the issue with the water texture overlapping other textures in Sniper mode was fixed.
  • On the Fort Despair map, the issue with players being able to go outside the map boundaries was fixed.


  • Cooldown time of Engine Power Boost and Adrenaline reduced to 75 s.
  • 30 frames per second (FPS) option added to the game settings that allows better battery life and improved camera behavior on low-performance devices. (enabled for mobile devices with OS Windows by default).
  • Language selection dialog boxes were unified.
  • Camouflage brightness was improved for the following British vehicles: Vickers Medium Mk. I, Vickers Medium Mk. II, Vickers Medium Mk. III, Matilda, Churchill I, Churchill VII, Black Prince, Caernarvon, Conqueror, FV215b, Crusader, Cromwell, Comet, Centurion Mk. I, Centurion Mk. 7/1, Tortoise, AC 1 Sentinel, Universal Carrier 2-pdr, Churchill Gun Carrier, Valentine AT, Angry Connor, FV215b (183), Excelsior, Alecto, Cruiser Mk. III, Cruiser Mk. IV, Covenanter, TOG II*, Matilda Black Prince, FV4202, AT 15A, AT 15, AT 2, AT 8, AT 7;
  • Brightness was fixed for all camouflages and lighting changed in Premium and Standard Garages.
  • Camouflage for the Tetrarch was improved.
  • The “Compatible” setting was replaced with “Ultra-low”.
  • Items in the Store are now blocked during the purchase process: the item is blocked on all tabs with in-game purchases (Bundles/Buy gold), but the player can select the item and press the Purchase button. This change was introduced due to the possibility of incomplete transactions.
  • Notification of mastery trained to 100% was added for players with undistributed crew experience.


  • Bug with the reticle rising up after Sniper mode has been disabled and fixed.
  • Bug with displaying the login form with email address and password after the occurrence of the error “Failed to connect to the server…” fixed.
  • Bug with disabled scroll in some windows after switching from full screen to windowed mode and vice versa fixed.
  • Texture of the Angry Connor reworked.
  • Bug that took a long time to connect to Game Center fixed.
  • Issue with situational tooltips behavior after completing battle and garage tutorials fixed: now they are displayed properly.
  • Bug with double vehicle contour highlighting fixed.
  • Option to repair vehicles while being in a platoon added.
  • Bug with displaying of long player names on the slot purchase screen fixed.
  • Bug with incorrect autoresupply of provisions, camouflage and ammunition fixed: pre-battle condition of provisions, camouflage and ammunition is now considered before resupplying, i.e. if slots were empty before the battle, they will remain empty after the battle even when the resupply option is enabled.
  • The position of the “Other messages” tab fixed in clan notifications.
  • Font size on the slot purchase screen fixed.
  • Bug with players unable to log in via Facebook fixed.
  • Item positions fixed on the Provisions purchase screen.
  • The crash when exiting the game fixed.
  • Protection of the IS-3 Defender increased to 64%.
  • Vertical scrolling on the modules screen fixed.
  • Display of the French flag in the battle statistics fixed.
  • Issue with inactive inverted consumables controls fixed.
  • Position of the tooltip for nation selection in the Garage tutorial fixed.
  • Issue with incorrect behavior upon “Error reading from file” fixed: now in case of the update file installation failure, the entire game client is automatically downloaded without additional dialogs.
  • Bug with notifications of unread messages constantly displayed on the chat button fixed.
  • In-game notification and description texts fixed.
  • A number of general game client errors and crashes fixed.


  • New branch of Soviet tank destroyers added: SU-100M1 (VII), SU-101(VIII), SU-122-54 (IX), Object 263 (X).
  • In version 2.8 players will see globally reworked Consumables:
    • New type of “passive” consumables will be added: Provisions. Provisions are activated automatically and have a permanent effect throughout one battle.
    • In addition to the existing consumables such as Chocolate, Pudding and Tea, Onigiri, etc. (that will be transferred to Provisions), new food Provisions will be added: Chocolate Bar, Can of Cola, Condensed Milk, Black Tea, White Rice, and Standard Combat Rations.
    • Every nation will have 2 types of food Provisions available, distinguished by the extent of their influence on crew mastery.
    • “Passive” Provisions will also include Standard Fuel, Improved Fuel, and Protective Kit.
    • All types of consumables familiar to players will now have cooldown.
  • Badge for new messages in the clan channel will appear in the chat.


System Changes

The below vehicles have been reworked in the game.

Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. G

  • For the 2 cm Kw.K. 38 gun on the Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. C and Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. G turrets, loading time increased from 4.5 to 5.5 s.
  • For the 3 cm M.K. 103 gun on the Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. G turret:
    • Loading time decreased from 6.8 to 6 s.
    • The number of shells in the magazine decreased from 6 to 4.

Pz.Kpfw. II Luchs

  • For the Luchs suspension, traverse speed decreased from 30 to 24 deg/s.
  • For the Luchs verstärkteketten suspension, traverse speed decreased from 33 to 27 deg/s.
  • For the 2 cm Flak 38 gun on the Luchs 5 cm turret, loading time increased from 4.05 to 4.2 s.
  • For the 3 cm M.K. 103 gun on the Luchs 5 cm turret:
    • Dispersion at 100 m increased from 0.4 m to 0.42 m.
    • Loading time decreased from 10 to 8 s.
    • Aiming time increased from 1.5 to 2.3 s.
    • The number of shells in the magazine decreased from 10 to 6.

VK 28.01

  • For the 7,5/5,5 cm Waffe 0725 gun on the VK 28.01 Ausf. B turret:
    • Dispersion on turret traverse increased from 0.06 to 0.1.
    • Aiming time increased from 1.7 to 2.1 s.

Spähpanzer SP I C

  • For the 90 mm Mecar mit Mehrladeeinrichtung gun on the Spähpanzer SP I C PT II Rh.-Nr. WK-G2 turret:
    • Dispersion on turret traverse increased from 0.06 to 0.12.
    • Magazine loading time changed from 12 to 14 s.


  • For the ISU-152 suspension, traverse speed increased from 18 to 23 deg/s.
  • For the ISU-152М suspension, traverse speed increased from 21 to 27 deg/s.
  • For the 152 mm ML-20S gun, aiming time decreased from 3.4 to 2.7 s.
  • For the 122 mm A-19 mod. 1937 gun, aiming time decreased from 2.9 to 2.4 s.
  • For the 122 mm D-25S mod. 1944 gun, aiming time decreased from 2.9 to 2.4 s.
  • For the 122 mm BL-9S gun, aiming time decreased from 2.9 to 2.4 s.
  • For the 152 mm BL-10 gun, aiming time decreased from 3.4 to 2.7 s, dispersion upon firing decreased from 4 to 3.5.

Object 704

  • For the Object 704 suspension, traverse speed increased from 19 to 22 deg/s.
  • For the Object 704М suspension, traverse speed increased from 22 to 26 deg/s.
  • For the 152 mm ML-20SM mod. 1944 gun, aiming time decreased from 2.7 to 2.5 s.
  • For the 152 mm BL-10 gun:
    • Aiming time decreased from 2.9 to 2.5 s.
    • Dispersion on turret traverse decreased from 0.12 to 0.1.
    • Dispersion upon firing decreased from 4 to 3.5.

Object 268

  • For the 52-mm M64 gun:
    • Aiming time decreased from 2.7 to 2.5 s.
    • Dispersion on turret traverse decreased from 0.12 to 0.1.
    • Dispersion upon firing decreased from 4 to 3.5.


  • For the T110E4 suspension, traverse speed increased from 18 to 23 deg/s.
  • For the 155 mm AT Gun T7E2, aiming time decreased from 2.9 to 2.7 s.

T26E4 SuperPershing

  • For the М26Т80Е1 suspension:
    • Terrain resistance decreased from 1.2 1.4 2.7 to 0.8 0.9 1.1
    • Traverse speed increased from 27 to 36 deg/s.

Adjustments to the Profitability of Tier IV-X Vehicles

Repair cost and profitability for Tier VIII-X vehicles was reworked. For Tier IV-VII vehicles only profitability was adjusted.

The following changes have been made to the credit accrual procedure:

1) Profitability of vehicles introduced in the game’s release has been standardised with that of vehicles introduced in subsequent versions.
2) Reduced the cost of repairs for higher tiers (IX-X): reduced repair costs allows players to spend less credits when their battle performance is not high enough.

U.S.S.R. vehicles:

  • T-34: profitability increased by 17%
  • KV-1: profitability increased by 14%
  • SU-85: profitability increased by 11%
  • SU-100: profitability increased by 15%
  • Т-150: profitability decreased by 29%
  • Т-43: profitability increased by 3%
  • IS: profitability increased by 12%
  • KV-13: profitability decreased by 25%
  • ISU-152: repair cost decreased by 10%, profitability increased by 12%
  • IS-3: repair cost decreased by 24%, profitability increased by 5%
  • Т-44: repair cost decreased by 35%, profitability decreased by 10%
  • KV-4: repair cost decreased by 31%, profitability decreased by 10%
  • Object 704: repair cost decreased by 23%, profitability decreased by 6%
  • IS-8: repair cost decreased by 44%, profitability decreased by 19%
  • Т-54: repair cost decreased by 50%, profitability decreased by 12%
  • ST-I: repair cost decreased by 41%, profitability increased by 8%
  • Object 268: repair cost decreased by 32%, profitability decreased by 6%
  • Т-62А: repair cost decreased by 56%, profitability decreased by 13%
  • Object 140: repair cost decreased by 46%, profitability increased by 5%
  • IS-4: repair cost decreased by 42%, profitability increased by 5%
  • IS-7: repair cost decreased by 46%, profitability decreased by 23%

U.S. vehicles:

  • T1 Heavy Tank: profitability increased by 20%
  • M10 Wolverine: profitability increased by 16%
  • M6: profitability increased by 11%
  • M4A3E8 Sherman: profitability increased by 5%
  • M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo: profitability decreased by 21%
  • M18 Hellcat: profitability increased by 8%
  • M36 Jackson: profitability increased by 9%
  • T20: profitability increased by 11%
  • T29: profitability increased by 15%
  • T25 AT: profitability decreased by 6%
  • T28 Prototype: repair cost decreased by 7%, profitability increased by 7%
  • T28: repair cost decreased by 9%, profitability increased by 14%
  • M26 Pershing: repair cost decreased by 28%, profitability increased by 3%
  • T32: repair cost decreased by 27%, profitability increased by 11%
  • T30: repair cost decreased by 29%, profitability increased by 14%
  • M103: repair cost decreased by 42%, profitability decreased by 18%
  • M46 Patton: repair cost decreased by 52%, profitability decreased by 19%
  • T95: repair cost decreased by 17%, profitability decreased by 12%
  • T110E4: repair cost decreased by 36%, profitability increased by 25%
  • M48A1 Patton: repair cost decreased by 57%, profitability decreased by 19%
  • T110E3: repair cost decreased by 31%, profitability decreased by 9%
  • T110E5: repair cost decreased by 46%, profitability decreased by 17%

U.K. vehicles:

  • Alecto: profitability increased by 19%
  • Churchill I: profitability decreased by 26%
  • AT 2: profitability increased by 9%
  • AT 8: profitability increased by 14%
  • AT 7: profitability increased by 32%
  • Centurion Mk. I: repair cost decreased by 37%, profitability increased by 2%
  • AT 15: repair cost decreased by 22%, profitability increased by 28%
  • Caernarvon: repair cost decreased by 29%, profitability increased by 7%
  • Conqueror: repair cost decreased by 46%, profitability increased by 0.36%
  • Tortoise: repair cost decreased by 32%, profitability increased by 11%
  • Centurion Mk. 7/1: repair cost decreased by 48%, profitability increased by 11%
  • FV215b: repair cost decreased by 41%, profitability increased by 5%
  • FV215b (183): repair cost decreased by 26%, profitability increased by 24%
  • FV4202: repair cost decreased by 54%, profitability increased by 7%

German vehicles:

  • Pz.Kpfw. II Luchs: profitability decreased by 39%
  • Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. D: profitability decreased by 41%
  • Durchbruchswagen 2: profitability increased by 28%
  • Hetzer: profitability increased by 18%
  • StuG III Ausf. G: profitability increased by 13%
  • VK 30.01 (H): profitability increased by 13%
  • Jagdpanzer IV: profitability increased by 15%
  • VK 36.01 (H): profitability increased by 15%
  • VK 30.01 (P): profitability decreased by 20%
  • VK 30.01 (D): profitability decreased by 25%
  • Tiger I: profitability increased by 9%
  • Jagdpanther: profitability decreased by 28%
  • Jagdpanther II: repair cost decreased by 17%; profitability increased by 3%
  • VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A: repair cost decreased by 32%; profitability decreased by 5%
  • Ferdinand: repair cost decreased by 18%; profitability increased by 4%
  • Indien-Panzer: repair cost decreased by 29%; profitability increased by 4%
  • Tiger II: repair cost decreased by 30%; profitability increased by 9%
  • Panther II: repair cost decreased by 37%; profitability decreased by 2%
  • Leopard Prototyp A: repair cost decreased by 48%; profitability increased by 14%
  • E 50: repair cost decreased by 49%; profitability decreased by 12%
  • VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B: repair cost decreased by 42%; profitability increased by 3%
  • E 75: repair cost decreased by 42%; profitability decreased by 19%
  • Jagdtiger: repair cost decreased by 29%; profitability decreased by 5%
  • Maus: repair cost decreased by 45%; profitability decreased by 4%
  • E 50 Ausf. M: repair cost decreased by 53%; profitability decreased by 15%
  • Leopard 1: repair cost decreased by 56%; profitability increased by 5%
  • E 100: repair cost decreased by 48%; profitability decreased by 27%
  • Jagdpanzer E 100: repair cost decreased by 29%; profitability decreased by 7%

Japanese Vehicles

  • STA-1: repair cost decreased by 38%; profitability decreased by 2%
  • Type 61: repair cost decreased by 47%; profitability increased by 7%
  • STB-1: repair cost decreased by 54%; profitability increased by 6%

Unique Vehicles

  • Panzer IV Anko Special: profitability decreased by 28%


  • Winter Malinovka map reworked: the mountain was removed from the map; the plane was replaced with a ship; some effects were added; landscape and objects were reworked.
  • A number of changes were made to the other maps:
    • A unique effect—dust from firing—was added to Black Goldville, Fort Despair, and Copperfield.
    • Camouflage type fixed for the Mirage map: it was changed from summer to desert – more water reflections were added to the map for more powerful devices.
    • For Black Goldville, respawns are rearranged so that key points for both teams are placed at an equal distance.
    • Ability to drive onto the mountain removed.
    • For Himmelsdorf, several spots used by players to hide during the battle were removed.
    • For Middleburg, the base capture point was relocated.
    • For Mines, the balance of team respawns was improved.
  • More notifications about the advantages of Clan Platoons was added in Supply.
  • Feature for setting additional buttons was added for players with a gaming mouse: buttons EX1 MOUSE and EX2 MOUSE can be assigned for any actions available in battle.
  • The conditions for light tanks’ missions was extended: now, the missions Reconnaissance IV-VIII, Spotter V-VIII, Assault Tanker IV-VIII, and Intelligence Data VI-VIII are available for them as well.
  • For Windows 10, the zoom inversion feature was added.
  • New tooltips about Provisions were added to the game.
  • Settings layout in the OTHER tab was changed.
  • Feature for entering spaces in the login and password text fields was removed.
  • For Mac OS, transfer to Twitter from the COMMUNITY tab was added.
  • Information about “free” and purchased gold was added to the Account window (ASIA)
  • Ping indication was fixed in the Garage.


  • Bug with incorrect chat display after changing the size of the app window was fixed.
  • Window cropping of the battle chat was fixed.
  • Bug with approaching an enemy vehicle through an object was fixed.
  • Bug with the position of the “Exit to Garage” tooltip was fixed.
  • Client freeze upon closing the window “Your current version of the game is out of date” through the Back device button was fixed.
  • Client crash upon an attempt to update a demo account with a Facebook account was fixed.
  • Display of the damage caused notification was added.
  • Bug with re-aiming when the right mouse button is held was fixed.
  • Bug with taps in the battle tutorial was fixed.
  • Bug with the colour of the Skip button in the Garage tutorial was fixed (changed from grey to green).
  • Bug with social networks’ display sequence was fixed in the Account window.
  • Medals are now centred in Battle Results if the player receives two medals after the battle.
  • Reticle pulling up when moving the marker from close to remote distance was fixed.
  • Postmortem and ricochet tracers were adapted to the new ricochet mechanism in the game client.
  • Bug with duplication of vehicle types/nations/tiers in Record upon receiving battle results notifications was fixed.
  • All incorrect tooltips appearing when the player presses Enter during the account update were removed.
  • Bug where the client didn’t respond to mouse clicks if the player pressed Shift too early during the tutorial was fixed.
  • Repeated congratulation on receiving 2 days of Premium Account after completing the Garage tutorial was removed.
  • Bug with camouflage display for Tetrarch was fixed.
  • Bug with the Type 61 suspension display was fixed.
  • In-game notification and description texts was fixed.
  • A number of general game client errors and crashes were fixed.

New Content

  • New Supply levels (V–VII) added to the game.
  • Discounts on First Aid Kit, Fire Extinguisher, Engine Power Boost, Repair Kit, and MRP increased from 5% to 10%.
  • New Supply bonus introduced: a discount for Adrenaline (5%, Supply level VII).
  • Another new bonus from Supply is the ability to buy 1 Garage slot for credits. The price is 200,000 credits; the bonus is available from Supply level VI. Players who bought a slot for credits will not be able to buy another slot when joining a different clan. The slot is not removed if a player leaves the clan.
  • The discount is effective for all vehicles up to Tier VII.
  • Introduces a new map named Mirage—a bright, sunny location in the North Africa region. The map features a gorgeous lake and an ocean view.

Balance Improvements

All Tier II vehicles, dispersion upon damaged guns changed from 2.0 to 1.3 (<whileGunDamaged> parameter).



For the 37 mm B-3 on the BT-2 and BT-5 turrets:

Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.42 to 0.38

After-shot dispersion ratio changed from 4 to 3.5.

For the 23 mm VYa gun on the BT-2 and BT-5 turrets, the number of shells in the cylinder changed from 12 to 9.


  • For the 37 mm B-3 gun on the Т-26 mod. 1936–1937 and Т-26 mod. 1938 turrets:

Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.42 to 0.38

After-shot dispersion ratio changed from 4 to 3.5.

  • For the 23 mm VYa gun on the Т-26 mod. 1936–1937 and Т-26 mod. 1938 turrets, the number of shells in the cylinder changed from 12 to 9.


For the 57 mm ZiS-8S gun, after-shot dispersion ratio changed from 3.5 to 4.


For the QF 2-pdr Mk. IX-A gun:

Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.4 to 0.36

After-shot dispersion ratio changed from 4 to 3.5;


Pz.Kpfw. II

For the 2 cm Kw.K. 38 and 2 cm Flak 38 guns on the Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. b and Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. F turrets, the number of shells in the cylinder changed from 10 to 8.

Pz.Kpfw. 35 (t)

  • For the 3.7 cm Kw.K. 34 (t) L/40 gun on the Pz.Kpfw. 35 (t) and Pz.Kpfw. 35 (t) verstärkterturm turrets:

Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.43 to 0.39

After-shot dispersion ratio changed from 4 to 3.5

  • For the 3.7 cm Kw.K. 38 (t) L/47 gun on the Pz.Kpfw. 35 (t) and Pz.Kpfw. 35 (t) verstärkterturm turrets:

Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.41 to 0.38

After-shot dispersion ratio changed from 4 to 3.5

  • For the 2 cm Flak 38 gun on the Pz.Kpfw. 35 (t) and Pz.Kpfw. 35 (t) verstärkterturm turrets, the number of shells in the cylinder changed from 10 to 8.

Pz.Kpfw. 38H 735 (f)

For the 3.7 cm SA 38 L/34 gun:

Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.4 to 0.38

After-shot dispersion ratio changed from 4 to 3.5.


T2 Medium Tank

  • For the 20 mm Hispano-Suiza Birgikt Gun on the T2T1 turret:

The number of shells in the cylinder changed from 15 to 10

Loading time changed from 9 to 7 s.

  • For the 37 mm Gun M5 on the T2T2 turret:

Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.43 to 0.39

After-shot dispersion ratio changed from 4 to 3.5.

  • For the 20 mm Hispano-Suiza Birgikt Gun on the T2T2 turret:

The number of shells in the cylinder changed from 15 to 10

Loading time changed from 9 to 7 s.


  • For the 37 mm AT Gun M3:

Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.4 to 0.36

After-shot dispersion ratio changed from 4 to 3.5

  • For the QF 2-pdr Mk. IX gun, Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.38 to 0.36

Great Britain

Vickers Medium Mk.II

  • For the QF 6-pdr 8 cwt Mk. II gun on the Vickers Medium Mk. II* and Vickers Medium Mk. II** turrets, Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.52 to 0.48.
  • For the OQF 3-pdr Gun Mk. II gun on the Vickers Medium Mk. II** turret:

Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.43 to 0.39

After-shot dispersion ratio changed from 4 to 3.5.

Cruiser Mk.III

  • For the QF 2-pdr Mk. IX gun on the Cruiser Mk. III and Cruiser Mk. III* turrets:

Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.4 to 0.36

After-shot dispersion ratio changed from 4 to 3.5.

Universal Carrier 2-pdr

  • For the QF 2-pdr AT Gun Mk. IX gun, Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.38 to 0.36.
  • For the QF 6-pdr 8 cwt AT Gun Mk. II gun, Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.5 to 0.48.



  • For the 37 mm Sogekihou gun on the Chi-Ni turret, Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.43 to 0.39.
  • For the 5.7 cm Gun Type 97 gun on the Chi-Ni turret:

Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.5 to 0.47

After-shot dispersion ratio changed from 3.5 to 4.


  • For the 37 mm Gun Type 94 gun on the Type 95 Ha-Go and Type 4 Ke-Nu turrets, Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.43 to 0.39.
  • For the 37 mm Gun Type 98 gun on the Type 95 Ha-Go turret, Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.41 to 0.37.
  • For the 5.7 cm Gun Type 97 gun on the Type 95 Ha-Go and Type 4 Ke-Nu turrets, Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.5 to 0.47.
  • For the 37 mm Gun Type 98 gun on the Type 4 Ke-Nu turret, Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.39 to 0.37.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Player’s level of Personal Access added to the tables with Supply information.
  • Lost Temple map reworked: minor bugs fixed; collisions of stones and the central element eliminated; some unwanted routes removed; lighting changed (the map became much brighter); picturesque elements added.
  • Cancellation of an action via Ecs added (W10).
  • Spam dialog window closing via Enter added ( W10).
  • Vehicle display centering added to the camouflages screen (W10).
  • Copperfield map removed from high-tier battles; now it’s available only for Tier II–V battles.
  • Auto scrolling down to the vehicle’s characteristics added in the module selection on the characteristics screen.
  • Dispositions of medium tanks in the desert part of the Desert Sands map rebalanced: respawns moved from the borders closer to the railroad.
  • Bug with vehicle rotation when mounting camouflage fixed.
  • Camouflage masks reworked and unified.

Bug Fixes

  • Bug with pulling up camera when the player is near buildings fixed (W10).
  • Dialog window for the Internet connection absence added (W10).
  • Appearance of the IS-7, Object-140, Т29, and Type 59 models fixed.
  • Window with buying shells for gold fixed: button color changed; the window reworked in accordance with the in-game guidelines.
  • Bug with keyboard appearing in the Supply/Personal Access congratulation window fixed.
  • Bug with the error notification when there’s not enough space on the device fixed (DLC).
  • Bug with scaling when changing the window size fixed: now the game displays correctly in the full-screen mode ( W10_Desktop).
  • Camouflages for the PZII and PZII J fixed.
  • Unwanted objects removed from the Himmelsdorf map.
  • Bug with clan search fixed: now the search identifies upper-case Cyrillic letters.
  • Bug with tutorial tooltips fixed (W10, window mode).
  • Grass appearance fixed in the Canal map.
  • Price for transferring from Tier IV to Tier V fixed for German light tanks.
  • Carrying capacity of both suspensions of the VK45.02 B increased.
  • Notification and description texts fixed in the client.
  • General client crashes and bugs fixed.

New Content

German Light Tanks

The German tech tree has a new branch, including the Pz. II G, Luchs, Leopard, VK 28.01, SP I C, and Ru 251.

Shooting Mechanics

Destructible objects can now be shot through and shells that bounce can now potentially hit (and damage) nearby vehicles

‘Middleburg’ has received improvements for both game balance and graphics, including reworked terrain and sound and light effects

Other Additions

Missions can now be reset or skipped using Gold

Information about Supply bonuses (discounts on repairs and consumables) is now displayed on the battle results screen

Fixes and Improvements

Improved movement over soft terrain for all vehicles, particularly medium and light tanks.

Improved ‘Middleburg’ map, including sounds, lighting, graphics and game balance.

Added congratulatory messages when a player unlocks the next level of Clan Supply or Personal Access.

Added new battle screen tips relating to Clan Supply and autorecruitment.

On ‘Canal,’ the capture point has been changed and its capture radius reduced.

On ‘Fort Despair’ and ‘Black Goldville,’ base capture time changed to 100 seconds for single vehicles.

On ‘Mines,’ spawn points have been reorganized.

On ‘Castilla,’ team spawn points rearranged and the corner pass has been removed.

Added a new medal that can be awarded to winners of creative community contests.

Fixed the the shape of the AC-1 Sentinel’s machine gun so that it’s more historically accurate.

Improved chat shortcut icons.

Minor improvements made to the following vehicles’ models: MS-1, T-127, BT-7, T-62A, T1 Cunningham, Tiger (P), Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) n.A., T1 Heavy Tank, M6.

Mission levels are now more dependent on vehicles favored by the player.

Improved icons for mastery badges.

Removed general chat.


Fixed bug that didn’t label drowned vehicles as ‘destroyed.’

Fixed bug allowing players to enter Sniper Mode before the battle begins.

Fixed lighting on ‘Himmelsdorf’ fixed so that it no longer resembles the lighting on desert maps.

Fixed chat bugs during the battle tutorial on Windows 10.

Fixed bug with chat shortcuts after a vehicle has been destroyed on Windows 10.

Fixed bug that continuously loaded the game client after quitting a Clan.

Fixed bugs on the technical characteristics screen (category name placement, text colors).

Fixed bug with a pole crashing into the camera on Canal.

Fixed bug when trying to change the window size while in Sniper Mode on Windows 10.

Fixed bug with skipping battle tutorials for demo accounts.

Fixed bug with disappearing Clan motto if it’s left blank.

Fixed bug with mouse scrolling in chat on Windows 10.

Fixed bugs with camouflage functioning incorrectly.

Fixed text of notifications and descriptions.

Fixed a number of general game client errors and crashes.

New Content

The game will now feature camouflages: summer, winter, desert, and universal camouflages for vehicles of all nations. Update 2.5 features 41 different camouflages. The concealment bonus provided by the camouflage depends on the vehicle type: 3% for light and medium tanks, 2% for heavy tanks, and 4% for tank destroyers.

The new feature Supply will be introduced for Clans. Supply is a set of unique discounts on equipment, consumables, and vehicles, as well as bonuses and special offers only available to clan members. Join battles and make your contribution towards unlocking new Supply levels, and receiving new bonuses and special offers.

Navigation within a session is realized in Clan Chat: the last selected chat state (open tab) is saved.

A new Premium vehicle is added to the Tech Tree: the M22 Locust. Its price is 1,000 gold.


Balance changes are affected by server statistics.

Matilda IV

HP increased from 700 to 750.

Suspension traverse speed increased from 25 to 35 deg/s.

Turret traverse speed increased from 27 to 35 deg/s.

Gun dispersion for 100 m rounded to 0.41.

Aiming time rounded to 1.7 s.

Churchill Gun Carrier

Traverse speed for the Churchill Gun Carrier suspension increased from 24 to 27 deg/s; stabilization on the move or whilst traversing changed from 0.2 to 0.16.

Traverse speed for the Churchill Gun Carrier Mk. II suspension increased from 26 to 29 deg/s; stabilization on the move or whilst traversing changed from 0.18 to 0.14; resistance against soft terrain changed from 2.3 to 2.1.

View range increased from 230 to 240 m.

Aiming time for the QF 3.7-inch AT Gun decreased from 2.5 to 1.9 s.

Aiming time for the OQF 32-pdr AT Gun decreased from 2.3 to 1.9 s; dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.16 to 0.12.


HP increased from 920 to 1,000.

Traverse speed for the SU-152 suspension increased from 20 to 25 deg/s.

Traverse speed for the SU-152M suspension increased from 23 to 28 deg/s.

For the 152 mm ML-20 Mod. 1931/37 gun, reload time was rounded to 15.78 s; aiming time decreased from 3.4 to 2.7 s.

For the 122 mm А-19 Mod. 1937 gun, aiming time decreased from 2.9 to 2.3 s.

For the 122 mm D-25S Mod. 1944 gun, reload time changed from 7.61 to 8.5 s; aiming time decreased from 2.9 to 2.3 s.


For the Tortoise suspension, resistance for soft terrain changed from 2.9 to 3.2; stabilization on the move or whilst traversing changed from 0.2 to 0.28.

For the Tortoise Mk. 2 suspension, resistance for soft terrain changed from 2.6 to 2.8; stabilization on the move or whilst traversing changed from 0.2 to 0.25.

For the OQF 32-pdr AT Gun, stabilization on turret traverse changed from 0.06 to 0.1; aiming time changed from 1.7 to 1.9 s.

For the OQF 20-pdr AT Gun Type B Barrel gun, stabilization on turret traverse changed from 0.06 to 0.1; aiming time changed from 1.5 to 1.7 s.

For the 120 mm AT Gun L1A1 gun, reload time changed from 7.1 to 7.7 s; stabilization on turret traverse changed from 0.06 to 0.1; gun dispersion after firing changed from 3.5 to 4; aiming time changed from 1.7 to 2.2 s.


Max speed of the tank destroyer increased from 13 to 16 km/h.

For the T95HVSS suspension, resistance against mild ground changed from 1.7 to 1.5.

For the T95HVSSM2 suspension, resistance against hard ground changed from 1.3 to 1.2; resistance against mild ground changed from 1.4 to 1.3.

VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B

Thickness of the hull armor increased from 170 to 200 mm. Hull weight increased from 36,400 to 37,084 kg.

Fixes & Improvements

Mechanics for setting the range of the teams’ balance, depending on the online rate of the cluster, realized. When the online rate reaches 10,000 players, the balance difference will equal zero; when the online rate is lower, there will be a 5% dispersion. Together with that, waiting time may slightly increase; however, the quality of the teams, in terms of vehicle tier, will improve greatly.

Appearance of both Garages (standard and premium) reworked.

The map Copperfield removed from high-tier battles; now it will be available for Tier II–V battles.

Icons and characteristics of guns with feed drums added for the vehicles in the game.

Missions added for Japanese vehicles: “Onslaught: Japan”, “Military Academy: Japan”, “Domination: Japan”, and “Challenge: Japan”.

Sounds added to the Clan autorecruiting screen.

Sounds for folding/unfolding the contact list in the chat added.

Description and value of the Camouflage Net bonus changed.

Test of +1/-1 Matchmaking on North American Server


Bug with the notification saying the crew has reached 100% Mastery when the player is offline fixed.

Bug with the appearance of the drop-down menu in the Clan Profile fixed.

The appearance of the T34 model fixed: its gear was reworked (previously hovered in the air).

Position of the VK36.01H (Germany) tank marker in battle fixed.

Description of the “Reaper” Honorary Rank reworked.

Bug with incorrect price for resetting skills during specials fixed.

The Panther II tank model fixed.

Position of the Hetzer tank marker in battle fixed.

Bug with Average Tier display error on the clan search screens fixed.

Resource loading screen reworked.

Bug with the display of shadows on different icons fixed.

Open Clans screen reworked.

Icons for quick commands fixed: now they don’t merge with the sky on some maps.

Display of the Clan tag and name fixed on the clan search screen.

Bug with incorrect navigation from notifications about purchases and vehicle receipts fixed.

Notification and description texts fixed.

General bugs and client crashes fixed.

New Content

New branch of Japanese vehicles added to the Tech Tree: •Medium tanks: Chi Ni (II), Type 97 Chi Ha (III), Type 1 Chi He (IV), Type 3 Chi Nu (V), Chi To (VI), Chi Ri (VII), STA-1 (VIII), Type 61 (IX), STB-1 (X) •Light tanks: Renault Otsu (I), Ha-Go (II), Ke-Ni (III), Ke-Ho (IV).

A new Premium vehicle is now available in the Tech Tree: the Excelsior (price: 2,400 gold).

In version 2.4 players will see a unique winter city map: Himmelsdorf. It will be available from battle tier 4.

The Lost Temple map was updated: graphics have been changed for all map areas, and the base capture time has been increased from 80 to 100 seconds.

Language filter implemented for searching recently created and open clans: all languages are selected by default, but the player can select just one language. New insignias created for the Clan Profile.

Clan channel history will now be stored and displayed in the clan chat even after all clan members have been offline. Clan tags have been added to the platoon invite menu.


General Improvements

It will be easier to upgrade Tier II-III vehicles now: we have removed excessive modules (for Tier II vehicles: all additional suspensions and engines, for Tier III vehicles: only additional suspensions).

Weak guns or guns leading to ambiguous vehicle behavior patterns have been removed from the module trees of some vehicles.

All stock guns for Tiers III-IV have been rebalanced.

Balance improvements for particular vehicles

Tier II

BT-2 •Modules removed from the Tech Tree: 37 mm Hotchkiss and 37 mm ZiS-19 guns, M-5-400 engine, BT-2 suspension. •Traverse speed changed from 44 to 50 deg/s.

T-26 •Modules removed from the Tech Tree: 37 mm ZiS-19 gun, T-26 and T-26M engines, T-26M suspension. •For T-26 suspension, terrain resistance changed from 1,1 1,3 2,3 to 1 1,1 2,1. •Traverse speed changed from 37 to 58 deg/s.

AT-1 •Modules removed from the Tech Tree: 37 mm ZiS-19S gun, T-26 and T-26M engines, AT-1 Bis suspension. •For AT-1 suspension, terrain resistance changed from 1,3 1,6 2,6 to 1,2 1,4 2,4. •Traverse speed changed from 30 to 46 deg/s.

Pz.Kpfw. 35 (t) •Modules removed from the Tech Tree: 2 cm Kw.K. 30 gun, Škoda T-11 engine, Pz.Kpfw. 35 (t) verstärkteketten suspension. •For Pz.Kpfw. 35 (t) suspension, terrain resistance changed from 1,1 1,5 2,9 to 1,1 1,3 2,3. •Traverse speed changed from 33 to 64 deg/s.

Pz.Kpfw. II •Modules removed from the Tech Tree: 2 cm Kw.K. 30 gun, Maybach HL 57 TR and Maybach HL 62 TR engines, Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. A suspension. •Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. F turret is now upgraded from Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. b turret. •Traverse speed changed from 40 to 49 deg/s.

Panzerjäger I •Modules removed from the Tech Tree: 3,7 cm Pak (t) L/47 gun, Krupp M311 engine, Panzerjäger I verstärkteketten suspension. •For Panzerjäger I suspension, terrain resistance changed from 1,3 1,5 2,5 to 1,2 1,3 2,3. •Traverse speed changed from 32 to 40 deg/s.

T2 Medium Tank •Modules removed from the Tech Tree: 37 mm Semiautomatic Gun M1924, Liberty engine, T2E1 suspension. •Traverse speed changed from 40 to 41 deg/s.

T18 •Modules removed from the Tech Tree: Continental R-975-C1 and Continental W-670 engines, T18E2 suspension. •For T18E1 suspension, terrain resistance changed from 1,4 1,7 2,7 to 1,3 1,5 2,5. •Traverse speed changed from 20 to 30 deg/s.

Vickers Medium Mk. II •Modules removed from the Tech Tree: OQF 3-pdr Gun Mk. I gun, Armstrong Siddeley V8 and Armstrong Siddeley V8 SC engines, Vickers Medium Mk. IIA suspension. •For Vickers Medium Mk. II suspension, terrain resistance changed from 1,2 1,3 2,4 to 1,1 1,2 2,2. •Traverse speed changed from 26 to 50 deg/s.

Cruiser Mk. III •Modules removed from the Tech Tree: 15 mm Machine Gun BESA gun, Nuffield Liberty Mk. III engine, Cruiser Mk. III* suspension*. •For Cruiser Mk. III suspension, terrain resistance changed from 1,1 1,4 2 to 1 1,2 1,8. •Traverse speed changed from 32 to 38 deg/s.

Universal Carrier 2-pdr •Modules removed from the Tech Tree: Ford V8-221 engine, Universal Carrier Mk. II suspension. •For Universal Carrier Mk. I suspension, terrain resistance changed from 1,3 1,5 2,8 to 1,2 1,4 2,6. •Traverse speed changed from 35 to 44 deg/s.

Tier III

Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) •For 3,7 cm Kw.K. 38 (t) L/47 gun on LT vz. 40 turret: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.41 to 0.35. •Dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.14 to 0.12. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.0.

•For 3,7 cm Kw.K. 38 (t) L/47 gun on Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) Ausf. G turret: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.41 to 0.35. •Dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.12 to 0.1. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.0.

•For 4,7 cm Kw.K. (t) L/43 gun on Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) Ausf. G turret: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.47 to 0.39. •Reload time changed from 3.52 to 3.8 s. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 3.0 to 3.5.

•Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) Ausf. G suspension removed from the Tech Tree. •For Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) Ausf. E suspension, terrain resistance changed from 1,1 1,5 2,5 to 1,1 1,3 2,3. •Traverse speed changed from 32 to 35 deg/s.

Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. A •Modules removed from the Tech Tree: 2 cm Kw.K. 38 gun, Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. B suspension, Maybach HL 120 TRM engine. •For 3,7 cm Kw.K. 36 L/46.5 gun on Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. A turret: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.46 to 0.35. •Reload time changed from 3.93 to 3.5 s. •Dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.16 to 0.14. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.0.

•For 3,7 cm Kw.K. 36 L/46.5 gun on Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. E turret: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.46 to 0.35. •Reload time changed from 3.93 to 3.4 s. •Dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.14 to 0.12. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.0.

•For 5 cm Kw.K. 38 L/42 gun on Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. E turret: •Reload time changed from 3.82 to 5 s. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.5.

•For Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. A suspension, terrain resistance changed from 1,1 1,5 2,3 to 1,1 1,3 2,3. •Traverse speed changed from 40 to 55 deg/s.

Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. A •For 5 cm Kw.K. 38 L/42 gun on Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. A turret: •Reload time changed from 3.9 to 5 s. •Aiming time changed from 1.9 to 2.3 s. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.5.

•For 7,5 cm Kw.K. 37 L/24 gun on Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. A turret: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.45 to 0.5. •Reload time changed from 9.47 to 14.5 s. •Aiming time changed from 1.9 to 2.5 s. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 3.5 to 4.0.

•For 5 cm Kw.K. 38 L/42 gun on Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. B turret: •Reload time changed from 3.9 to 5 s. •Aiming time changed from 1.9 to 2.3 s. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.5.

•For 7,5 cm Kw.K. 37 L/24 gun on Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. B turret: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.45 to 0.5. •Reload time changed from 9.47 to 14 s. •Aiming time changed from 1.9 to 2.5 s. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 3.5 to 4.0.

•Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. B suspension removed from the Tech Tree. •For Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. A suspension, terrain resistance changed from 1,12 1,52 2,52 to 1,1 1,3 2,3. •Traverse speed changed from 35 to 40 deg/s.Fixes & Improvements

T-15 •For 3,7 cm Kw.K. 38 (t) L/47 gun: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.41 to 0.35. •Reload time changed from 3.49 to 3.4 s. •Dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.12 to 0.1. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.0.

Marder II •Modules removed from the Tech Tree: Marder II verstärkteketten suspension, Maybach HL 57 TR and Maybach HL 62 TR engines. •For 7,62 cm Pak 36 ® gun: •Aiming time changed from 2.9 to 2.5 s. •Reload time changed from 11.47 to 11.6 s. •Dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.2 to 0.16.

•For 7,5 cm Pak 40/2 L/46 gun: •Aiming time changed from 2.7 to 2.5 s. •Reload time changed from 11.56 to 11.5 s. •Dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.2 to 0.16.

•For Marder II suspension, terrain resistance changed from 1,3 1,6 3,2 to 1,2 1,4 3. •Traverse speed changed from 34 to 36 deg/s.

BT-7 •Modules removed from the Tech Tree: 23 mm VJa gun, BT-5 suspension. •45 mm VT-42 gun upgraded from BT-7 mod. 1937 turret added to the Tech Tree. •For 45 mm 20K gun on BT-7 mod. 1937 turret: •Reload time rounded to 4.15 s. •Aiming time changed from 2.3 to 2.1 s.

•For 37 mm ZiS-19 gun on BT-7 mod. 1937 turret: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.39 to 0.35. •Reload time changed from 3.2 to 3 s.

T-46 •Modules removed from the Tech Tree: 45 mm 20K gun, T-46-1 suspension. •For 37 mm ZiS-19 gun on T-46 turret: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.39 to 0.36. •Reload time changed from 3.52 to 3 s. •Aiming time changed from 2.3 to 1.7 s. •Dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.16 to 0.08. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.0.

•For 37 mm ZiS-19 gun on Т-46-1 turret: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.39 to 0.36. •Reload time changed from 3.52 to 3 s. •Aiming time changed from 2.3 to 1.7 s. •Dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.16 to 0.08 •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.0.

•For 45 mm VT-42 gun on T-46-1 turret: •Reload time changed from 3.52 to 3.1 s. •Aiming time changed from 2.3 to 2.1 s. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.5.

•For 37 mm Automatic SH-37 gun on T-46-1 turret: •Reload time changed from 6.9 to 10.2 s. •Aiming time changed from 1.9 to 2.3 s. •Dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.12 to 0.14.

•For 76 mm L-10 gun on T-46-1 turret: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.57 to 0.5. •Reload time changed from 11.66 to 15 s. •Aiming time changed from 2.9 to 2.5 s.

•For T-46 suspension, terrain resistance changed from 1,1 1,5 2,3 to 1,1 1,3 2,3. •Traverse speed changed from 52 to 55 deg/s.

SU-76 •For 57 mm ZiS-8S gun: •Reload time rounded to 4.8 s. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.5.

•For 76 mm ZiS-3 gun: •Reload time rounded to 9.7 s. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 3.0 to 3.5.

•For 57 mm ZiS-2 gun: •Reload time rounded to 5.2 s. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 3.0 to 3.5.

•SU-76M suspension removed from the Tech Tree. •For SU-76 suspension, terrain resistance changed from 1,2 1,4 2,3 to 1,1 1,3 2,1. •Traverse speed changed from 28 to 30 deg/s.

M3 Light •For 37 mm M5 gun: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.46 to 0.36. •Reload time changed from 3.82 to 3.2 s. •Aiming time changed from 1.9 to 1.7 s. •Dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.16 to 0.08. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.0.

T-127 •For 45 mm 20KL gun: •Dispersion upon firing rounded to 0.43. •Reload time rounded to 4 s. •Aiming time rounded to 2 s. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 3.0 to 3.5.

LTP •For 45 mm 20KL gun, reload time changed from 4.34 to 4 s.

M2 Medium Tank •For 37 mm Gun M5 on M2M19 turret: •Reload time rounded to 3.8 s. •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.46 to 0.36. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.0.

•For 37 mm Gun M6 on M2M19 turret: •Reload time rounded to 3.5 s. •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.42 to 0.38. •Dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.1 to 0.16. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.0.

•For 37 mm Gun M5 on M2M7 turret: •Reload time rounded to 3.8 s. •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.46 to 0.36. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.0.

•For 37 mm Gun M6 on M2M7 turret: •Reload time rounded to 3.5 s. •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.42 to 0.38. •Dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.1 to 0.16. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.0.

•For 75 mm Howitzer M3 gun on M2M7 turret: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.55 to 0.52. •Reload time changed from 11.03 to 11 s.

•T48 suspension removed from the Tech Tree.

T82 •For 75 mm Howitzer M1A1 gun: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.55 to 0.52. •Reload time changed from 10.51 to 10.5 s.

•For 105 mm AT Howitzer M3 gun, reload time rounded to 18.5 s. •For 57 mm Gun M1: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.39 to 0.34. •Reload time changed from 5.23 to 5.2 s. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.5.

•T82T55E4 suspension removed from the Tech Tree. •For T82T55E2 suspension, terrain resistance changed from 1,3 1,6 2,5 to 1,2 1,4 2,3. •Traverse speed changed from 30 to 32 deg/s.

M22 Locust •For 37 mm Gun M6: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.41 to 0.35. •Reload time changed from 3.5 to 3.2 s. •Dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.12 to 0.08.

Vickers Medium Mk. III •For OQF 3-pdr Gun Mk. II gun on Vickers Medium А6Е1 turret: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.41 to 0.36. •Dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.1 to 0.16. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 3.5 to 3.0.

•For QF 6-pdr 8 cwt Mk. I gun on Vickers Medium А6Е1 turret, dispersion upon firing changed from 0.44 to 0.42. •For OQF 3-pdr Gun Mk. II gun on Vickers Medium А6Е3 turret: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.41 to 0.36. •Reload time changed from 1.7 to 2,1 s. •Dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.08 to 0.16. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 3.5 to 3.0.

•For QF 6-pdr 8 cwt Mk. I gun on Vickers Medium А6Е3 turret, dispersion upon firing changed from 0.44 to 0.42. •Vickers Medium А6Е3 suspension removed from the Tech Tree. •For Vickers Medium А6Е1 suspension, terrain resistance changed from 1,1 1,3 2,2 to 1 1,1 2. •Traverse speed changed from 30 to 32 deg/s.

Cruiser Mk. IV •For QF 2-pdr Mk. IX gun on Cruiser Mk. IV turret: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.36 to 0.34. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.0.

•For 40 mm Pom-Pom gun on Cruiser Mk. IV turret, reload time changed from 8.25 to 10.5 s. •For QF 2-pdr Mk. IX gun on Cruiser Mk. IVA turret: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.36 to 0.34. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.0.

•For 40 mm Pom-Pom gun on Cruiser Mk. IVA turret, reload time changed from 8.25 to 10.2 s. •For QF 40 mm Mk. VI Bofors gun on Cruiser Mk. IVA turret, reload time changed from 8 to 8.5 s. •Cruiser Mk. IVA suspension removed from the Tech Tree. •For Cruiser Mk. IV suspension, terrain resistance changed from 1,1 1,4 2 to 1 1,2 1,8. •Traverse speed changed from 35 to 38 deg/s.

Valentine AT •For QF 6-pdr AT Gun Mk. II, dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.5. •For 3.7-inch AT Howitzer gun, reload time changed from 15 to 20 s. •For QF 6-pdr AT Gun Mk. IV, dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.5. •Valentine AT Mk. II suspension removed from the Tech Tree. •Valentine AT Mk. I suspension, terrain resistance changed from 1 1,2 2 to 0.9 1,1 1,8. •Traverse speed changed from 34 to 38 deg/s.

Tier IV

T-28 •For 76 mm KT-28 gun on T-28 cylindrical turret, dispersion upon firing changed from 0.52 to 0.47. •For 57 mm ZiS-8 gun on T-28 cylindrical turret: •Reload time changed from 5.43 to 4.8 s. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.0. •Aiming time changed from 2.3 to 1.8 s.

•For 57 mm ZiS-4 gun on T-28 cylindrical turret: •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.0. •Aiming time changed from 2.3 to 1.8 s.

•For 76 mm L-10 gun on T-28 cylindrical turret: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.5 to 0.45. •Reload time changed from 11.66 to 11.15 s. •Aiming time changed from 2.5 to 2.3 s.

•For 76 mm F-32 gun on T-28 cylindrical turret: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.47 to 0.43. •Dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.12 to 0.1. •Aiming time changed from 2.5 to 1.8 s.

•For 76 mm KT-28 gun on T-28 conical turret, dispersion upon firing changed from 0.52 to 0.47. •For 57 mm ZiS-8 gun on T-28 conical turret: •Reload time changed from 5.43 to 4.8 s. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.0. •Aiming time changed from 2.3 to 1.8 s.

•For 57 mm ZiS-4 gun on T-28 conical turret: •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.0. •Aiming time changed from 2.3 to 1.8 s.

•For 76 mm L-10 gun on T-28 conical turret: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.5 to 0.45. •Reload time changed from 11.66 to 11.15 s. •Aiming time changed from 2.5 to 2.3 s.

•For 76 mm F-32 gun on T-28 conical turret: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.47 to 0.43. •Dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.1 to 0.08. •Aiming time changed from 2.5 to 1.8 s.

A-20 •For 37 mm ZiS-19 gun on A-20 mod. 1938 turret, dispersion upon firing changed from 0.39 to 0.35. •For 37 mm Automatic SH-37 gun on A-20 mod. 1938 turret: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.43 to 0.4. •Reload time changed from 8.6 to 8.4 s. •Aiming time changed from 1.7 to 1.4 s. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 2.0 to 1.2. •Dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.08 to 0.06.

•For 37 mm ZiS-19 gun on SP-3 turret, dispersion upon firing changed from 0.39 to 0.35. •For 37 mm Automatic SH-37 gun on SP-3 turret: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.43 to 0.4. •Aiming time changed from 1.7 to 1.4 s. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 2.0 to 1.2. •Dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.08 to 0.06.

•For 76 mm L-11 gun on SP-3 turret: •Reload time changed from 11.2 to 9.5 s. •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.47 to 0.43. •Aiming time changed from 2.3 to 1.8 s. •Dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.12 to 0.08.

•For 45 mm VT-42 gun on SP-3 turret, dispersion upon firing changed from 0.37 to 0.34.

A-32 •For 76 mm L-10U gun: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.52 to 0.45. •Aiming time rounded to 2.3 s. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.5.

M3 Lee •For 75 mm Gun M2: •Reload time changed from 8.45 to 10 s. •Aiming time changed from 1.8 to 2.3 s. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 3.0 to 3.5.

•For 75 mm Gun M3: •Aiming time changed from 2.1 to 1.8 s. •Dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.16 to 0.08.

T40 •For 3-inch AT Gun M1918: •Reload time changed from 8.71 to 10.2 s. •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.43 to 0.47. •Aiming time changed from 1.7 to 2.3 s. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.5.

•For 105 mm AT Howitzer M gun: •Reload time changed from 11.98 to 16.5 s. •Dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.08 to 0.16. •Aiming time changed from 1.7 to 2.3 s.

•For 57 mm Gun M1, reload time rounded to 4.27 s. •For 76 mm AT Gun M1A1: •Reload time changed from 8.28 to 9.3 s. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 3.5 to 4.0.

M8A1 •For 75 mm AT Gun M3 gun on M8A1 turret, reload time changed from 9.98 to 10 s. •For 75 mm AT Gun M3 gun on T87 turret, reload time changed from 9.98 to 10 s. •For 3-inch AT Gun M7 gun on T87 turret, reload time changed from 9.98 to 10 s.

Matilda •For QF 2-pdr Mk.X gun on Matilda Mk. IIA turret: •Reload time changed from 2.87 to 3.4 s. •Dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.06 to 0.2.

•For OQF 3-inch Howitzer Mk. I gun on Matilda Mk. IIA turret: •Aiming time changed from 1.9 to 2.3 s. •Dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.08 to 0.16.

•For QF 2-pdr Mk. X-B gun on Matilda Mk. IIA turret, reload time changed from 2.6 to 3.2 s. •For QF 2-pdr Mk.X gun on Matilda Mk. IIA* turret: •Reload time changed from 2.87 to 3.3 s. •Dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.04 to 0.16.

•For OQF 3-inch Howitzer Mk. I gun on Matilda Mk. IIA* turret: •Aiming time changed from 1.9 to 2.3 s. •Dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.06 to 0.16.

•For QF 2-pdr Mk. X-B gun on Matilda Mk. IIA* turret, reload time changed from 2.6 to 3.1 s.

Covenanter •For QF 2-pdr Mk. X gun on Covenanter Mk. I turret: •Reload time changed from 2.87 to 3.4 s. •Dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.08 to 0.1.

•For 40 mm Pom-Pom gun on Covenanter Mk. I turret, aiming time changed from 1.7 to 1.9 s. •For OQF 3-inch Howitzer Mk. I gun on Covenanter Mk. I turret, dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.14 to 0.16. •For QF 2-pdr Mk. X gun on Covenanter Mk. IV CS turret: •Reload time changed from 2.87 to 3.3 s. •Dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.06 to 0.08.

•For 40 mm Pom-Pom gun on Covenanter Mk. IV CS turret, aiming time changed from 1.7 to 1.9 s. •For OQF 3-inch Howitzer Mk. I gun on Covenanter Mk. IV CS turret, dispersion ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.12 to 0.16.

Alecto •For 3.7-inch AT Howitzer gun: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.49 to 0.53. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 3.5 to 4.

•For Q.F. 25-Pr. AT Gun/How. Mk. III gun: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.46 to 0.52. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 3.5 to 4.

Hetzer •For 7,5 cm StuK 40 L/43 gun, reload time rounded to 9.2 s. •For 7,5 cm Pak 39 L/48 gun, reload time rounded to 9.2 s.

Pz.Kpfw. III •2 cm Flak 38 gun removed from the Tech Tree. •For 3,7 cm Kw.K. 36 L/46.5 gun on Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. F turret, dispersion upon firing changed from 0.46 to 0.36. •For 5 cm Kw.K. 38 L/42 gun on turret Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. F: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.48 to 0.38. •Reload time changed from 3.83 to 4.2 s.

•For 3,7 cm Kw.K. 36 L/46.5 gun on Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. L turret, dispersion upon firing changed from 0.46 to 0.36. •For 5 cm Kw.K. 38 L/42 gun on Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. L turret: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.48 to 0.38. •Reload time changed from 3.5 to 4.2 s.

•For 7,5 cm Kw.K. 37 L/24 gun on Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. L turret, reload time changed from 10.2 to 11.7 s.

Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) n.A. •For 3,7 cm Kw.K. 38 (t) L/47 gun on Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) Ausf. G turret: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.41 to 0.36. •Reload time changed from 3.52 to 2.9 s. •Aiming time changed from 1.7 to 1.5 s. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.0.

•For 3,7 cm Kw.K. 38 (t) L/47 gun on Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) n.A. turret: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.41 to 0.36. •Reload time changed from 3.52 to 2.8 s. •Aiming time changed from 1.7 to 1.5 s. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.0.

Durchbruchswagen 2 (DW2) •7,5 cm Kw.K. 40 L/43 gun upgraded from VK 30.01 (H) 0-Serie turret added to the Tech Tree. •For 5 cm Kw.K. 39 L/60 gun on D.W.-Versuchsturm turret: •Aiming time changed from 2.3 to 2 s. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.0.

•For 5 cm Kw.K. 39 L/60 gun on VK 30.01 (H) 0-Serie turret: •Aiming time changed from 2.3 to 2 s. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.0.

Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. D •For 5 cm Kw.K. 38 L/42 gun on Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. C turret: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.48 to 0.38. •Reload time changed from 3.52 to 4.2 s. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.0.

•For 5 cm Kw.K. 39 L/60 gun on Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. C turret, reload time changed from 3.52 to 3.8 s. •For 7,5 cm Kw.K. 37 L/24 gun on Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. C turret: •Reload time changed from 9.22 to 11.2 s. •Aiming time changed from 1.9 to 2.3 s. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.5.

•For 5 cm Kw.K. 38 L/42 gun on Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. D turret: •Dispersion upon firing changed from 0.48 to 0.38. •Reload time changed from 3.52 to 4.2 s. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.0.

•For 5 cm Kw.K. 39 L/60 gun on Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. D turret, reload time changed from 3.52 to 3.8 s. •For 7,5 cm Kw.K. 37 L/24 gun on Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. D turret: •Reload time changed from 9.22 to 11.2 s. •Aiming time changed from 1.9 to 2.3 s. •Dispersion ratio after firing changed from 4.0 to 3.5.

•For 7,5 cm Kw.K. 40 L/43 gun on Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. D turret, aiming time changed from 2.3 to 1.9 s.

Compensation for Players after Balance Updates

Soviet Vehicles

•If the 37 mm ZiS-19 gun was researched for the BT-2 tank, the player will receive 290 Free Experience as compensation. •If the 23 mm VJa gun was researched for the BT-7 tank, the player will receive 330 Free Experience as compensation. •If the 37 mm ZiS-19 gun was researched for the AT-1 tank, the player will receive 290 Free Experience as compensation. If the AT-1 Bis suspension was researched—the player will receive 590 Free Experience. •If the 37 mm ZiS-19 gun was researched for the T-26 tank, the player will receive 290 Free Experience as compensation. If the T-26 suspension was researched—the player will receive 230 Free Experience. •If the T-46-1 suspension was researched for the T-46 tank, the player will receive 510 Free Experience as compensation. •If the SU-76M suspension was researched for the SU-76, the player will receive 480 Free Experience as compensation.

German Vehicles

•If the 2 cm Kw.K. 30 gun was researched for the Pz.Kpfw. 35 (t), the player will receive 60 Free Experience as compensation. If the Pz.Kpfw. 35 (t) 35 (t) verstärkteketten suspension was researched—the player will receive 190 Free Experience. •If the Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) Ausf. G suspension was researched for the Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t), the player will receive 450 Free Experience as compensation. •If the Panzerjäger I verstärkteketten suspension was researched for the Panzerjäger I, the player will receive 170 Free Experience as compensation. •If the 2 cm Kw.K. 38 gun was researched for the Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. A, the player will receive 130 Free Experience as compensation. If the Maybach HL 120 TRM engine was researched—the player will receive 1,810 Free Experience; if the Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. B suspension was researched—the player will receive 560 Free Experience as compensation. •If the Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. B suspension was researched for the Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. A, the player will receive 510 Free Experience as compensation. •If the Marder II verstärkteketten suspension was researched for the Marder II, the player will receive 490 Free Experience as compensation. •If the 2 cm Flak 38 gun was researched for the Pz.Kpfw. III, the player will receive 290 Free Experience as compensation.

U.S.A. Vehicles

•If the Continental W-670 engine was researched for the T18, the player will receive 560 Free Experience as compensation. If the Continental R-975-C1 engine was researched—the player will receive 990 Free Experience; if the T18E2 suspension was researched—the player will receive 180 Free Experience. •If the T82T55E4 suspension was researched for the T82, the player will receive 510 Free Experience as compensation.

U.K. Vehicles

•If the Vickers Medium Mk. IIA suspension was researched for the Vickers Medium Mk. II, the player will receive 180 Free Experience as compensation. •If the Nuffield Liberty Mk. III engine was researched for the Cruiser Mk. III, the player will receive 1,980 Free Experience as compensation. If the Cruiser Mk. III* suspension was researched—the player will receive 190 Free Experience. •If the Universal Carrier Mk. II suspension was researched for the Universal Carrier 2-pdr, the player will receive 170 Free Experience as compensation. •If the Vickers Medium А6Е3 suspension was researched for the Vickers Medium Mk. III, the player will receive 530 Free Experience as compensation. •If the Cruiser Mk. IVA suspension was researched for the Cruiser Mk. IV, the player will receive 500 Free Experience as compensation. •If the Valentine AT Mk. II suspension was researched for the Valentine AT, the player will receive 600 Free Experience as compensation.

Balance Adjustments

FV215b (183) British Tier X Tank •Aiming speed reduced from 3.4 to 3 s. •Stabilization ratio on turret traverse changed from 0.4 to 0.2.

Type 59 •Reload time changed from 9 to 10 secs; •Aiming time changed from 2,3 to 2,5 sec; •Level of battles – XIII-IX.

Fixes & improvements

Garage and battle tutorials updated considering the introduction of the Japanese nation.

Due to the introduction of the Japanese nation, all players receive an additional slot; all players, who completed the Garage tutorial before the release of Update 2.4, receive a Tier I Japanese tank; all players, who joined the game after the release of Update 2.4, have one more slot by default.

Medals “Technical Engineer: Japan” and “Expert: Japan” added to the game.

Changes made to the missions: some conditions changed; a number of new missions based on the old ones introduced:

To complete the missions “Top Class” V–X and “Distinguished Contribution” V–X, your team now has to win.

To complete the mission “Reconnaissance” IV-X, you have to play on a medium tank. Players on Tier IV—VII vehicles will receive XP as a reward.

To complete the mission “Assault Tanker” IV—X, you have to play on a medium tank and destroy fewer enemies. The reward depends on the vehicle tier.

The button “Tank Details” in the main Garage window has been replaced with a ‘Record’ button that takes players to their Service Record. Service Record was removed from the side-bar menu.

When navigating to Vehicles, current vehicle in the Garage will display on the Service Record screen.

Positions of ‘Average Score per Battle’ and ‘Battle Efficiency’ sections have changed in the Service Record and Vehicles tab.

Game loading screen updated: now there’s also a Japanese vehicle.

Collision for the Panther/M10 improved.

Some WoT Blitz vehicles reworked

IS-4, IS-7, KV-1, Object 704, SU-85, T-26, T-34, T-54, T29, M10 Wolverine, M2 Light, M2 Medium Tank, M36 Jackson, M48A1 Patton, T82, Panzerjäger I, Tiger II, StuG III Ausf. G, VK 30.01 (H), VK 30.01 (P), BT-7, Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. A, M46 Patton, Durchbruchswagen 2.


Bug with scroll behavior when looking through the results of the clan by name search fixed.

Bug with incorrect processing of the ‘Cancel’ button when trying to download resources through a 3G connection fixed (Android DLC).

Quick command icons for “Negative!” made consistent throughout the whole game client.

Size of the Consumables/Equipment icon for the first slot fixed.

Incorrect working of the Mentor skill fixed: now the Tier VI crew receives the correct bonus (not the Tier V bonus, like it used to be).

Bug with incorrect navigation to a private message through a player’s Personal Record fixed.

Incorrect playback of the steam effect fixed.

Appearance of quick command icons fixed; their merging with the sky on some maps has been resolved.

Bug with the display of the enemy’s damaged module icons fixed.

For the GuP mission, bug that returned the previous cumulative missions when another mission was removed has been fixed (Asia region only).

Bugs with the incorrect display of fonts and symbols when choosing a clan language fixed.

Bug with the ‘Invite to Clan’ button fixed: its display was delayed.

For the T95, direction of rotation for the track rollers fixed.

Incorrect working when tapping the tooltip about adding friends in the clan chat fixed.

Mechanics of the medal count in the award counter on the Battle Results (Team) screen fixed.

Bug where the alarm sound is absent when capturing the base fixed.

Bug where the loading of the interface elements is delayed has been fixed.

Bug with client crash during the Garage tutorial fixed.

Bug with incorrect display of the brief descriptions of the Store goods fixed.

Bug with an error appearing when there’s not enough space to install the client fixed (Android DLC).

Bug affecting the placement of some figures related to medals in the battle results fixed.

Bug affecting the display of the equipment discounts fixed.

Notification and description texts fixed.

General errors and client crashes fixed.

Updated Clan Features

Auto-recruiting now has a feature that restricts the parameters depending on Clan’s characteristics.

Deputy Leads are now able to change positions of clan members.

TOP 3 players sorted by battles per day, victory ratio, and average damage will appear in the Clan Profile.

Clan recommendations for players, based on Auto-recruiting, have been added.

The set of standard emblems is extended in the Clan Profile.

Feature for sending applications to clans with 50 active members has been added. Auto-recruiting is also enabled.

Notification about viewing the Clan Profile after the clan is dismissed has been added.

Features for folding/unfolding sections from the list of contacts and for opening the player’s account by double tapping the name of the player in the contacts list have been added.

Clan’s list of languages reworked.

New Content

A new map, Canal. Set in a region of Northern Russia, it features unique weather conditions.

New medals for Rise of Continents added to the game.

Onigiri, a new consumable, added for Japanese vehicles.

Fixes & Improvements

The traditional version of the Rockfield map has been restored in the game.

Switching to the recommended skill has been added.

Achievements icon changed in the sidebar menu.

Some changes made to the missions: conditions fixed, rebalanced, and rewards increased for high-level missions: •For Ramming I–VI, you now have to survive the battle to complete the mission. •For Chase for Experience III–X and Top Performance X, you now have to earn more XP to complete the missions. •For Damage Machine VI–X, the amount of damage that players have to inflict was reduced. •For Gunner VI–X, the number of hits should now be at least 7 per battle (not 10, like it used to be). •For Lead Rain IX–X and Onslaught: U.S.S.R X, Onslaught: U.S.A. X, Onslaught: U.K. X, Onslaught: Germany X, Time to Win X, Military Academy: U.S.S.R. X, Military Academy: U.S.A. X, Military Academy: U.K. X, Military Academy: Germany X, Military Honor X, Challenge: Germany VIII–X, Challenge: U.S.S.R. VIII–X, Challenge: U.S.A. VIII–X, Challenge: U.K. VIII–X, the reward for completing the mission has been increased.

The missions: Give the Enemy No Chance I, Base Capture X, Base Capture: Series IV–X, and Mobility VII–X were removed from rotation:

Bug Fixes

Localizations of vehicle names and modules have been fixed in Chinese Simplified: now they are displayed in English, like in all other languages.

Bug that caused vehicles to get stuck on a destroyed monument on the map Castilla has been fixed.

Bug that saved extra spaces in the clan name and tag has been fixed.

Bug that caused battle result notifications to work incorrectly has been fixed.

Bug with the clan tag disappearing after conversion of lacking resources for its creation fixed.

Bug for pop-up news behavior has been fixed: it was constantly navigating to Premium Account, and not to an indicated bundle.

Bug with news disappearing after locking the device or closing the app has been fixed.

Bug with some vehicles breaking down on devices with tegra3 and tegra4 has been fixed (Android).

Bug that affected time parsing in the news and pop-ups has been fixed: now the time is received and interpreted as UTC.

Texts of notifications and descriptions have been fixed.

A number of general game client errors and crashes fixed.

New Content:

Clans Clans can now specify their primary language of communication Automatic recruitment is available for Clans that specify admission criteria. If applicants meet the criteria, they’ll be accepted automatically into the Clan. Players who don’t meet the requirements can still apply to join.

Chat Clan member lists have been added to the Clan chat feature. Volunteers will now appear in the general chat channel.

Vehicles Matilda IV Premium tank added to the tech tree.


A special Halloween-themed version of Rockfield will appear with Update 2.2. The Desert Sands map has been reworked with improvements to the city, desert and terrain. The map has also been moved from tiers I-II to tiers IV-X.

Release Notes;

*E-100 HP changed from 2400 to 2300 For 15 cm Kw.K. L/38 gun, reload time changed from 16.27 to 17.2 s.

*FV215b HP changed from 2200 to 2100.


For 155 mm AT Gun T7E2: Reload time changed from 15.89 to 15.4 s. Aiming time changed from 3.4 to 2.9 s. Dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.2 to 0.16.

*IS-7 HP changed from 1900 to 2050.

*Object 140 HP changed from 1750 to 1850. Damage from UBR-412PB shells changed from 300 to 310. Damage from ZUBK4M shells changed from 300 to 310.

*T62A HP changed from 1800 to 1900. Damage from UBR-412PB shells changed from 300 to 310. Damage from ZUBK4M shells changed from 300 to 310.

*Leopard Prototyp A HP when using with Leopard Prototyp A2 turret changed from 1450 to 1550. HP when using Porsche Standardpanzer turret changed from 1560 to 1650.

*VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B For VK 45.02(P) Ausf. B suspension, crossing capacity changed from 1.1-1.4-2.5 to 1.1-1.3-2.5 (parameters given for different types of terrain). For VK 45.02(P) Ausf. B verstärkteketten suspension, crossing capacity changed from 1.1-1.3-2.3 to 1.1-1.2-2.2 (parameters given for different types of terrain). Traverse speed changed from 19 to 20 deg/s; VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B Schwerer Turm turret:

For 8,8cm Kw.K. 43 L/71 gun, depression angle changed from 5 to 8 degrees, gun depression angle at frontal projection changed from 5 degrees to 5.5.

For 10,5cm Kw.K. L/52 gun, depression angle changed from 6 to 8 degrees, gun depression angle at frontal projection remained the same – 6.

For 10,5cm Kw.K. L/68 gun, depression angle changed from 7 to 8 degrees, gun depression angle at frontal projection changed from 7 degrees to 6.

For 12,8cm Kw.K. 44 L/55 gun, depression angle changed from 5 to 8 degrees, gun depression angle at frontal projection changed from 5 degrees to 5.5.

*IS-8 HP when using T-10 turret changed from 1550 to 1630. HP when using Т-10М turret changed from 1650 to 1730.

*ST-I Object 701-1 turret:

For 122mm D-25T gun, aiming time changed from 3.4 to 2.9 s.

For 122mm BL-9 gun, aiming time changed from 3.4 to 2.9 s. ST-I turret:

For 122mm D-25T gun, aiming time changed from 3.4 to 2.9 s.

For 122mm BL-9 gun, aiming time changed from 3.4 to 2.9 s.

For 122mm M62-T2 gun, aiming time changed from 3.4 to 2.9 s, dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.2 to 0.16.

*Löwe For Löwe suspension:

Crossing capacity changed: from 1.14-1.43-2.29 to 1.1-1.3-2 (parameters given for different types of terrain).

Traverse speed changed from 28 to 30 deg/s. Löwe turret traverse speed changed from 20 to 24 deg/s.

For 10,5cm Kw.K. L/70 gun, aiming time changed from 2.85 to 2.3 s.

*8,8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger For Jagdtiger 8,8 suspension:

• Crossing capacity changed: from 1-1.5-2.4 to 1-1.4-2 (parameters given for different types of terrain).

• Traverse speed changed from 22 to 24 deg/s.

*Snowstorm Jagdtiger 8,8 For Jagdtiger 8,8 suspension:

• Crossing capacity changed: from 1-1.5-2.4 to 1-1.4-2 (parameters given for different types of terrain).

• Traverse speed changed from 22 to 24 deg/s.

*Panther II For Panther II suspension, dispersion on the move or traverse changed from 0.15 to 0.14. For Panther II verstärkteketten II suspension, dispersion on the move or traverse changed from 0.13 to 0.12. For 8,8cm Kw.K. 43 L/71 gun, aiming time changed from 2.9 to 2.3 s.

*T-54 For 100mm D-54S gun, aiming time changed from 2.9 to 2.3 s, reload time changed from 7.62 to 7.85 s. Damage from UBR-412B shells changed from 300 to 310. Damage from ZUBK4 shells changed from 300 to 310. For 100mm D-10T2S gun, reload time changed from 7.25 to 7.5 s. Damage from UBR-412D shells changed from 300 to 310.

*Valentine II For 45mm 20KL gun, aiming time changed from 1.5 to 1.1 s. Dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.08 to 0.06. o Depression angle changed from 6 to 10.

Changes and Improvements:

  • Upgrade price changed for skill levels. Level VI added.
  • Fee introduced for changing Clan name. Cost: 1500.
  • Double-tapping a player’s name on the chat screen will redirect you to the player’s profile.
  • Single-tapping the player’s name on the chat screen will paste this name to the message input field.
  • Graphic representation of tips for characteristics in the Clan profile improved.
  • The PROFILE section of the sidebar menu renamed to ACCOUNT.
  • Some Missions rebalanced.


  • Fixed bug with incorrect sending of friend requests.
  • Fixed bug with players from a Clan chat channel unable to be included in the black list.
  • Fixed bug with incorrect keyboard behavior in the chat.
  • Fixed bug with the absence of an in-battle notification upon Mission completion.
  • Fixed bug with a notification of adding a blacklisted player to friends.
  • Fixed bug in effects of vehicles getting hit under water.
  • Fixed bug fixed with a device hanging up when exiting the game via a dialog box (Android).
  • Fixed bug with the patch being downloaded from the beginning in case of a lack of space on the device (Android).
  • Fixed In-game notification and description texts.
  • Fixed general game client errors and crashes.

New Content:

  • New clan functionality has been added: clan chat. The clan search process has become much easier: now upon opening the search screen you will see all recently created clans that are actively recruiting new members.
  • COMMUNITY tab has been added to the sidebar menu, allowing you quick access to WoT Blitz pages on social media.
  • In version 2.1 a new loading screen has been introduced.
  • The branch of British tank destroyers added to the TechTree: UC-2 pdr (II), Valentine AT (III), Alecto (IV), AT2 (V), AT8 (VI), AT7 (VII), AT15 (VIII), Tortoise (IX), FV215b 183 (X).

Balance Improvements:

  • Hetzer
    • For the 10,5 cm StuH 42 L/28 gun, reload speed increased from 12.9 to 16.5 s.
  • Cruiser Mk. III
    • For the 40 mm Pom-Pom gun:
      • Number of shells in a clip decreased from 4 to 3;
      • Clip reload time decreased from 12 to 9.3/9 s (stock/top turret).
  • Cruiser Mk. IV
    • For the 40 mm Pom-Pom gun, reload time increased from 8.25 to 10.5 s (for both turrets).
    • For the QF 40 mm Mk. VI Bofors gun, reload time increased from 8 to 8.5 s.
  • М8А1:
    • For the 75 mm AT Howitzer M3 gun, aiming time increased from 1.9 to 2.3 s.
    • For the 75 mm AT Gun M3 gun:
      • Reload time rounded from 9.989 to 10 s.
      • Dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.18 to 0.16.
    • For the 57 mm Gun M1:
      • Dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.18 to 0.1/0.08 (stock/top turret).
      • Gun dispersion after firing changed from 4 to 3.5.
    • For the 3-inch AT Gun M7:
      • Reload time rounded from 9.989 to 10 s.
      • Dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.16 to 0.22.
      • Aiming time increased from 1.7 to 1.9 s.
  • Т40:
    • For the 75 mm Howitzer M1A1 gun
      • Dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.18 to 0.16.
      • Aiming time increased from 1.7 to 2.3 s.
    • For the 3-inch AT Gun M191:
      • Reload time increased from 8.7 to 10.2 s.
      • Dispersion increased from 0.43 to 0.47.
    • For the 105 mm AT Howitzer M3
      • Reload time increased from 11.97 to 16.5.
      • Dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.08 to 0.16.
      • Aiming time increased from 1.7 to 2.3 s.
    • For the 57 mm Gun M1, gun dispersion after firing changed from 4 to 3
    • For the 76 mm AT Gun M1A1:
      • Reload time increased from 8.2 to 9 s.
      • Aiming time increased from 1.7 to 2.3 s.
      • Gun dispersion after firing changed from 4 to 3.5.
  • А-20:
    • For the 45 mm 20К gun, reload time decreased from 4.15 to 3.8/3.7 s (stock/top turret);
    • For the 37 mm ZiS-19 gun:
      • Reload time decreased from 4.15 to 2.9/2.85 s (stock/top turret).
      • Aiming time decreased from 1.9 to 1.5 s.
    • For the 37 mm Automatic SH-37 gun
      • Dispersion decreased from 0.45 to 0.43.
      • Number of shells in the autoloader increased to 6.
      • Autoloader reload time increased from 6.3 to 8. 6/8.4 s (stock/top turret).
      • Aiming time decreased from 2.3 to 1.7 s.
      • For UBR-160 bis shells, penetration increased from 46/28 to 56/45 mm.
      • For UBR-160PA shells, penetration increased from 62/25 to 97/75 mm.
    • For the 76 mm L-11 gun:
      • Reload time decreased from 14.4 to 11.2 s.
      • Aiming time decreased from 2.5 to 2.3 s.
    • For the 45 mm VT-42 gun:
      • Reload time decreased from 3.5 to 3 s.
      • Aiming time decreased from 1.9 to 1.3 s.
      • Gun dispersion after firing changed from 3.5 to 3.
  • Т-46:
    • For the 37 mm Automatic SH-37 gun:
      • Dispersion decreased from 0.45 to 0.43.
      • Number of shells in the autoloader increased to 6.
      • Autoloader reload time increased from 6.9 to 10.2 s.
      • Dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.14 to 0.12.
      • Aiming time decreased from 2.3 to 1.9 s.
      • For UBR-160 bis shells, penetration increased from 46/28 to 56/45 mm.
      • For UBR-160PA shells, penetration increased from 62/25 to 97/75 mm.
  • E 25 “#1”:
    • For the 7,5 cm Pak 42 L/70 gun, reload time changed from 4.5 to 3.8 s.
  • Changes in penetration rates:
    • For the 105 mm AT M4 gun, HE shell penetration changed to 30 mm.
    • Rebalanced damage from AP and HEAT shells, HE shell penetration rate for howitzers, as well as HE shell penetration rate for medium- and small- caliber guns (except for 12-23 mm machine guns).
    • Total penetration rate for all nations depending on HE shell caliber:
      • Caliber 37 mm: penetration 9-10 mm
      • Caliber 40-47 mm (2pdr): penetration 12 mm
      • Caliber 57 mm (6pdr): penetration15 mm.
      • Caliber 75-77 mm (17pdr): penetration 20 mm.

Changes and Improvements:

  • Mission distribution algorithm improved: now it considers player’s highest vehicle tier and most frequently used vehicles.
    • Settings descriptions reworked and improved.
    • Loading image for Port Bay map changed.
    • Visual reworks made for clan screens.
    • Tooltips on clan characteristics added to profile screen.
    • Part of missions for tiers I–III either removed from rotation or their conditions simplified.


  • Bug with navigation from player’s profile screen to chat screen fixed: now chat with chosen player displays immediately; no searching needed.
  • Bug with excessive memory consumption fixed.
  • Order separator replaced with space in UI.
  • Bug with incorrect time display for X2 multiplier and missions fixed for Android.
  • Bug with medal layout fixed in player profiles.
  • Bug with joystick highlighting and location in tutorial fixed.
  • Problems with memory leakage resolved.
  • Problem with absence of message history resolved in the general chat channel.
  • Bug with the BT-2 upgrade fixed.
  • Bug with reticle displacement when using the lookout area fixed.
  • Bug with absence of banned player’s nickname when banned by moderator fixed.
  • Text for notifications and descriptions fixed.
  • General bugs and client crashes fixed.

New Content

  • In version 2.0 the Clans feature is introduced. The first iteration of the clan functionality allows for clan creating and editing, searching for and viewing clan profiles, and receiving clan notifications.
  • Oasis Palms map has been updated with reworked flora and terrain, improved effects, and some other minor fixes and improvements.
  • Rockfield map has changed with partially removed flora, reworked terrain, and updated sounds.
  • Game settings have been completely reworked. Graphic settings customization option has been added.

Balance Improvements

  • Panther/M10:
    • For Panther/M10 suspension, dispersion whilst moving or traversing changed from 0.19 to 0.13.
    • For 7,5 cm Kw.K. 42 L/70 gun, dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.12 to 0.06.
  • Pz.Kpfw. IV hydrostat.:
    • For the suspension, dispersion whilst moving or traversing changed from 0.18 to 0.15.
    • For 7,5 cm Kw.K. 40 L/48 gun, dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.16 to 0.08.
  • Т-25:
    • For Т-25 suspension, dispersion whilst moving or traversing changed from 0.25 to 0.15.
    • For 7,5 cm Škoda A18 gun, dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.16 to 0.1.
    • Aiming time changed from 2.5 to 2.1 s.
  • M4A3E8 Fury:
    • For the suspension, dispersion whilst moving or traversing changed from 0.19 to 0.14.
    • For 76 mm Gun M1A2, dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.12 to 0.06.
  • M4A2E4 Sherman:
    • For the suspension, dispersion whilst moving or traversing changed from 0.24 to 0.12.
    • For 75 mm Gun M3, dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.16 to 0.06.
  • Ram II:
    • For the suspension, dispersion whilst moving or traversing changed from 0.25 to 0.12.
    • For QF 6-pdr Mk. IIIA gun, dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.08 to 0.06.
  • Valentine II:
    • Turret traverse speed changed from 35 to 40 deg/s.
    • For 45 mm 20K(l) gun, reload time changed from 4.1 to 3.5 s.
    • Aiming time changed from 1.71 to 1.5 s.
  • Object 140:
    • HP changed from 1900 to 1750.
    • View range increased from 250 to 260m.
    • For 100 mm U-8TS gun:
      • Reload time decreased from 6.6 to 6.15 s.
      • Dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.1 to 0.05.
      • Aiming time decreased from 2.1 to 2 s.
      • Gun dispersion after firing changed from 4 to 3.5.

Changes and Improvements

  • Vehicle burning effect improved for low-quality settings.
  • Clan tooltips added to the list of tooltips displayed on the battle loading screen.
  • Separate update timer implemented for missions.
  • Indicator of friends in chat “online” is now displayed correctly


  • Bug with DLC decompression on Android devices fixed.
  • Bug with awards given twice for one-time specials fixed.
  • Bug with the Tutor skill affecting crew XP accrual for completed missions fixed.
  • Bug with accidental upgrade of crew XP fixed.
  • Bug with accrual of additional crew XP after purchasing a special fixed.
  • Bug with the absence of smoke from the KV-1 exhaust pipe fixed.
  • Big with incorrect display of player names on the battle loading screen of the Castilla map fixed.
  • In-game notification and description texts fixed.
  • General game client errors and crashes fixed.

New Content and Features:

  • The following vehicles introduced to the game: M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo (VI) added to the USA Tech Tree. KV-2 (VI), KV-13 (VII) and Object 140 (X) added to the U.S.S.R Tech Tree.
  • Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. A (III), Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. D (IV) and Jagdpanther II (VIII) added to the German Tech Tree. Churchill GC (VI) added to the British Tech Tree.
  • In battle interface changes – while battling you will now see the Settings button instead of the Menu button while your tank is still active. Then, when your vehicle is destroyed, you will be able to leave the battle by tapping the button at the bottom of the screen.
  • In-battle notification upon completing a mission added.
  • Ability to change language in the client added.

Vehicle Balance Improvements:


  • For T84E1 suspension, dispersion on the move or traverse changed from 0.24 to 0.27.
  • For T84E3 suspension, dispersion on the move or traverse changed from 0.22 to 0.25.
  • For T123 turret:
    • Traverse speed changed from 18 to 14 deg/s.
    • or 105 mm Gun T5E1 gun, aiming time changed from 2.3 to 2.7 s; dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.18 to 0.26.
  • For  T136 turret:
    • Traverse speed changed from 18 to 14 deg/s.
    • For 105 mm Gun T5E1 gun, reload speed changed from 10.98 to 12 s; dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.18 to 0.24.
  • Reload speed was rounded to the nearest number for all guns.


  • For KV-3 suspension, dispersion on the move or traverse changed from 0.25 to 0.29.
  • For KV-3 Bis suspension, dispersion on the move or traverse changed from 0.23 to 0.27.
  • For KV-3 turret:
    • For 100 mm D-10T gun, reload speed changed from 10.61 to 9 s.
    • For 122 mm D2-5T gun, reload speed changed from 15.72 to 17 s.
    • For 122 mm D2-5T gun, dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.16 to 0.2.
    • For 122 mm D-25T gun, reload speed changed from 12.68 to 15 s.
    • For 122 mm D-25T gun, dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.16 to 0.2.
  • Reload speed was rounded to the nearest number for all guns.


  • Reversing speed limit changed from 14 to 12 km/h;
  • For IS-1 suspension, traverse speed changed from 27 to 24 deg/s; dispersion on the move or traverse changed from 0.23 to 0.26.
  • For IS-2M suspension, traverse speed changed from 29 to 26 deg/s; dispersion on the move or traverse changed from 0.21 to 0.24.
  • For IS-122 turret:
    • For 100 mm D-10T gun, reload speed changed from 9.8 to 9 s.
    • For 122 mm D2-5T gun, reload speed changed from 15.17 to 17 s; dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.16 to 0.2.
    • For 122 mm D-25T gun, reload speed changed from 12.68 to 15 s; dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.16 to 0.2.
  • Reload speed was rounded to the nearest number for all guns.


  • HP increased from 530 to 650.
  • For 76 mm S-54S gun, reload speed decreased from 7.84 to 6.2 s.
  • For 85 mm D-5S gun, reload speed decreased from 7.67 to 7.2 s.
  • For 122 mm M-30S gun, reload speed increased from 14.65 to 20 s.
  • For 85 mm D-5S-85BM gun, reload speed decreased from 9.0 to 6.8 s.


  • HP increased from 570 to 670.
  • For 85 mm D-5S-85A gun, reload speed decreased from 7.67 to 6.8 s.

М36 Jackson

  • HP for stock/top modifications increased from 700/750 to 780/850 correspondently.
  • For 90mm_AT_Gun_M3 gun, reload time decreased:
    • For M36T74 turret: from 9.15 to 8.7 s;
    • For M36T78 turret: from 9.15 to 8.5 s.

М18 Hellcat

  • HP for stock/top modifications increased from 680/720 to 720/800 correspondently.
  • For 90 mm AT Gun M3 gun, reload speed decreased from 12.16 to 8.5 s. on M18 M1 turret.

Dicker Max

  • HP increased from 750 to 900.

Jagdpanzer IV

  • HP increased from 740 to 850.
  • For 7,5 cm Pak 39 L/48 gun, reload speed decreased from 6.38 to 5.4 s.
  • For 7,5 cm Pak 42 L/70 gun, reload speed decreased from 5.3 to 4.7 s.
  • For 8,8 cm Pak L/56 gun, reload speed decreased from 6.2 to 5.7 s.
  • For 10,5 cm Stu.H. 42 L/28 gun, reload speed increased from 8.27 to 12 s.

Changes to Penetration Values for Certain Guns on Tier V–VII Vehicles

  • For 8,8 cm Pak L/56 gun, shell penetration increased:
    • for 88mm_Pzgr.39 shell: from 132/117 to 145/130 mm
    • for 88mm_Pzgr.40 shell: from 171/156 to 195/170 mm
  • For 8,8 cm Kw.K. 36 L/56 gun, shell penetration increased:
    • for 88mm_Pzgr.39 shell: from 132/117 to 145/130 mm
    • for 88mm_Pzgr.40 shell: from 171/156 to 195/170 mm.
  • For 45 mm VT-42 gun, penetration of UBR-243SPA shell changed from 95 to 110 mm.
  • For 76 mm F-32 gun, penetration of BP-350A shell changed from 100 to 75 mm.
  • For 76 mm KT-28 gun, penetration of BP-350A shell changed from 100 to 75 mm.
  • For 76 mm L-10 gun, penetration of BP-350A shell changed from 100 to 75 mm.

Other Changes and Improvements:

  • Notification upon completing certain cumulative missions that are unaffected by the battle outcome will now appear during battle.
  • Quality of in-game effects for iPad Air, iPad Minis with Retina displays, iPhone 5, and iPhone 5S restored to Medium.
  • Added a set of Mission with Gold as a reward:
    • Art of War V (Reward 95 gold)
      • Receive an Ace Tanker Mastery Badge while driving a Tier V vehicle.
    • Art of War VI (Reward 95 gold)
      • Receive an Ace Tanker Mastery Badge while driving a Tier VI vehicle.
    • Art of War VII (Reward 95 gold)
      • Receive an Ace Tanker Mastery Badge while driving a Tier VII vehicle.
    • Art of War VIII (Reward 145 gold)
      • Receive an Ace Tanker Mastery Badge while driving a Tier VIII vehicle.
    • Art of War IX (Reward 175 gold)
      • Receive an Ace Tanker Mastery Badge while driving a Tier IX vehicle.
    • Art of War X (Reward 195 gold)
      • Receive an Ace Tanker Mastery Badge while driving a Tier X vehicle.

Bug Fixes: 

  • Bug with the incorrect functioning of “elite” vehicle markers fixed.
  • Issue with camera sensitivity and stick response for Nvidia devices fixed.
  • Bug with the appearance of drowned tank modules fixed.
  • Bug with FPS (frames-per-second) drop on Android 5 for Nexus 7 and Nexus 4 fixed.
  • Bug with the Cancel button when creating a Platoon fixed.
  • Bug with the “Close Combat Master” skill fixed.
  • Bug with different penetration damage caused by shells with identical names fixed.
  • In-game notification and description texts improved.
  • General game client errors and crashes fixed.

New Content

  • New map Port Bay introduced: a map with varied terrain in North American.
  • New feature that allows resetting crew skills is added: now players will be able to redistribute earned crew experience.
  • Option to mark all news as read on the News tab added.
  • New type of equipment introduced: Automatic Fire Extinguisher (replaces Manual Fire Extinguisher).

Balance Improvements


  • HP increased from 920 to 1050.
  • For 8.8cm Pak L/56 gun, reload speed decreased from 5.4 to 5.2s.
  • For 8.8cm Pak 43 L/71 gun, reload speed decreased from 5.54 to 5.2s; aiming speed decreased from 2.3 to 1.7 s.
  • View range extended to 250 m.

T25 AT:

  • HP increased from 890 to 980.
  • For 90mm AT Gun T15E2 gun, reload speed decreased from 6.7 to 5.7s.
  • For 105mm AT Gun T5E1 gun, reload speed decreased from 8.7 to 8s.


  • HP increased from 850/900 (stock/top modification) to 970/1020 (stock/top modification).
  • For 90mm AT Gun M3 gun, reload speed decreased from 7.16 to 6.8s.
  • For 90mm AT Gun T15E2 gun, reload speed decreased from 7.16 to 5.7s.


  • For 90mm AT Gun T15E2 gun, reload speed decreased from 6.4 to 5.7s.

T28 Prototype:

  • For 90mm AT Gun T15E2 gun, reload speed decreased from 6.97 to 5.7s.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Skills interface reworked:
  1. On reaching 100% mastery on a certain vehicle the player will receive a special notification.
  2. Skill description section will now include additional information on the current skill progress, current tier upgrade, and the amount of experience required for the further upgrade.
  3. Images of vehicles added to the buttons that lead to the vehicle skill training screen.
  • Platoon creation system reworked; a limitation on entering a Platoon game introduced when the vehicles differ by more than one tier.
  • Conditions of some missions reworked; rewards raised. Bugs in reward issuing fixed.
  • Arabic voiceovers reworked: radio effect reduced; speech intelligibility improved (AR).
  • Icons to cycle between viewing other vehicles, after the player was destroyed in battle, reworked.
  • Destroying the vehicle when all crew members are injured disabled: now in such case the player will be able to continue the battle until his HP reaches zero.
  • Possibility to enter more experience than the player has on the skill training screen added: in this case, the player will get the following notification: “Not enough Free Experience”.

Bug Fixes

  • Bug with incorrect display of one-time offers for Premium account purchase fixed.
  • Battle loading screen improved: more space for vehicle names added.
  • Client crashes that occurred during platoon creation fixed.
  • Bug with disappearing in-game chat messages fixed.
  • Bug with players unable to browse chat contact list while waiting in the pre-battle queue fixed.
  • Bug with incorrect calculation of crew experience bonus fixed.
  • Bug with incorrect functioning of message counter on the chat icon fixed.
  • In-game notification and description texts reworked and improved.
  • A number of general game client errors and crashes fixed.

New Content

  • Interface tutorial reworked: a new section on bonus experience added.
  • Battle results screens updated: a more detailed and handy view of results introduced.
  • In-game bonus-code input for Android users introduced.
  • A new line added to the start screen—tap it to open up the EULA screen.
  • Profitability adjustment carried out for Tier II–VII vehicles.
  • The second technical branch of German medium tanks added to Tech Tree: Pz III (IV), Pz III/IV (V), VK 30.01 D (VI), VK 30.02 D (VII), Indien-Pz (VIII), Leopard PT A (IX), Leopard 1 (X).
  • The TOG II, Tetrarch, and Pz S35 will be available in Tech Tree (price in gold: TOG II – 3100, Tetrarch – 700, Pz S35 – 1200).

Balance Improvements


  • For 12.8 cm Kw.K. 44 L/55 gun, reload speed changed from 13.23 to 13 s.


  • For 12.8 cm Kw.K. 44 L/55 gun, reload speed changed from 13.78 to 13 s.


  • Traverse speed for Löwe suspension increased from 24 to 28 deg/s.
  • For 10.5 cm Kw.K. L/70 gun, reload speed changed from 12 to 11 s.
  • Aiming time rounded to 2.85 s.

Tiger II:

  • For 10.5 cm Kw.K. L/68 gun, reload time changed:
-For Tiger II Turm Nr. 1-50 turret: from 12.13 to 11.5 s.
-For Tiger II Serienturm turret: from 10.98 to 10.5 s.

VK 45.02(P) Ausf. B:

  • For VK 45.02(P) Ausf. B suspension, terrain resistance changed from 1.1 / 1.7 / 3 to 1.1 / 1.4 / 2.5. (for 3 types of terrain)
  • For VK 45.02(P) Ausf. B verstärkteketten suspension, terrain resistance changed from 1.1 / 1.5 / 2.5 to 1.1 / 1.3 / 2.3. (for 3 types of terrain)


  • For FV214 suspension, dispersion on the move or traverse changed from 0.14 to 0.19.
  • For FV214A suspension, dispersion on the move or traverse changed from 0.12 to 0.17.


  • For FV215 suspension, dispersion on the move or traverse changed from 0.1 to 0.15.
  • For 120 mm Gun L1A1 gun, dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.08 to 0.12.

Centurion I:

  • For Centurion Mk. 7 suspension, dispersion on the move or traverse changed from 0.17 to 0.14.
  • For Centurion Mk. 9 suspension, dispersion on the move or traverse changed from 0.15 to 0.12.
  • For Centurion Mk. 9 turret, dispersion on turret traverse for 105 mm Royal Ordnance L7A1 changed from 0.18 to 0.14.

T26E4 SuperPershing:

  • For М26Т80Е1 suspension, dispersion on the move or traverse changed from 0.24 to 0.2.
  • For 90 mm Gun T15E1 gun, reload speed changed from 7.622 to 7.2 s.
  • For 90 mm Gun T15E1 gun, dispersion on the move or traverse changed from 0.16 to 0.12.


  • For IS-3 suspension, dispersion on the move or traverse changed from 0.23 to 0.27.
  • For IS-3M suspension, dispersion on the move or traverse changed from 0.21 to 0.25.
  • For Kirovets-1 turret:
-For 122 mm BL-9 gun, reload speed changed from 13.72 to 15 s.
-For 122 mm BL-9 gun, dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.08 to 0.18
  • For IS-3 turret:
-For 122 mm BL-9 gun, reload speed changed from 13.72 to 14.5 s.
-For 122 mm BL-9 gun, dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.08 to 0.16.


  • For IS-4 suspension, terrain resistance changed from 1.2 / 1.5 / 2.7 to 1.1 / 1.4 / 2.5. (for 3 types of terrain)
  • For IS-4 suspension, traverse speed changed from 21 to 25 deg/s.
  • For IS-4 suspension, dispersion on the move or traverse changed from 0.25 to 0.2.


  • For IS-7 suspension, terrain resistance changed from 1.3 / 1.5 / 3.1 to 1.2 / 1.5 / 2.4. (for 3 types of terrain)
  • For IS-7 suspension, traverse speed changed from 20 to 25 deg/s.
  • For IS-7 suspension, dispersion on the move or traverse changed from 0.25 to 0.2.


  • For T-10 suspension, dispersion on the move or traverse changed from 0.23 to 0.17.
  • For T-10M suspension, dispersion on the move or traverse changed from 0.21 to 0.15.


  • For KV-4 suspension, dispersion on the move or traverse changed from 0.25 to 0.27.
  • For KV-4 Bis suspension, dispersion on the move or traverse changed from 0.23 to 0.25.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Bombardier achievement excluded from the list of awards: players will no longer be able to get this achievement. Players who have already received this award will retain it in the Commemorative Tokens list.
  • Mission descriptions corrected and improved.
  • Offensive words vocabulary filter improved.
  • Skill interface improved.
  • Map translations updated.
  • Automatic calculation of free experience required to accelerate skill training added.
  • WoT Blitz Beta tester medal added to Google Achievements.

Bug Fixes

  • Bug with incorrect numeric parameters display in skill descriptions fixed.
  • Bug with incorrect functioning of “elite” vehicles markers fixed.
  • Bug with absence of UI elements names on the battle screen fixed.
  • Bug with graphics on slot purchase screen fixed.
  • Bug with battle tutorial start fixed.
  • Bug with excessive level of a sound accompanying enemy detection fixed.
  • Bug with incorrect values display during vehicle speed characteristics comparison fixed.
  • Bugs with sounds accompanying object destruction fixed.
  • Bugs with absence of reflections on the Lost Temple map fixed.
  • In-game notification and description texts fixed.
  • A number of general game client errors and crashes fixed.

New Content

  • Registration procedure reworked and improved: Players can install the game, complete the tutorial and start playing immediately without registration. In addition, players may register later by completing their profile data.
  • Comprehensive changes to the tutorial and familiarization processes introduced: Garage tutorial simplified and improved: Important game features can easily be understood; new options such as selecting a tank before the tutorial added, etc.
  • Battle tutorial functionality reworked.
  • Battle with bots feature introduced.
  • Hints on the battle loading screen introduced: In-game features and mechanics are explained with more detail.
  • Battle missions introduced: Players will receive various tasks and will be granted additional rewards for their completion.
  • Trial by Fire map added. It is developed specially for new players and characterized by clear sunny weather and absence of drastic variations in terrain height.
  • New Premium vehicles are now available in the Tech Tree: Churchill III and Jagdtiger 8,8 (Churchill III: 2,400 gold; Jagdtiger 8,8: 7,400 gold).

Balance Improvements

  • Vickers Medium Mk. I: maneuverability adjusted
    • Traverse speed for Vickers Medium Mk. IA* suspension increased from 32 to 35 deg/s
  • AT-1: Hit Points increased from 190 to 230
  • Panzerjäger I: Hit Points increased from 180 to 220
  • Hetzer: Issue with excessive maneuverability fixed
    • Traverse speed for Jagdpanzer 38 (t) suspension decreased from 28 to 21 deg/s
    • Traverse speed for Jagdpanzer 38 (t) verstärkteketten suspension decreased from 30 to 23 deg/s
  • A-20: gun stabilization on the move improved
    • Stabilization on the move for A-20 mod. 1938 suspension changed from 0.2 to 0.18
    • Stabilization on the move for A-20 mod. 1940 suspension changed from 0.16 to 0.14
  • T-28: firing on the move became more comfortable, top gun role increased
    • Stabilization on the move for suspension changed from 0.2 to 0.18
    • Stabilization on the move for Т-28А suspension changed from 0.18 to 0.15
    • For 76 mm KT-28 gun dispersion after firing changed from 0.6 to 0.52, dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.18/0.16 to 0.14/0.12 (for stock/top modifications)
    • For 57 mm ZiS-8 gun dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.18/0.16 to 0.12/0.1 (for stock/top modifications)
    • For 76 mm L-10 gun dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.18/0.16 to 0.12/0.1 (for stock/top modifications)
    • For 76 mm F-32 gun reload speed changed from 9.2 to 7.9 s, dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.18/0.16 to 0.12/0.1 (for stock/top modifications)
    • For 57 mm ZiS-4 gun dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.18/0.16 to 0.12/0.1 (for stock/top modifications)
  • D.W. 2: Hit Points adjusted, firing on the move became more comfortable
    • Hit Points of the stock/top modifications of the tank increased from 510/560 to 540/600
    • For 7,5 cm Kw.K. 37 L/24 gun dispersion decreased from 0.55 to 0.45, dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.16/0.14 to 0.14/0.12 (for stock/top modifications), after shot dispersion factor changed from 4 to 3.5
    • For 5 cm Kw.K. 39 L/60 gun dispersion decreased from 0.4 to 0.35, dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.16/0.14 to 0.12/0.08 (for stock/top modifications), after shot dispersion factor changed from 4 to 3
  • Pz. 38 nA: Hit Points adjusted, firing on the move became more comfortable
    • Stabilization on the move for Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) n.A. suspension changed from 0.18 to 0.15
    • Stabilization on the move for Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) n.A. verstärkteketten suspension changed from 0.16 to 0.13
    • For 3,7 cm Kw.K. 38 (t) L/47 gun dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.16 to 0.1/0.08 (for stock/top modifications)
    • For 4,7 cm Kw.K. (t) L/43 gun dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.12 to 0.08
    • For 5 cm Kw.K. 39 L/60 gun dispersion decreased from 0.4 to 0.35, dispersion on turret traverse changed from 0.12 to 0.06, aiming time decreased from 2.3 to 1.8 s, after shot dispersion factor changed from 4 to 3
  • VK 30.01 (H): low tier turrets adjusted
    • For 7,5 cm Kw.K. 37 L/24 gun dispersion decreased from 0.55 to 0.45, after shot dispersion factor changed from 4 to 3.5
    • For 5 cm Kw.K. 39 L/60 gun dispersion decreased from 0.4 to 0.35, after shot dispersion factor changed from 4 to 3

Fixes and Improvements

  • Current graphic icons restyled.
  • Offensive words vocabulary filter updated.
  • Game chat entry field reworked.
  • X2 counter in the Garage reworked.
  • Vehicle burning effect reworked.
  • Effects of shells hitting the vehicle reworked.
  • Time break between the explosion and burning of the destroyed vehicle reduced.
  • Skill descriptions reworked and updated.
  • Region’s proposal on the player’s time zone implemented.

Bug Fixes

  • Bug with Google payments failure fixed.
  • Bug with hang-up in the battle loading window fixed.
  • Bug with absence of notification on the X2 counter reset fixed.
  • Bug with the display of strings in the post-battle statistics window fixed.
  • Bug with the camera sensitivity slider fixed.
  • Bug with awarding Ace Tanker Mastery Badge fixed.
  • Bug with Premium Account notification fixed.
  • The Castilla map sound and animation effects fixed.
  • Bug with reticle functioning at the mill on the Winter Malinovka map fixed.
  • Bug with object hit effect fixed.

New Content

  • Second branch of U.S. tank destroyers added to the Tech Tree: М8А1 (Tier IV), T49 (Tier V), Hellcat (Tier VI), T25/2 (Tier VII), T28 Prototype (Tier VIII), T30 (Tier IX), T110E4 (Tier X).
  • New Premium vehicle now available in the Tech Tree: Pz.Kpfw. S35 739(f) (Tier III)

Improvements to Game Balance

Medium and Light Tanks Rebalanced

  • T-34
    • For T-34 mod. 1941 suspension:
      • traverse speed changed from 37 to 43 deg/s
      • dispersion while moving or traversing changed from 0.28 to 0.15
    • For T-34 mod. 1943 suspension:
      • traverse speed changed from 40 to 46 deg/s
      • dispersion while moving or traversing changed from 0.25 to 0.13
    • Gun dispersion on T-34 mod. 1940 during turret traverse changed:
      • for 76 mm L-11: from 0.12 to 0.1
      • for 76 mm F-34: from 0.16 to 0.12
      • for 57 mm ZiS-4: from 0.16 to 0.08
    • Gun dispersion on T-34 mod. 1942 during turret traverse changed:
      • for the 76 mm L-11: from 0.12 to 0.07
      • for 76 mm F-34: from 0.16 to 0.07
      • for 57 mm ZiS-4: from 0.16 to 0.06
      • for 76 mm S-54: from 0.16 to 0.06
  • T-34-85
    • For T-34-85 suspension:
      • traverse speed changed from 36 to 41 deg/s
      • dispersion while moving or traversing changed from 0.24 to 0.14
    • For T-34-85-60 chassis:
      • traverse speed changed from 38 to 44 deg/s
      • dispersion while moving or traversing changed from 0.22 to 0.12
    • Gun dispersion of the T-34-85 turret changed:
      • for 76 mm S-54: from 0.16 to 0.1
      • for 85 mm ZiS S-53: from 0.16 to 0.1
      • for 122 mm U-11: from 0.16 to 0.25
    • Gun dispersion during traverse of the T-34-85 extended turret changed:
      • for 76 mm S-54: from 0.14 to 0.07
      • for 85 mm ZiS S-53: from 0.14 to 0.07
      • for 85 mm D5T-85BM: from 0.14 to 0.07
      • for 122 mm U-11: from 0.14 to 0.24
  • T-43
    • For T-43 suspension:
      • traverse speed changed from 39 to 45 deg/s
      • dispersion while moving or traversing changed from 0.24 to 0.14
    • For T-43 mod. 1943 suspension:
      • traverse speed changed from 42 to 48 deg/s
      • dispersion while moving or traversing changed from 0.22 to 0.12
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the  T-43 mod. 1942 turret changed:
      • for 85 mm ZiS S-53: from 0.16 to 0.08
      • for 122 mm U-11: from 0.16 to 0.22
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the T-43 mod. 1943 turret changed:
      • for 85 mm ZiS S-53: from 0.14 to 0.06
      • for 122 mm U-11: from 0.14 to 0.22
      • for 85 mm D5T-85BM: from 0.14 to 0.06
  • T-44
    • For T-44 suspension:
      • traverse speed changed from 42 to 45 deg/s
      • dispersion while moving or traversing changed from 0.22 to 0.14
    • For T-44M suspension:
      • traverse speed changed from 44 to 47 deg/s
      • dispersion while moving or traversing changed from 0.2 to 0.12
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the T-44 turret changed:
      • for 85 mm ZiS S-53: from 0.16 to 0.08
      • for 85 mm D5T-85BM: from 0.16 to 0.08
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the T-44-100 turret changed:
      • for 85 mm ZiS S-53: from 0.16 to 0.06
      • for 85 mm D5T-85BM: from 0.16 to 0.06
      • for 100 mm LB-1: from 0.14 to 0.06
  • T-54
    • Dispersion while moving or traversing for T-54 mod. 1946 suspension changed from 0.16 to 0.13
    • For T-54 mod. 1949 suspension:
      • dispersion while moving or traversing changed from 0.16 to 0.11
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the T-54 mod. 1946 turret changed:
      • for 100 mm D10T mod. 1945: from 0.16 to 0.07
      • for 100 mm LB-1: from 0.16 to 0.07
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the T-54 mod. 1949 turret changed:
      • for 100 mm D10T mod. 1945: from 0.14 to 0.05
      • for 100 mm LB-1: from 0.14 to 0.05
      • for 100 mm D-10T2C: from 0.12 to 0.1
      • for 100 mm D-54: from 0.16 to 0.05
  • T-62A
    • Dispersion during traverse for the T-62A turret for the 100 mm U-8TS gun changed from 0.08 to 0.05
  • M4 Sherman
    • Dispersion while moving or traversing for T-41 suspension changed from 0.26 to 0.14
    • Dispersion while moving or traversing for T-42 suspension changed from 0.24 to 0.12
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the D51066 turret changed:
      • for 75 mm Gun M3: from 0.16 to 0.08
      • for 105 mm M4: from 0.16 to 0.26
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the D51072 turret changed:
      • for 75 mm Gun M3: from 0.16 to 0.08
      • for 105 mm M4: from 0.16 to 0.25
      • for 76 mm Gun M1A1: from 0.16 to 0.06
    • Aiming time of 105 mm M4 gun changed:
      • for D51066 turret: from 2.3 to 2.5 s
      • for D51072 turret: from 2.3 to 2.5 s
  • M4A3E8
    • Dispersion while moving or traversing for NVSS T66 suspension changed from 0.23 to 0.14
    • Dispersion while moving or traversing for NVSS T80 suspension changed from 0.19 to 0.12
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the D51072 turret changed:
      • for 75 mm Gun M3: from 0.16 to 0.08
      • for 105 mm M4: from 0.16 to 0.24
      • for 76 mm Gun M1A1: from 0.16 to 0.08
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the D51080 turret changed:
      • for 75 mm Gun M3: from 0.12 to 0.06
      • for 105 mm M4: from 0.12 to 0.24
      • for 76 mm Gun M1A1: from 0.12 to 0.06
      • for 76 mm Gun M1A2: from 0.12 to 0.06
    • Aiming time of 105 mm M4 gun in D51072 and D51080 turrets changed from 2.3 s to 2.5 s
  • T20
    • For HVSS T48 suspension:
      • traverse speed changed from 37 to 41 deg/s
      • dispersion while moving or traversing changed from 0.24 to 0.14
    • For HVSS T51 suspension:
      • traverse speed changed from 37 to 43 deg/s
      • dispersion while moving or traversing changed from 0.2 to 0.12
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the T20D1 turret changed:
      • for 76 mm Gun M1A1: from 0.12 to 0.08
      • for 76 mm Gun M1A2: from 0.12 to 0.08
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the T20D2 turret changed:
      • for 76 mm Gun M1A1: from 0.12 to 0.06
      • for 76 mm Gun M1A2: from 0.12 to 0.06
      • for 105 mm M4: from 0.12 to 0.22
      • for 90 mm Gun M3: from 0.12 to 0.08
    • Aiming time of 105 mm M4 gun in T20D2 turret changed from 2.3 s to 2.5 s
  • Pershing
    • For M26T80E1 suspension:
      • traverse speed changed from 36 to 38 deg/s
      • dispersion while moving or traversing changed from 0.2 to 0.14
    • For M26T81 suspension:
      • traverse speed changed from 37 to 41 deg/s
      • dispersion while moving or traversing changed from 0.15 to 0.12
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the M26M67 turret changed:
      • for 76 mm Gun M1A1: from 0.12 to 0.08
      • for 76 mm Gun M1A2: from 0.12 to 0.08
      • for 90 mm Gun M3: from 0.12 to 0.01
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the M26M71 turret changed:
      • for 76 mm Gun M1A1: from 0.11 to 0.06
      • for 76 mm Gun M1A2: from 0.11 to 0.06
      • for 90 mm Gun M3: from 0.11 to 0.06
      • for 90 mm Gun T15E2M2: from 0.11 to 0.08
      • for 105 mm M4: from 0.12 to 0.2
    • Aiming time of 105 mm M4 with the M26M71 turret changed from 2.3 s to 2.5 s
  • M46 Patton
    • Dispersion while moving or traversing for M46T80E1 suspension changed from 0.14 to 0.12
    • Dispersion while moving or traversing for M46T81 suspension changed from 0.12 to 0.1
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the M46M73 turret changed:
      • for 90 mm Gun M3: from 0.1 to 0.08
      • for 90 mm Gun M36: from 0.1 to 0.08
      • for 90 mm Gun T15E2M2: from 0.1 to 0.08
      • for 105 mm M4: from 0.14 to 0.22
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the M46T119 turret traverse changed:
      • for 90 mm Gun M3: from 0.08 to 0.06
      • for 90 mm Gun M36: from 0.08 to 0.06
      • for 90 mm Gun T15E2M2: from 0.08 to 0.06
      • for 105 mm M4: from 0.08 to 0.2
      • for 105 mm Gun T5E1M2: from 0.12 to 0.08
    • Dispersion during traverse for the 105 mm Gun T5E1M2 mounted in the M46T119 turret changed from 0.42 to 0.4 (m at 100 m)
  • Crusader
    • Dispersion while moving or traversing for Crusader Mk. I suspension changed from 0.26 to 0.17
    • Dispersion while moving or traversing for Crusader Mk. III suspension changed from 0.24 to 0.15
    • Dispersion during traverse for the OQF 3-inch Howitzer Mk. I gun mounted in the Crusader Mk. I turret changed from 0.12 to 0.17
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the Crusader Mk. III turret changed:
      • for QF 2-pdr Mk. X: from 0.08 to 0.06
      • for OQF 3-inch Howitzer Mk. I: from 0.1 to 0.15
      • for QF 6-pdr Mk. V A: from 0.1 to 0.06
  • Cromwell
    • For A27L suspension:
      • dispersion while moving or traversing changed from 0.26 to 0.17
      • traverse speed changed from 34 to 30 deg/s
    • For A27M suspension:
      • dispersion while moving or traversing changed from 0.24 to 0.15
      • traverse speed changed from 36 to 33 deg/s
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the Cromwell Mk. I turret changed:
      • for QF 6-pdr Mk. III: from 0.1 to 0.08
      • for QF 6-pdr Gun Mk. V: from 0.1 to 0.08
      • for 3.7-inch Howitzer: from 0.14 to 0.22
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the Cromwell Mk. IV turret changed:
      • for QF 6-pdr Mk. III: from 0.08 to 0.05
      • for QF 6-pdr Gun Mk. V: from 0.08 to 0.05
      • for 3.7-inch Howitzer: from 0.12 to 0.2
      • for 75 mm Gun Mk. V: from 0.1 to 0.06
      • for 75 mm Vickers HV: from 0.14 to 0.06
  • Comet
    • For A34 suspension:
      • dispersion while moving or traversing changed from 0.24 to 0.17
      • traverse speed changed from 34 to 40 deg/s
    • For A34A suspension:
      • dispersion while moving or traversing changed from 0.22 to 0.15
      • traverse speed changed from 36 to 43 deg/s
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the Cromwell Mk. IV turret changed:
      • for 3.7-inch Howitzer: from 0.12 to 0.2
      • for 75 mm Vickers HV: from 0.14 to 0.1
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the Comet Mk. I turret changed:
      • for 3.7-inch Howitzer: from 0.1 to 0.18
      • for 75 mm Vickers HV: from 0.12 to 0.08
      • for OQF 77 mm Gun Mk. II: from 0.12 to 0.08
  • Centurion I
    • Dispersion while moving or traversing for Centurion Mk. I suspension changed from 0.22 to 0.17
    • Dispersion while moving or traversing for Centurion Mk. III suspension changed from 0.2 to 0.15
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the Centurion Mk. I turret changed:
      • for OQF 77 mm Gun Mk. II: from 0.1 to 0.08
      • for OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. VII: from 0.12 to 0.08
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the Centurion Mk. III turret changed:
      • for OQF 77 mm Gun Mk. II: from 0.08 to 0.06
      • for OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. VII: from 0.1 to 0.06
      • for OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel: from 0.16 to 0.1
  • Centurion 7/1
    • Dispersion while moving or traversing changed:
      • for Centurion Mk. 7: from 0.2 to 0.17
      • for Centurion Mk. 9: from 0.18 to 0.15
  • FV4202
    • Dispersion while moving or traversing for FV4202 suspension changed from 0.18 to 0.12
  • Pz. IV
    • Dispersion while moving or traversing for Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. G suspension changed from 0.2 to 0.17
    • Dispersion while moving or traversing for Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H suspension changed from 0.18 to 0.15
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. G turret changed:
      • for 7.5 cm Kw.K. 40 L/43: from 0.16 to 0.12
      • for 7.5 cm Kw.K. 40 L/48: from 0.16 to 0.12
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H turret changed:
      • for 7.5 cm Kw.K. 40 L/43: from 0.12 to 0.1
      • for 7.5 cm Kw.K. 40 L/48: from 0.12 to 0.1
      • for 10.5 cm Kw.K. L/28: from 0.16 to 0.25
    • Aiming time of 10.5 cm Kw.K. L/28 gun changed from 2.3 to 2.5 s
  • VK 30.02M
    • For VK 30.02 (M) suspension:
      • dispersion while moving or traversing changed from 0.22 to 0.15
      • traverse speed changed from 28 to 36 deg/s
    • For VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A suspension:
      • dispersion while moving or traversing changed from 0.2 to 0.13
      • traverse speed changed from 30 to 38 deg/s
    • Gun dispersion on VK 30.02 (M) turret traverse changed:
      • for 7.5 cm Kw.K. 40 L/48: from 0.12 to 0.1
      • for 7.5 cm Kw.K. 42 L/70: from 0.2 to 0.1
    • Dispersion of 7.5 cm Kw.K. 42 L/70 gun on VK 30.02 Ausf. A turret traverse changed from 0.16 to 0.08
  • VK 30.01P
    • For VK 30.01 P suspension:
      • dispersion while moving or traversing changed from 0.28 to 0.15
      • traverse speed changed from 26 to 28 deg/s
    • For VK 30.01 (P) verstärkteketten suspension:
      • dispersion while moving or traversing changed from 0.25 to 0.13
      • traverse speed changed from 28 to 30 deg/s
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the Porsche Typ 100 turret changed:
      • for 7.5 cm Kw.K. 40 L/48: from 0.14 to 0.1
      • for 8.8 cm Kw.K. 36 L/56: from 0.18 to 0.1
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the VK 30.01 (P) Krupp Turm turret changed:
      • for 7.5 cm Kw.K. 40 L/48: from 0.12 to 0.1
      • for 8.8 cm Kw.K. 36 L/56: from 0.16 to 0.08
      • for 7.5 cm Kw.K. 42 L/70: from 0.16 to 0.08
      • for 10.5 cm Kw.K. L/28: from 0.16 to 0.24
    • Aiming time of 10.5 cm Kw.K. L/28 gun in VK 30.01 (P) Krupp Turm turret changed from 2.3 to 2.5 s.
  • Panther
    • For Pz.Kpfw. Panther Ausf. A suspension:
      • dispersion while moving or traversing changed from 0.21 to 0.15
      • traverse speed changed from 37 to 42 deg/s
    • For Pz.Kpfw. Panther Ausf. G suspension:
      • dispersion while moving or traversing changed from 0.19 to 0.13
      • traverse speed changed from 39 to 44 deg/s
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the Turret Turm-Panther (schmale Blende) turret changed:
      • for 7.5 cm Kw.K. 42 L/70: from 0.16 to 0.08
      • for 10.5 cm Kw.K. L/28: from 0.16 to 0.24
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the Pz.Kpfw. Panther Schmalturm turret changed:
      • for 7.5 cm Kw.K. 42 L/70: from 0.14 to 0.06
      • for 8.8 cm Kw.K. 36 L/56: from 0.16 to 0.06
      • for 10.5 cm Kw.K. L/28: from 0.14 to 0.22
      • for 7.5 cm Kw.K. L/100: from 0.16 to 0.06
    • Aiming time of 10.5 cm Kw.K. L/28 gun changed:
      • for Turret Turm-Panther (schmale Blende) from 2.3 to 2.5 s
      • for Pz.Kpfw. Panther Schmalturm turret: from 2.3 to 2.5 s
  • Panther II
    • For Panther II suspension:
      • dispersion while moving or traversing changed from 0.2 to 0.15
    • For Panther II verstärkteketten suspension:
      • dispersion while moving or traversing changed from 0.17 to 0.13
      • traverse speed changed from 46 to 43 deg/s
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the Pz.Kpfw. Panther Ausf. G turret changed:
      • for 7.5 cm Kw.K. 42 L/70: from 0.14 to 0.08
      • for 7.5 cm Kw.K. L/100: from 0.14 to 0.08
      • for 10.5 cm Kw.K. L/28: from 0.14 to 0.22
    • Gun dispersion during traverse for the Panther II Schmalturm turret changed:
      • for 7.5 cm Kw.K. 42 L/70: from 0.12 to 0.06
      • for 7.5 cm Kw.K. L/100: from 0.12 to 0.06
      • for 10.5 cm Kw.K. L/28: from 0.12 to 0.2
      • for 8.8 cm Kw.K. 43 L/71: from 0.14 to 0.06
    • Aiming time of 10.5 cm Kw.K. L/28 gun changed:
      • for Pz.Kpfw. Panther Ausf. G turret: from 2.3 to 2.5 s
      • for Panther II Schmalturm turret: from 2.3 to 2.5 s
  • E 50
    • For E 50 suspension:
      • dispersion while moving or traversing changed from 0.2 to 0.16
      • traverse speed changed from 32 to 35 deg/s
    • For E 50 verstärkteketten suspension:
      • dispersion while moving or traversing changed from 0.17 to 0.14
      • traverse speed changed from 34 to 37 deg/s
    • Dispersion during traverse for the 8.8 cm Kw.K. L/100 gun changed:
      • for E 50 Ausf. A turret: from 0.12 to 0.1
      • for E 50 Ausf. B turret: from 0.12 to 0.08
    • Aiming time of 8.8 cm Kw.K. L/100 gun in E 50 Ausf. A and E 50 Ausf. B turrets changed from 2.9 s to 2.1 s.

Tiers VIII-X Tank Destroyers Balancing

  • T110E3:
    • For T110E3 suspension:
    • traverse speed changed from 24 to 21 deg/s
    • dispersion while moving or traversing changed from 0.22 to 0.27
    • Dispersion during traverse for the 155 mm AT Gun T7E2 changed from 0.08 to 0.12.
  • Ferdinand:
    • Dispersion while moving or traversing for Ferdinand suspension changed from 0.23 to 0.28
    • Dispersion while moving or traversing for Elefant suspension changed from 0.2 to 0.25
    • Dispersion during traverse for the 12,8 cm Pak 44 L/55 gun changed from 0.08 to 0.12
    • Aiming time of 12.8 cm Pak 44 L/55 gun changed from 2.3 to 2.5 s
  • Jagdpanzer E100:
    • Dispersion while moving or traversing for Jagdpanzer E 100 suspension changed from 0.18 to 0.23.
  • Jagdtiger:
    • Dispersion while moving or traversing for Jagdtiger suspension changed from 0.2 to 0.28
    • Dispersion while moving or traversing for Jagdtiger verstärkteketten suspension changed from 0.18 to 0.25
    • Dispersion during traverse for the 12,8 cm Pak 44 L/55 gun changed from 0.08 to 0.12
    • Dispersion during traverse for the 12,8 cm Pak 44/2 L/61 gun changed from 0.08 to 0.12.
  • T28:
    • Dispersion while moving or traversing for T28VVSS T46 suspension changed from 0.22 to 0.31
    • Dispersion while moving or traversing for T28VVSS T56 suspension changed from 0.19 to 0.28
    • For 120 mm AT Gun T53:
      • dispersion during traverse changed from 0.08 to 0.12
      • aiming time changed from 2.1 s to 2.5 s
  • T95:
    • Dispersion while moving or traversing for T95HVSS suspension changed from 0.2 to 0.28
    • Dispersion while moving or traversing for T95HVSSM2 suspension changed from 0.17 to 0.25
    • Dispersion during traverse for the 120 mm AT Gun T53 changed from 0.08 to 0.12
    • Dispersion during traverse for the 155 mm AT Gun T7 changed from 0.08 to 0.12.
  • ISU-152:
    • Dispersion while moving or traversing for ISU-152 suspension changed from 0.23 to 0.28
    • Dispersion while moving or traversing for ISU-152M suspension changed from 0.2 to 0.25
    • Dispersion during traverse for the 122 mm BL-9S gun changed from 0.08 to 0.1
    • Dispersion during traverse for the 152 mm BL-10 gun changed from 0.08 to 0.12.
  • Object 268:
    • Dispersion while moving or traversing for Object 268 suspension changed from 0.19 to 0.23
    • Dispersion during traverse for the 152 mm M64 gun changed from 0.08 to 0.12.
  • Object 704:
    • Dispersion while moving or traversing for Object 704 suspension changed from 0.21 to 0.28
    • Dispersion while moving or traversing for Object 704M suspension changed from 0.19 to 0.25
    • Dispersion during traverse for the 152 mm BL-10 changed from 0.08 to 0.12.

German Tank Balancing – mainly reverting traverse speeds to those of update 1.4.

  • E 75
    • Suspension traverse speed changed:
      • for E 75: from 24 to 17 deg/s
      • for E 75 verstärkteketten: from 26 to 19 deg/s.
  • Jagdpanther
  • Suspension traverse speed changed:
    • for Jagdpanther: from 22 to 30 deg/s
    • for Jagdpanther verstärkteketten: from 24 to 32 deg/s.
  • Jagdtiger
  • Suspension traverse speed changed:
    • for Jagdtiger: from 18 to 24
    • for Jagdtiger verstärkteketten: from 21 to 26 deg/s.
  • Tiger I
  • Suspension traverse speed changed:
    • for Pz.Kpfw. VI H Ausf. H1: from 26 to 25 deg/s
    • for Pz.Kpfw. Tiger Ausf. E: from 28 to 27 deg/s

Machine Gun Balancing:

  • Leichttraktor
    • For 2 cm Breda (i) gun:
      • reload time changed to 7.3
      • number of shells in the magazine changed to 9
  • Pz. 35 (t)
    • Dispersion after shooting for 2 cm Flak 38 gun changed to 2.4.
    • Dispersion after shooting for 2 cm Kw.K. 30 gun changed to 2.6.
  • Pz. 38 (t)
    • Dispersion after shooting for 2 cm Flak 38 gun changed to 2.4.
  • Pz. 38 nA
    • Dispersion after shooting for 2 cm Flak 38 gun changed to 2.2.
  • Pz. II
    • Dispersion after shooting for 2 cm Kw.K. 38 gun in Т1 turret changed to 2.4.
    • Gun dispersion after shooting for Т2 turret adjusted for:
      • 2 cm Kw.K. 30: changed to 2.6
      • 2 cm Kw.K. 38: changed to 2.4
      • 2 cm Flak 38: changed to 2.4
  • Pz. III A
    • Dispersion after shooting for 2 cm Flak 38 gun changed to 2.2.
    • Dispersion after shooting for 2 cm Kw.K. 38 gun changed to 2.2.
  • T1 Cunningham
    • For 20 mm Hispano-Suiza Birgikt Gun:
      • reload time changed to 10
      • number of shells in the magazine changed to 12
  • Т2 Medium
    • Reload time of 20 mm Hispano-Suiza Birgikt Gun changed to 9.
  • T2 Light
    • Reload time of 20 mm Hispano-Suiza Birgikt Gun changed to 9.3.
  • BT-2
    • Dispersion after shooting for 23 mm VJa gun changed to 2.5.
  • BT-7
    • Dispersion after shooting for 23 mm VJa gun changed to 2.2.
  • T-26
    • Dispersion after shooting for 23 mm VJa gun changed to 2.5.

Combat characteristics of shells for auto-cannons also changed in numerous occasions

Other Fixes and Improvements

  • Icons of turrets and guns, and issues with gun mantlets, reworked for British tanks.
  • Icon of the Centurion I reworked.
  • Issue fixed: an error occurred after players tried to change their region when making purchases in the Store.
  • Descriptions of medals and notification texts improved.
  • A number of general game-client errors and crashes fixed.

New Content

  • New branch of British heavy tanks added to the Tech Tree: Medium II (Tier II), Medium III (Tier III), Matilda (Tier IV), Churchill I (Tier V), Churchill VII (Tier VI), Black Prince (Tier VII), Caernarvon (Tier VIII), Conqueror (Tier IX), and FV215b (Tier X).
  • New Premium vehicles are now available in the Tech Tree: Matilda BP and AT 15A.
  • “Castilla” map added.


  • Descriptions of honorary ranks “The Lion of Sinai” and “Hunter” updated.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Text descriptions improved for:
  1. medals
  2. battle results
  3. the confirmation screen that appears after a crew has mastered the recommended skill
  • Issue with incorrect display of headings and translations of news into Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Spanish fixed.
  • Font issues fixed and currency symbol for the Russian ruble added (₽).
  • Issue with incorrect display of price and currency for one-time offers fixed.


  • Icons for IS-3 and T110E3 reworked.
  • Display of KV-1 tracks improved.
  • LTP:

Hit Points increased from 230 to 345 Dispersion during movement and rotation decreased by 23%

View range changed from 310 m to 220 m

Gun reload time increased from 2.4 s to 4.34 s.


  • A number of general game client errors and crashes fixed.

Main New Features:

  • First line of British tanks added.
  • British tanks to the vehicle filter in the Garage.
  • Vehicle filter in the Garage reworked so that new nations can be added in the future.
  • Back button introduced for Android devices.
  • Panel showing time left until x2 experience reset added to the Garage screen.
  • Message text field moved to the top of the Chat screen. Now new messages are displayed from the top downwards.
  • Crew skills introduced, available for all vehicle types. The following skills are now available for players:
    • Light Tank skills:
      • Hasty Shot
      • Breakthrough
      • Low Recoil
    • Medium Tank skills:
      • Rage
      • Penetration Boost
      • Mentor
      • Smooth Ride
      • Smooth Turret Traverse
    • Heavy Tank skills:
      • Robustness
      • Close Combat Master
      • Firefighting
      • Adrenaline Rush
      • Repairs
    • Tank Destroyer skills:
      • Sniper
      • Smooth Turn
      • Deadly Accuracy
      • Camouflage
      • Clutch Braking
  • Now players can use experience earned on Premium vehicles and vehicles with 100% crew to acquire these newly introduced skills.
  • Display of penetration zones in Sniper Mode improved:
    • Modified colour highlighting for penetration zones when High-Explosive shells are used:
      • Red colour: non-penetration, no damage.
      • Yellow colour: non-penetration, partial damage.
      • No colour: penetration, full damage.
    • Normalisation and ricochets now factored into the game.
    • Screen Armour thickness re-calculated.
  • Local push notifications for the x2 experience reset added.
  • The following server push notifications added:
  • “Your tanks are gathering dust in the garage.”
  • “Your Premium Account will expire.”
  • + added the option to disable push-notifications in the game.

Changes to Sounds:

  • Improvements to the sound accompanying the appearance of light bulb indicator for spotted vehicles.
  • Improvements to the base capture sound.
  • Several issues with sound playback fixed.
  • Voice notifications added in the following languages:
    • Arabic
    • Thai
    •  Vietnamese
  • Sound effect added for hiding the sidebar in the Garage.


  • Fog settings fixed for the following maps:
    • Rockfield
    • Desert Sands
    • Falls Creek
    • Copperfield
    • Mines
    • Dead Rail
    • Fort Despair
    • Oasis Palms
    • Black Goldville
    • Winter Malinovka
  • Issue with the game area border on the Falls Creek map fixed.
  • Winter Malinovka map added.
  • Battle Tutorial map updated:
    • Issue with a tank reticle sticking to rocks during the Battle Tutorial fixed.
  • New effects for all maps:
    • New effects added for hitting metal, stone and wood.
    • Effect for hitting water with machine guns improved.

Localization Changes/Updates

  • Localizations added:
    • Thai
    • Vietnamese
    • Arabic
  • Region selection control on the login screen changed. Region flag is also added to the Garage loading screen.
  • Battle controls size and layout settings adjusted.
  • Pudding and Tea, a new consumable increasing crew skills added for the British vehicle branc added.
  • The following medals added:
    • World of Tanks Blitz Testing on Android
    • Technical Engineer: U.K.
    • Expert: U.K.
  • New button added to the Settings screen: ”Grass in Sniper Mode On/Off.”
  • Player name length is now automatically limited to 24 characters when registering with Game Center or Google Plus.
  • Notification of space shortage on Android devices during DLC files extraction improved.
  • Battle Results screen:
    • Team tab:
      • Colour highlighting added for the player’s statistics.
      • Colour highlighting for destroyed vehicles fixed.
    • Detailed tab/Statistics:
      • “Time of destruction” line removed if the player’s vehicle survives.
    • Efficiency tab:
      • Issue fixed: incorrect display of information on enemy vehicles destroyed by ramming.
  • Maximum length of chat messages increased to 512 characters.
  • Time in queue increased: now server waits till 75% of players are ready.
  • Visualization added for processing long interactions with the payment system.
  • Vehicle type markers for destroyed and active tanks display more clearly.
  • Minor improvements added to screen graphics.
  • Player’s record and Store caching implemented to make the Garage load faster.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Issue fixed: a recently added friend’s status was incorrectly displayed in Chat when re-entering the game.
  • Issue fixed: incorrect drowning countdown in case of several submersions in a row.
  • Issue fixed: Android device was unable to find the client installed on SD card.
  • Issue fixed: word duplicates occurred as a result of Chat messages autocorrecting.
  • Issue fixed: the camera dashed into Tier X German Tank Destroyer Jagdpanzer E 100.
  • Issue fixed: vehicle equipment was demounted without sale.
  • Issue fixed: the player did not receive the notification of battle results if the device was put in hibernation mode after the battle end.
  • Issue fixed: the Auto-Aim button turned unclickable.
  • Issue fixed: the player remained in a Platoon after it was dismissed.
  • Issue fixed: the application became stuck on the battle loading screen.
  • Issue fixed: the application became stuck when the player used a Joypad.
  • Issue fixed: the player was unable to see online friends in the chat after reconnection to server.
  • Issue fixed: auto login failed after restarting the application.
  • Issue fixed: results of the previous battle displayed incorrectly.
  • Issue fixed: the sidebar regularly re-appeared showing battle results already seen by the player.
  • Issue fixed: an empty chat message was sent on Android devices. Line break characters replaced by space characters.
  • Issue fixed: notification of incorrect data entry was cut-off on the login screen.
  • Issue fixed: it was impossible to set the maximum joystick size using controls slider in the Controls tab of the Settings screen.
  • Now the player receives a single notification after each purchase.
  • Issue fixed: an error occurred after the player closed a Facebook window on the Profile screen.
  • Issue fixed: a friend request disappeared after re-entering the game.
  • Issue fixed: the player did not receive system notifications on battle results, credits and experience earned after server disconnection and subsequent reconnection.

Crashes Fixed

  • Crash occurring in cases of repeated opening/closure of a sidebar on the Garage screen fixed.
  • Crash after completing the Battle Tutorial on Android devices fixed.
  • A number of other recurring errors and crashes on iOS and Android devices fixed.

New Vehicles

  1. Added a new branch of German heavy tanks.
    • Tier II — Pz.Kpfw. 35 (t)
    • Tier III — Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t)
    • Tier IV — Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) n.A.
    • Tier V — Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H
    • Tier VI — VK 30.01 (P)
    • Tier VII — Tiger (P)
    • Tier VIII — VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A
    • Tier IX — VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B
    • Tier X — Maus
  1. Added the following premium tanks to the tech tree:
  2. T26E4 SuperPershing
  3. SU-85i
  4. Valentine II

Major Changes

  1. Corrected the research cost of some modules of heavy Soviet tanks:


·         Gun 107mm ZiS-6 now 16 990 XP (was 14 400);

·         Gun 85mm S-31 now 5130 XP (was 4350);

·         Gun 122-mm D-25T now 20 060 XP (was 19 000)

·         Engine V-2IS now 12 980 XP (was 11 000).


·         Gun 122-mm D-25T now 20 060 XP (was 19 000).

ST-1 & IS-4

·         Gun 122mm M62-T2 now 61 000 XP (was 74 130).

  1. Updated the map “Oasis Palms”:

·         Changed the location of the neutral base.

·         Optimised map performance.

·         Added minor gameplay changes.

  1. Map selection now depends on a “Battle Level” which is calculated by the tie of the tank you wish to use:

Level 1 Battles – (for Tier I vehicles only) will be played on 3 maps: Desert Sands, Mines and Rockfield.

Level 2 Battles – (for Tier I and II vehicles only) will be played on all the aforementioned maps and on Copperfield.

Level 3 Battles – (for Tier II and III vehicles only) will be played on all the aforementioned maps and on Fort Despair and Middleburg.

Level 4 Battles (for all other tiers) will be played on any of 11 maps currently available in the game.

  1. Switched off the ability to destroy someone who is on your own team in battle.

New features

  • Added a second branch of Soviet Tier VI-X heavy tanks: T-150, KV-3, KV-4, SТ-1, IS-4.
  • Added new maps: Lost Temple, Black Goldville.
  • Added grass on all maps (only on top Apple devices).
  • Added new technology of fog and landscape illumination rendering on all maps.
  • Increased the time of base capture from 75 to 100 seconds on the maps Rockfield, El Alamein, Mines and Oasis Palms.
  • Increased the time of base capture from 85 to 100 seconds on the map Dead Rail.
  • Completely reworked the battle results screen, now more detailed information about the battle is available.
  • Added missing collision models for tank turrets.

Balance changes

  • Changed combat parameters of tanks:
    • Panther M10
      • Reduced the reloading time of the gun 7,5 cm Kw.K. 42 L/70 with turret Panther/M10 from 5.41 to 4.7 seconds.
    • Löwe
      • Increased the traverse speed of the turret Löwe from 16 to 20 deg/sec.
      • Reduced the reloading time of the gun 10,5 cm Kw.K. L/70 with turret Löwe from 13.37 to 12 seconds.
    • Panther
      • Reduced the reloading time of the gun 7.5 cm KwK L70  with turret Pz.Kpfw. Panther Ausf. G from 6.14 to 5.5 seconds.
      • Reduced the reloading time of the gun 7.5 cm KwK L70 with turret Pz.Kpfw. Panther Schmalturm from 5.53 to 4.7 seconds.
      • Reduced the reloading time of the gun 7,5 cm Kw.K. L/100 with turret  Pz.Kpfw. Panther Schmalturm from 5.77 to 5.2 seconds.
    • T-43
      • Reduced the reloading time of the gun 85 mm S-53 with turret T-43 mod. 1942 from 6.38 to 5.5 seconds.
      • Reduced the reloading time of the gun 85 mm S-53 with turret T-43 mod. 1943 from 6.12 to 5.3 seconds.
      • Reduced the reloading time of the gun 85 mm D5T-85BM with turret T-43 mod. 1943 from 6.06 to 5.5 seconds.
    • T20
      • Reduced the reloading time of the gun 76 mm Gun M1A1 with turret T20D1 from 6 to 5.5 seconds.
      • Reduced the reloading time of the gun 76 mm Gun M1A2 with turret T20D1 from 4.69 to 4.2 seconds.
      • Reduced the reloading time of the gun 76 mm Gun M1A1 with turret T20D2 from 6 to 5.5 seconds.
      • Reduced the reloading time of the gun 76 mm Gun M1A2 with turret T20D2 from 4.69 to 4.2 seconds.
      • Reduced the reloading time of the gun 90 mm Gun M3 with turret T20D2 from 8.73 to 8 seconds.
    • T29
      • Reduced the traverse speed of the turrets T123 and T136 from 20 to 18 deg/sec.
      • Increased the aiming time of 105 mm Gun T5E1 with turret T136 from 2.3 to 2.7 sec.
    • DickerMax
      • Increased durability of tank from 700 to 750 HP.
      • Improved crossing capability on all terrain by 8%.
    • T-25
      • Improved the crossing capability of suspension T-25 by 9%.
      • Reduced the reloading time of the gun 7,5 cm Škoda A18 with turret T-25 from 8.65 to 8.1 seconds.
    • T34
      • Increased the traverse speed of the turret T34T7 from 15 to 18 deg/s.
      • Improved the dispersion coefficient of the gun 120 mm Gun T53A1 with turret T34T7 when rotating by 17%.
    • KV-1S
      • Reduced the traverse speed of the turret KV-1S mod. 1942 from 28 to 24 degs/s.
      • Reduced the traverse speed of the turret KV-85 from 28 to 22 degs/s.
    • KV-1
      • Reduced the traverse speed of the turret KV-1 LKZ mod. 1940 from 24 to 20 degs/sec.
      • Reduced the traverse speed of the turret KV-1 ChTZ mod. 1942 from 24 to 20 degs/sec.

Readjusted profitability of the premium tanks:

  • Tier II:
    • USA: T1E6 – increased by 46%
    • USA: T2 Light Tank – increased by 28%
  • Tier III:
    • USSR: T-127 – increased by 8%
    • USSR: M3 Light – increased by 26%
    • USA: M22 Locust – increased by 54%
    • Germany: T-15 – increased by 49%
    • Germany: Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. J- increased by 32%
  • Tier IV:
    • USSR: A-32 – increased by 20%
    • Germany: Pz.Kpfw. B2 740 (f) – increased by 26%
  • Tier V:
    • Germany: T-25 – increased by 14%
    • Germany: Pz.Kpfw. IV hydrostat – increased by 11%
    • USA: Ram II – increased by 5%
  • Tier VI:
    • Germany: Dicker Max – increased by 21% :
  • Tier VII:
    • Germany: Panther/M10 – increased by 23%
  • Tier VIII:
    • Germany: Löwe – increased by 42%
    • USA: T34 – increased by 34%
    • USSR: KV-5 – increased by 21%

Fixed issues & improvements 

  • Removed the ability to climb the hill leading to the excavator on the map Copperfield.
  • Moved the fixing point of the camera in sniper mode to the gun mount point.
  • Reworked all effects when switching between arcade and sniper mode for the sake of performance improvement.
  • Removed unnecessary tanks from the requirements of the achievement “Expert”: Germany. Fixed the bug with inability to get the medal.
  • Restored the progress with the medal “Avenger”, which was lost on the accounts of some users.
  • Added the sound, which accompanies the appearing bulb informing that the tank was detected.
  • Fixed bugs with sound playback in sniper mode.
  • Added a new sound of haystack destruction.
  • Added an opportunity to send a message in the battle chat when pressing the button “Enter”.
  • Fixed the bug in chat, when copied in memory text wasn’t pasted to the message window.
  • Fixed the bug when a user, who was added to the blacklist, remained in the friend list.
  • Fixed the bug when attempting to add user to the blacklist, the buttons “Add/Remove from friends” are not displayed on the profile screen of this user.
  • Added a confirmation window, which appears during purchase/sale of the equipment.
  • Added a dialogue window informing user about need for ammunition resupply.
  • Fixed the bug with crediting and display of x2 experience points on the garage screen.
  • Fixed the bug in the collision model of the tank Object 704.
  • Fixed the bug with the display of the marker of the “live” tank when the crew is knocked out.
  • Fixed the bug with display of post-mortem screen animation in case of low FPS.
  • Fixed the bug with automatic tanks publication on FB when pressing the button “Back”.
  • Readjusted sizes of battle interface elements on the iPhone device.
  • Fixed the bug with UI layout on iPhone 6/6 Plus.
  • Fixed a number of bugs with graphic display of interface elements on different screens.

New Features

  • New desert map “Oasis Palms”.
  • Added opportunity to switch on and off aim assistance right in the battle separately for sniper and arcade mode.
  • Added the display of discounts inside of the game during events and specials.
  • Added new notifications to the upper panel on the garage screen: battle results, addition to the friend list, etc.
  • Added profanity filter and filter for links to the game chat.
  • Added option to share battle results with friends on Facebook.
  • Added sound effects: new engines, transmission, destructible objects on maps, sound of enemy tank set on fire, etc.

Major Changes

  • Increased profitability of premium tanks:
    • Löwe
    • T34
    • Dicker Max
  • Reduced the battle level to +/-1 for tier III and IV vehicles, as well as for the premium T2 Light tank.
  • Reduced prices on equipment for I-IV tier tanks.
  • Reduced prices on equipment for tanks of all tiers.
  • Reworked the damage of guns with cassette loading mechanism on tier 1-3 tanks: decreased the overall damage amount of the cassette and decreased the reloading time.
  • Increased the amount of experience points required for increasing the level of crew skills to 100%.
  • Implemented the automatic mount of already researched modules during purchase of the new tank.
  • 10 last battle results are now kept in memory of the device and are available after reentering the game.
  • Reduced the requirements for obtaining the medal “Patrol Duty”. Now 3 vehicles need to be detected instead of 4.
  • Updated the tutorial mission: added grass, animated trees, etc. (Available on iPad Air, iPad Mini w/retina and iPhone 5s ONLY)
  • Updated graphic elements: shell icons; icons on the “Menu” panel popping down in the left side of the screen; icons of tank characteristics on the modules research screen; movement directional arrows in sniper mode, etc.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the marker display on the destroyed model of the tank destroyer T40.
  • Fixed the bug with display of textures of the tank destroyer Ferdinand.
  • Fixed the bug with uncontrolled switching of the “Aim Assistance” from the static target to the enemy vehicle passing by.
  • Fixed the bug with sound volume settings reset after relaunching of the application.
  • Fixed the bug with synchronization of the user profile, when user was kicked to the authorization screen.
  • Fixed the icon of the achievement “Raseiniai Heroes”, removed irrelevant vehicles from requirements of the achievements “The Lion of Sinai” and “Hunter”.
  • Fixed the bug which didn’t allow a user who changed their nickname to join the chat.

Technical Improvements

  • Added the option to quickly return in game in the case of minimizing the application. The game is not disconnected from server for 3 additional minutes.
  • Optimized the quality of textures for iPad 2, iPad Mini and iPhone 4S.
  • Fixed a number of bugs, which caused sudden “crashes” of applications.
  • Updated some interface elements for Retina-devices.
  •    Fixed the incorrect display of earned experience points in notifications during cases where they exceeded five digits.
  •    News in the game client for the EU region is now correctly displaying in all supported European languages.
  •    Fixed an issue with the game crashing when opening the news.
  •    Fixed an issue where the game was crashing due to a bug appearing during Game Center logins.
  •    Fixed an issue with the game crashing during attempts to share news about a purchased tank on Facebook.
  •    Fixed an issue where the game could crash after completion of the Tutorial.
  •    Fixed a bug that caused long average waiting times in the queue for the Tutorial.
  •    Fixed other game crashes and minor bugs.

1st release